Show A MODEL PRINT SHOP among the business houses in salt lake which have been built up from small beginnings to the front rank of modern su success anti and enterprise is the cantu century ry prin printing company popularly known as salt lakes printers perhaps no better example of business growth and advancement could be found in the entire list of local institutions the century company was established six years ago at no south west temple street it was a very modest little shop the whole equipment consisting of two small job presses and a few cases of type representing an outlay not in excess of 1200 it was not long however until the business had increased to such proportions as to demand more complete and modern equipment this was put in until today the century has one of the most complete shops in the west the bindery is fully equipped to handle any class and volume of work in the press room are four cylinder presses one of which is the largest in the west and several smaller job presses the com composing composino room is a model of convenience and completeness the firm also has three linotype machines which are of the latest models and which are kept running to their capacity both night and day owing to a lack of room and to increasing business the company has decided to move into more commodious quarters the new establishment will be at 55 57 57 vz postoffice Post office place and will be ready for business aboud about february the new offices will occupy over feet of floor space as compared to in the first shop and the equipment has a valuation of as compared to 1200 the century company has established a reputation for fine work and reasonable charges and is prepared to handle anything from a dodger to the finest piece of three color work desired for three years it has printed the mining review and the ap pear ancs of this paper is the best endorsement of its high class work the owners of the century printing company are W G romney R G slater and J Q ryan who are too well known in salt lake to need further introduction in the business office are D J martin and A IF fleming the latter for many years foreman of the composing room W C ashwill than whom there is no more efficient and competent printer to be found now has charge of the composing room while J A forsha rules things in the press room the class of work determines the rating of a print shop and we believe that the century company can compare with any in the country |