Show NEW EW EQUIPMENT FOR BALTIMORE reporter eureka utah the baltimore mining company which was recently incorporated for the development of a most promising piece of mineral ground in the eastern part of tintic gintic district will soon place an order for machinery w with ith which to continue the development work which is now under way supt bupt R A brown of the centennial eureka mine who is one of the heaviest shareholders in the new company is highly pleased with the present showing at the property and says that no time will be lost in prospecting the ground thoroughly mr drown brown says mat an order will be placed for the new hoisting equipment just as soon as the officials of the company decide what kind of a plant will be best adapted for the companas comp anys needs the eastern section of tintic gintic is attracting ing a great deal of attention at this time and the baltimore company has experienced no trouble in placing enough of the treasury stock to give the new corporation a good healthy treasury the property is exceptionally well located with reference to the neav mines which are now being opened up out east and those who are interested in the company are exceptionally well pleased with the prospects which the future has in store for them |