Show COLORADO ouray herald work has again been resumed on the highland mary at eldora the company is dl iving a tunnel into bryan mountain to open up some valuable property owned by the company A branch will be run to the revenge ani and will cut it at a depth of about 1000 feet considering its production until the flow of water forced the mine to close down the cutting of the th e revenge vein promises great things for this thib district telluride examiner henry williams the veteran prospector who is working a group of claims up butcher creek this winter which runs better than 12 in gold stepped into the office yesterday and showed us an assay from another property the name 0 ol 01 which he does not care to mention but it is in this county which runs in gold 21 ounces silver ounces lead ounces showing a value of in round numbers pie he is an owner in the property also ouray herald manager ervin of the mono baltic who is now in boston writes very encouragingly of conditions there financially and is sure that he will be able to proceed with the erection of a smelter on the mono baltic ground in the alie spring this is one of the enterprises thit that wll will mean much to that portion of ouray county lying in the vicinity of ironton large quantities of smelting smelling sm elting ore are within easy access to the point chosen for the plant and the smelter will be an impetus to the mining interests of that section leadville democrat the old crysolito Cry solite Fro property perty on fryer hill has again been actively engaged in taking out valuable ore in the last few weeks and from the most recent developments it would appear that this old time property will yet produce a large quota of wealth for the district A nice streak of lead ore has been followed for several months regular shipments have been made from this vein with good results in some places patches of high grade have been 4 1 opened peter mcgreevey and associates are leasing on this mine and have been successful almost from the start they plan an extensive campaign of development during the remainder of the winter ouray herald W T harple of eldora was down from camp this week and reports more men at work in the mines in that vis cikity than for a long time A strong company has taken hold of property on the east end of eldorado mountain and will push de velo ament of a promising group of claims work on the highland mary has again resumed in their tunnel and shortly a branch will start off from the main tunnel to cut under the revenge shaft the old apex I 1 j claims have been recently taken over by J D kohlman for a michigan company and a tunnel will be driven to cut under this group at a depth of over 1200 feet ore of extremely high value has been taken from the surface workings on this property and J its development at depth promises great OYO ore bodies |