Show A condensation of interesting nevada news the seven troughs caesar mining collina vany ny of seven troughs has lately broken into 3 feet of 50 ore in a crosscut from the foot level the shaft on the kearns lease no 2 at rawhide has encountered sulphide ore at a depth of feet the ore pans excel tio nally well and is very encouraging to the management niana gement the management of the fenoli mine at palisade received a check last week for as the returns from a thirty five ton shipment this property is largely owned by salt lake parties and has already disbursed one substantial dividend to the lucky shareholders the manhattan ore reduction refining company at manhattan nevada has announced that in the employment of help there will be no distinction between union and nonunion non union men hereafter the manage i ment proposes to have an open camp the tonopah scale of wages will be paid s i the latest assays essays from the gold crown properties at gold circle prove better than expected A grab sample from the dump 61 gave returns of while an average sample from fourteen inches on the foot wall at the bottom of the shaft went A gradual increase in values is being shown as greater depth is attained the various leasers leaders around the hogum a and nd osceola placer districts are reported as getting very good returns from their work marriott and hume who have been searching for a channel for some time have been successful in reaching it and state it promises to repay them quickly for their efforts of the past few months 3 A new body of ore running from 50 to has been broken into at the keane wonder it was encountered in the wilson drift and general manager homer wilson says that the average of the uncovering is about 50 to the ton in gold it is the same character of quartz found in other parts of the mine but the gold values are decidedly better word comes from the king lead mine within two miles of the steptoe smelter in the duck creek district that the lower tunnel is about to break into the large ore body that was encountered in the upper levels the veins in these upper workings are furnishing a high class product and much uch is expected when the ore is tapped at the greater depth Shad the new mining camp about forty arty miles es northeast of fallon fallen is the scene of 01 the latest mining excitement A large number of mining men from fairview won der r and Ita rawhide have visited the new dis act during ring the past week and without exception they report that the showing is very encouraging indicating that several good properties will be developed matt T gisborn of salt lake who has been developing mining properties east of c the smelter at mcgill is expected to soon resume work driving the long tunnel through the range the tunnel is now in feet but will haye to be pushed some distance ahead before cutting the ledges sought that are opened on the surface above with fine showings of lead ore P D delmas of salt lake manager of the delmas copper company whose property near battle mountain has been responding sp in such a highly satisfactory manner received most important news from the mine foreman last week the letter states that a big ledge of specimen roch has been encountered and judging from the samples sent in the find is a remarkable one A B colwell of the firm of haff colwell bros made a discovery of very rich ore on the stinson group in the granite district belonging to W D campbell and immediately secured an option on the group he expects to start development work at the earliest possible moment the find was made in a sunk from an old tunnel samples of the rock show a large amount of free gold five tons of high grade ore that will net nee the sf shipper lipper dan gault more than per ton was shipped from the jack pot mine one mile south of austin to the smelter at murray utah last thursday mr gault has a leise lease on the jack pot and while working alone extracted and sorted the ore in about six weeks the second class ore will be milled here as soon as the company mill is s in operation which will be soon the masonic nevada milling and reduction company is about to close a contract for the handling of tons of ore for a the contract company near sweetwater will amount to about and will be taken subject to the construction of the mill within the next several months the mill company has secured enough money now to insure the construction and work will very likely begin within a very short time the nevada hills says a nevada exchange has ore in sight and blocked out in sufficient quantities to keep that mine in operation for many months if not years in all the workings to come there is ore and of high grade in value and the strike on the foot level the same ore badoy struck again on the foot level being of a sulphide character proves conclusively 4 the he permanency of this property as a pro ducer over sacks sachs which will average better than a ton have been taken from a crosscut in the 70 foot shaft of the lemaire brothers at gweenah Gween ah the gweenah gleenah consolidated leasing company has ore in three different places on the surface that will run about 50 to a ton kendricks lease has struck a ledge averaging 50 to the ton higgins lease which adjoins the kendricks has a threefoot three foot ledge struck at a depth of twelve feet that assays essays as high as a ton the austin manhattan consolidated mining company will soon begin operations upon an extensive scale at austin nevada this company recently acquired 87 patented claims in the district which included nearly all the old time producers of the district the enterprise is backed by a strong eastern syndicate austin has been a dead mining camp for a good many years but it now begins to look like it would have a genuine revival and take its place among the active producers again sierra district is experiencing a lively boom as the result of rich discoveries made during the past ten days those there believe the district is to become one of the leaders of nevada sierra is about twelve miles southeast of mill city an effort was made to keep the fact of the recent rich finds from the public but the news got out last week at winnemucca thus the rush now on there is probably one of the few ain in the state where the outsiders have had an equal chance with those who were early on the ground C P christensen one of the leading merchants of Cal caliente lente who is president of the highland pioche mines smelting smelling Sm elting company informs the mining review that most satisfactory results have resulted in the development of the companas comp anys property as two feet of silver chlorides have been uncovered going high in their metallic contents the highland pioche is located in highland district lincoln county a thousand feet south of the great mendha mandha mine work will be pushed in mine development this summer slimmer the western smelter corporation the newly organized and independent smelter which was incorporated april ath is now a cert certainty ainey and it will operate entirely independent of the trust and it will fill a long felt want to the minin mining interests of this state the plant will be located five and one half miles northeast of carson on the banks of the carson river and on oil the site of the old merrimac and the brunswick plant which was in operation in that section over forty odd years ago and which is still remembered by many of the old timers the seven troughs eclipse mining alining 1 co company ini operating in the seven troughs dis brict is rapidly getting 0 in shape for a thorough campaign of development work by the sale of a large block of treasury stock recently the company now has ample means for at least a year W J craig of salt lake is now at the property looking after the installation of the new gasoline hoist superintendent johnson has now taken charge of the mine work and will explore the property as rapidly as possible the seven troughs eclipse is a salt lake company winnemucca and gold circle are now in telephonic communication with each other over the lines of the utah idaho nevada telephone companas comp anys long distance lines says the humboldt star of monday communication muni cation was established by connect connecting im the winnemucca golconda line with that from golconda to gold circle both lines having been recently taken aver over by the company named the first messages exchanged between winnemucca and gold circle were by manager H L thomas the general superintendent of the company and manager mortimer of the gold circle office patrick keegan one of the pioneer mining men of white pine county has just concluded arrangements with salt lake capitalists whereby he will soon be able to resume operations at the famous ruby hill mines which he has owned for more than forty years the mines of the district some of which in the old days produced ore running as high as ounces a ton in silver are only fifteen miles from the smelter at mcgill which will soon offer a market for the ores when this is brought about the old time producer will be heard from in no uncertain terms in the meantime mr keegan and associates will be getting the property in shape for steady production that the ground of the steptoe lead copper company in duck creek district is even more promising than had been supposed is indicated by a find just made by gallagher brothers of ely who own adjoining ground in going over the ground of the steptoe company they discovered extensive outcroppings outcrop pings of lead ore at a distance oi of fully feet from the companas comp anys work ings and they are not sure whether it is the same ledge in which good ore already has been opened in quantity pr or whether it is a parallel vein anyway samples of the rock broken from the surface were sent to william H of salt lake an official of the steptoe company and assay returns received yesterday show values of 45 per cent lead 2 ounces in silver and 20 cents in gold george W meyers president and louis simon general manager of the french american mining company of new york left this morning for the east cast after completing the purchase of a part of the lucky boy group in the blackhorse district and the duzette group 1 near lane city the company has no connection with the french company that last year operated on another part of the lucky boy group after malting making a visit to the propel properties ties it was decided to erect a concentrator of tons capacity at the ahe lucky boy mines and also secure a traction engine and train of seventy five tons hauling capacity to send the product to the railroad and smelter owing to the location of the mines on the eastern side of the snake range it is probable that the shipping point will be frisco utah until such time as there will be a market for lead ore and concentrates at ely the ore carries heavily in lead and also contains values in gold silver and copper and can be easily concentrated to make a clean product that will be granted a low rate at the smelters shelters sm elters and probably command a premium |