Show UNION CEMENT PLANT AT DEVILS SLIDE the fact that the plant of the union portland cement company is at devils slide utah has been embodied in the com banys trademark which shows his satanic majesty in all the glory of red war paint on a swift downward trip presumably to his traditional home this plant was completed last season and the manager 0 B gilson furnishes us the following interesting description of it we use the dry process the ingredients 6 being lime rock and shale the rock roch is loaded into 5 ton cars with a 60 ton shovel taken to the crusher house and there dumped into a no 9 crusher further on it drops into two no 6 crushers and then through two rolls then to the proportioning bins from the bins it passes over the scales to a conveyer belt which conveys the rock to the blending bins which hold tons each after it is sampled it goes to pumps the steam is furnished by a battery of five horsepower boilers the crushers kilns kalns coolers and dryers were furnished by allis chalmers company the and tube mills by F S the coal dryers by cummer sons the rolls by williams co engines and stokers smokers by westinghouse company the con censors by the aldridge company the compressors pres sors by the ludlow dunn company all of the machinery is individually driven by alternating motors of which there are eighty nine in use in the plant all of which together with the generators and switchboard switch board were furnished by the fort wayne electric works the workmen reside in the villa village go built by the company and situated abouav one half mile from the works all of the houses stores and hotel being built of cement the town is furnished with electric light gravity water system and sewerage the office of the company is three stories and basement one half of the first floor being used for a laboratory and A zv Z c union Port lard C cement ement plant devils slide utah urah the dryer house bouse equipped with two foot dryers the furnaces of which are fed by mechanical stokers smokers sto kers bucket conveyers convey the rock from here to the raw grinding mill which is equipped with no 66 ko minu and no 18 tube mills after grinding it is taken to the kilns kalns of which there are three feet carried at three points by ring roller bearings the clinker from the kilns kalns drop into three foot coolers and is taken by bucket conveyers to the cement mill which is a duplicate of the raw grinding mill screw conveyors take the finished cement to the storage bins from which it is taken to the coal house equipped with dryers and tube mills the machine shop is feet equipped with machinery for every kind of repairs that are necessary this is necessary on account of being so far from first class machine shops the power is furnished from a central 1 which are installed two pow power er house in 2000 horsepower turbines engines generators tars air compressors conden condensers sors and the upstairs for a drafting room and sleeping quarters the office building is built of cement the officers of the company are C W nibley president joseph reed smoot and al S browning vice presidents james pingree secretary and treasurer and 0 B gilson manager |