Show bullionville BULLI ONVILLE TAILINGS the prince consolidated company is so iso the owner of the noted bullionville Bulli onville i lings located about twelve miles south j pioche on the salt lake railroad I 1 ather with over 1000 acres of land large ater rights and privileges a mill contain g a great deal of machinery dwelling uses office buildings etc these tailings represent the total prodoc on an of the mines of pioche in the early tys lys after being treated by the old pan icess but owing to the fact that the ar Z AV N J 41 general view of the prince con ahir h br ivill C higgin H veins on the zoo of the prince con one of the drifts in big vein all in ore e was essentially a lead ore and ile ie to reduction by this process a large of the values escaped with the bilings these tailings have been carelly measured arid and sampled by reputable ginders and found to contain tons an aggregate value at present metal quo lions of over bons eons for sometime past the company has con plated the construction of a smelting smelling sm elting int to treat these tailings along with the in ores of the prince mine and the ores Pio pioche clie generally and the coming year 11 doubtless see this in course of erection ie e management expects to realize by this a profit of at least 33 per cent the t total 0 tal contents of these tailings |