Show trade articles and industrial M mention en tion A NEW PRECISION DEVICE As along other lines there have been many improvements in engineering instruments and the special tools and machinery for their accurate and economical manufacture wm ainsworth sons the well known instrument makers of denver colorado U S A have in many respects departed from the traditional instrument making 1 practice which originating as it did in europe and until now closely followed by america makers has advanced along the lines of the american watch making industry in th the 3 JF AJ development of special and automatic machinery tools and instruments for the production of engineering instruments with changeable ter parts we show herewith a new 30 inch automatic circular dividing engine which has just been finished in the tool and exper av mental department of this factory and anc which has many original features making fl for inc increased i accuracy and speed in the graduation of the circles for engineering and astronomical instruments A most striking feature of this machine Is s its massiveness and its rigidity for while its heaviest work will be the ruling of lines inch wide by inch deep its weight exceeds 2000 pounds and it is mounted on a concrete foundation that is entirely separate from the floor As far as possible all parts have been made of cast iron but the bearings throughout are of tool steel hardened and ground which insures durability and permanence of alignment for an indefinite period and while the difference in the expansion co of the three materials used is per degree fahrenheit the construe tion is such that its alignment and operation are not perceptibly affected by a temperature p pera ture variation of 30 degrees fahrenheit although the engine is located in an underground constant temperature building with a temperature variation of but one degree fahrenheit the worm wheel of cast iron and weighing pounds is well ribbed and has im bedded in its upper surface three platinum circles on which the original and corrected circles have been divided and from which the worm teeth are cut and corrected owing to the rigidity of this machine errors as small as inch are readily determined by means of the high power microscopes used and as the worm wheel was waa seasoned for a period of two and one half years before the final work w was is done on it errors once determined and corrections made will remain constant for an indefinite period the worm wheel spindle is of cast iron with conical hardened steel sleeves which rest in hardened steel bearings carried by a cast iron socket a counter balanced ro roller ler earing taking all but about ten pounds ot of the weight of the wheel and spindle off the bearings ea earl rings this being sufficient to hold he spindle firmly in its bearings a film of watch oil inch in thickness giving M sufficient clent lubrication A As s may be seen from the illustration this machine has double dividing headla operated through spliced shafts and spiral bearings gea rings carries them forward drops them rules the lines and automatically varies the length of the shit single le fifth and tenth degree lines on two pieces of work simultaneously both dividing heads have independent ver vertical and horizontal adjustment and either may be independently swiveled to any angle for hat flat bevel or edge graduation and both operated simultaneously sinful tail bously the lower rail or bracket carries an auxiliary spindle or quill as it is callej calle J which in turn carries the work this bracket bracke t is adjustable in every direction and the proving plate on the lower end of the quill fac cities its adjustment together with that of the quill ou raj d wor work k to 0 a position s t 0 1 with its axis coincident with the axis of the worm wheel to within the limit of f accuracy of the engine the application of the quill is one of the most mast important features of this machine which makes for increased accuracy besides facilitating the rapid handling of the work the quills consist of hardened steel spindles carried in hardened steel sleeves the outside of which are of uniform diameter and concentric with the axes of the spindles and are arc nothing more or less than pr precision decision lathe spindles that are removable and may be carried from one machine to another the parts to be divided are after being previously roughed out and seasoned attached to a quill and all finishing operations including facing off silver tor for dividing in engraving figures and turning graduated edge to gage to fit before baing removed thereby insuring that each operation is true with every other operation performed on the quill and with the holo hole at the center from which the center work is located to within the error almit limits s established for this work owing to the advancement of astro astronomy n omy and the increasing precision demanded of instruments for use in connection therewith error limits that are permissible today must be decreased in twenty five or fifty years hence and in view of this a device is embodied in this machine by means of which chic ori original giDal errors in the worm and W worm orm wheel may be further reduced together with any errors that may arise from wear dy by use of this device corrections as small as one tenth of a second inch measured on the periphery of tle the worm IV wheel heel and even less may be made at any time without interfering with the operation of the machine the operation of the machine is entirely automatic it only being necessary to place the work in the machine and start it upon completion of the work the machine slops automatically and calls the operators at tion to it by ringing a bell the makers state that owing to the fact that they have a considerable amount invested in patterns tools and fixtures for the production of this machine they will probably construct to order similar machines under their patents 0 at a meeting of the lower Alami mammoth noth mining ning company held 1 last ast 1st week in salt lake the folio following wing directors were elec eted john dern J J stewart W S 11 mccornack McCorn TeC lck D L E C coffin A T 1 moon loon and H P braffet retiring from the old board are col A C ellis and H G williams |