Show OREGON sumpter american within a very few days one of the most important events T in the history of the famous old red boy I 1 mine will be in progress deep sinking on the golden monarch and red boy vein not only is this system work of great grea t moment to the mine hut but it will be acx 1 bously watched by every one interested in the district for its success will prove brov vee b beyond peradventure the permanency of ore deposits particularly below the water level manager chapman was in the city thursday and confirmed that arrangements had virtually been completed for deep deed sinking and from his study of conditions feels confident success will attend the work grants pass courier the oilman gilman bed rock mining company the president of which L F gilman has invented a machine especially designed for securing the gold from river beds received a carload of lumber yesterday from the williams bros mill near reuben and is now busy at their camp on the banks of the river r west of town building the two large sixty foot barges to be used in operating this new machine the first machine according to mr wilmans gillans Oil Gil mans model is now being built at Sae sacramento cal and will be completed thee the middle or latter part of next month when it will be shipped to grants pass after which it will be set in operation in rogue river a short distance below the city tG grants tyrants pass outlook with the coming of spring mining around sumpter is on the boom the J B sipes gipes company is starting up the doane gleason property nearly all the payments have now been made on this property which has ideen b een under bond to the company for this bids fair to be a rival of the north pole mine and some of the finest specimens ever brought into sumpter have been taken from the dump at the buffalo monitor there is a pile of high grade ore on the dump that would make the worst kind of a pessimist smile under present conditions this must be shipped to tacoma for treatment arrangements have been made to pay off all the labor claims of the sumpter Suin pter smelter and with the building of the eagle valley railroad from baker city into tha iron and copper belt the smelter will soon j be running again I 1 grants pass outlook the zodiac zodia I 1 claim formerly known as the constellation j group has been sold to cincinnati peo people copl who will at once commence development by installing an electric plant attached to the freemont power companas comp anys line inel which crosses this property this has been known for years as a fine property but has been slow of development on account of being in a very inaccessible part of the he county with the building of this power line and a road leading to the property it will now ow come coine to the front the wheeler properties roper ties consisting of the blue bird in dependence dependence and ophir will be worked at early date these are owned by new an n york people and with the loosening up of I 1 the money market in new york will be I 1 operated on an extensive scale it is said that as soon as some new machinery can be installed these properties will become I 1 dividend payers f grants pass courier one of the most exciting 1111 ning reports which has stirred I 1 the Q rogue river valley country for many years and which at the same time has every appearance of reliability was brought into grants pass monday of this i week hy by robert harrison of harrison brothers who have been bean prospecting and mining I 1 out on williams creek since early in february mr air harrison reports having 1 himself taken out one pan of dirt thursday of last week which contained six pounds and three ounces of gold aggregating something over 1300 mr harrison says that their first big strike was made on easter sunday when they took out a pocket containing between and Y in the one day they have since been taking out pockets of from 50 upwards mr air harrison says that for the past thirty days he and his brother have been taking out from to per pee day they now have an apparently well defined vein on the water shed of butcher gulch running from one to nine inches in width they have opened up a foot chute on this ledge and mr air harrison said tuesday that at a very conservative estimate they had worth of ore in sight t |