Show around the state staler bingham press the new motor hn line i on the boston con property running from the surface workings wordings on the extreme east side around the hill to the bins of the in dine cline tramway has been completed and a a motor train of three cars is now transporting the ore the ore is dumped from the cars into the upper bins and thence trans trails berred by means of the tram cars into the big steel bin in carr fork where it is loaded on the cars for shipment bingham press the TJ S mine has t ill doubled its daily shipment of ore too to the yampa smelter and is now sending over tons of ore to the latter plant every twenty four hours besides handling this extraordinary increase of custom ore the yampa is smelting smelling sm elting over tons of its own ore this too notwithstanding the immense amount of repair and construction work going on about the plant the inclement weather is hindering this latter work to a great extent and the completion of the is likely to be delayed to a much later date than expected milford news during the week fred jenson of gold springs lessee of the Z drake property ro perty shipped twenty tons of surface ore from the mich michigan 0 an claim this is a trial shipment and while not expected to run in fancy figures is a laudable undertaking some rich sacked ore from the beck property at deer lodge was included in the car to fill out the maximum capacity of the same gold springs has considerable sider ore w which if intelligently sorted would stand shipping and add prest prestige igee to the camp to permit ore running from 30 to a ton in gold on the dumps or await indefinite and indeterminate reduction benefits no camp richfield reaper the receivers sale of the sevier consolidated mining com j banys property was held last friday as advertised the sale was conducted ly by mr parks and it took buta but a few minutes to dispose of the large property interests included in the schedule there were few persons present and no one unacquainted with the facts would have thought that a transaction involving thousands of dollars was being consummated W william illiam H acting as trustee for all the cred igors bid in the property for the total amount of the creditors claims S the th sale is subject to the mortgage of charles charle lammersdorf Lam for mining wf ali n eureka reporter the mckinley company will hold a meeting nen n week when another assessment 1 W will b ba levied the directors will also discuss t proposition whereby the companas comp anys hold ings are to be increased the claims claim b ba owned by george wilson may possibly come bomea a part of the mckinley mr I 1 to receive stock in the company in order to bring about this deal the capital stock I 1 would have to be increased from to shares a portion of the in crease going into the treasury for development ment purposes As stated in our last issue the sinking of the mckinley shaft will be handled under a contract held by W D myers park record john kearns informs us that work is soon to be resumed at the queen bess property in the cottonwood district and that development will be continued all summer As far as the work has been extended the property has practically paid its own way and as soon as the men get busy over there again enough ore will soon be taken out to pay for the work done during the winter operations were suspended at the mine about two months ago on account of the supply of food and supplies running out and at that time it was impossible to get a wagon through the snow now however the roads are just about 0 K and work will be prosecuted again in in dead earnest provo democrat wilford giles and ralph AT kellogg have just returned from the east tintic gintic development company mine in tintic gintic and brought back with them some very encouraging reports A strike has been made of good values in lead and silver the strike was made at a depth of about a hundred and seventy feet and it is claimed that they have a body of good ore that is substantial in size A meeting of the directors of the company was held yesterday and mr ralph kellogg was made superintendent of the mine and the company will commence to ship ore immedi artely several large ore bins have been made and everything is being improved at the mine so that it will be a money maker richfield reaper A special meeting of the stockholders of the advocate mining company was held on monday for the election of officers and transaction of other matters of importance the following officers and directors were elected joseph H nelson president mrs A J moore vice president william johnston secretary and treasurer E W sanders and david dall directors president nelson was instructed ted to inspect the tunnel at once and to make estimates of the work necessary to drive the tunnel to the point where the vein is expected to be encountered there is a shaft on oil the property which has the vein and from this it is estimated that another feet from the point where the tunnel is now driven will find the vein the tunnel is in feet at the present time milford news reports from bull valley near modena indicate that as work is prosecuted ed on the initial discovery every thing points to a permanence of ore occur rence although the first appearance of the gangue owing to its abnormal pitch was indicative of a transitory enrichment at the working point the ledge having since straightened to more vertical lines and abid the fact that the shaft is down approximately sixty feet in a widening gangue and little decimation in values would make it appear that a very substantial body of ore in place is a matter of fact now three hundred and twenty sacks of ore await shipment and when this reaches the market and only half way shows the claimed values it will undoubtedly out climax the rich finds of many of the great nevada camps eureka reporter the final acts in the closing up of the deal whereby bicle jesse knight secures control of the swansea and the south swansea mines were performed at the special meeting of the old companies on monday when the proposition was ratified to sell both companies assets to a new organization on a stock basis the new company is known as the swansea consolidated mining company it is capitalized at in 1 shares shares being awarded to the old swansea and to the swansea this means the old swansea gets three and one half shares for one and the south swansea share for share on its capitalization the remaining stock goes into the treasury to provide a working capital and it is understood that mr knight takes the bulk of this at a nominal figure so as to hold control of the shares in the new company jesse knight is president of the new company J M wheeler vice president and R E allen alien secretary W lester mangum and L E riter are the remaining directors the offices of the new company will be at provo |