Show ARIZONA the calumet arizona has posted a dividend of 1 a share payable september 22 to stock of record september 5 the he mine owners of oatman have granted an increase of fifty cents a shift to employees and it is believed a strike has been averted the property of the C 0 D mining company located sixteen miles north of kingman has been taken over by M B dudley and the mine is being it is stated that the cottrell engineering company of los angeles is building a dry concentrating plant near greaterville Great erville which will handle ores from the companas comp anys mines the company will also do custom work the queen bee group of mines at mineral park near kingman was recently sold to M B dudley and associates the queen be is an old producer of note and has shipped considerable high grade silver gold ore it is stated that mr dudley will patent the property and arrange for its systematic operation and development the tom reed mining company of oatman in the performance of development work on the of the aztec mine has uncovered a body of high grade ore the company mill is in commission on ore irom from the aztec and bald eagle shafts while sinking is in progress at the red cloud this shaft having attained a depth of feet the intention being to go to the foot level work is progressing in the development of the hackberry consolidated mine at hackberry and the work on the foot level has been advanced several hundred feet on the ore body every level it is stated shows splendid ore bodies and the show improvement as the work is carried farther up and into the ore the mine is fast getting in shape to increase its output to the capacity of the mill which is said to be tons daily the consolidated holding company of superior has sold a group of thirty two claims to the grand pacific for a consideration of the deal was consummated through the med medium aum ium of J C denton general manager for the grand pacific people the grand pacific company is capitalized at C C who is vice president of the galena signal oil company a corporation is president of the grand pacific company the property of the company is located near the famous magma mine the porphyry consolidated copper company of miami is pushing work in the development of its property in the performance for mance of this work a has been sunk to a depth of feet below the foot level all the way in ore while work is being pushed in the sinking of the van dyke shaft which has now attained a depth of feet the property was recently equipped with a new horsepower engine which will furnish the motive power for the compressor mine pumps will probably be added to the mine equipment in the near future |