Show ARIZONA tuscon star NV F staunton general manager of the tombstone consolidated imperial and congress mining companies is in ill the city on en route from silver bell to tombstone mr staunton said the second jacket at would not be in place until july next as all the parts of the furnace were not on the ground round he said I 1 operations at silver bell and were proceeding in the usual manner and all f satisfactory to the management yuma sun M B josefi and william wilkinson of Wenden dale have given a bond to deliver to harold baxter of the same place four deeds each conveying a one fourth interest in the black rock martie vickers R T story and gold hill mining claims situated in the cunningham nin ghani pass district the price of the claims is to be paid in four equal installments of july 1 and november 1 1908 and july 1 and march 1 1909 when the several deeds are to be executed yuma sun refusing an offer from chicago and new york capitalists to place the thumb butte property under bond for the stockholders of that company decided to continue the development of the mine along the lines already inaugurated by superintendent jack Huf huffman finan the price offered would have given the stockholders 21 cents and 8 mills per share and none of them were willing to accept this in view of the excellent showing made by the work done kingman miner L G burton and M of the utah arizona gold mining company returned thursday evening from signal where they made an examination of the 5 stamp mill of the old Sun cloud mining company now owned by lovin withers they purchased the mill and machinery and will remove it to the mines of the company in weaver district mr is said to be one of the most expert mill managers in the business and lie will have charge of the erection and future management of the plant yuma sentinel A half interest in the Rotten tot group of claims fifteen miles east of parker was sold last week to S markwell and son millionaire mine owners from the coeur dalene region in idaho for cash there are twenty eight claims in the group all showing rich values in gold and copper the other half interest in the property is owned by E S osborne of pasadena cal As part of the terms of the sale markwell and son are to furnish unlimited money for development work which will be on a large scale by the first of september fifty men will be at k work and according to mr osborne the t property will be a producer almost from the start A spur will be built from the santa fe track at parker to the mine and ore will be shipped to el paso the ore is said to assay 35 per cent copper with gold values running from 10 to 40 journal miner conclusive evidence that the peck mine in the bradshaw mountains the richness of which startled the civilized world after its discovery in the early seventies is not entirely worked out is seen in a shipment of four tons of ore which arrived at the prescott sampling works this week mined from the old workings abandoned many years ago asen as entirely worked out the ore which samples over 1000 ounces in silver to the ton was discovered a few weeks ago by a miner in the employ of the great peck i ing company prescott courier discovering six inches of ore sampling to the ton in gold af after ter a number of intermittent prospecting trips since he found the rich float rock from it seven years ago was the experience peri ence of R M hanson two weeks ago on one of the ridges bordering ash creek two and one half miles south of the senator mine and three miles north of the bodie mine since making the new find mr hanson located a group t of four claims known as the cody group on which he has already completed the location work besides starting a shaft on his discovery which is proving better with every foot of depth kingman miner the miner received a telegram from H M brown dated at los angeles containing the information t that a deal was closed for the purchase of the elkhart mines at chloride the new company is to bel begin lin l in work on the property at once the new owners of the mines and mill are among the wealthiest people of the east one of the largest banking bankin institutions in boston guaranteeing the stock and payments on oil the mines mr bowen engineered the deal the elkhart is said to have big t reserves of ore that can be handled through t the big mill and as the new owners are experts in the treatment of the class of ore this mine produces we seo sec no reason wily why it should not be a success the property will be and while this is being done the mill will be put in shape and all the water from the mine utilized in the treatment of ore |