Show NORTHWEST NEWS special correspondence spokane wash dec 12 emil hansen president of the half moon pass mining company operating fourteen claims in fergus county montana announced in spokane that a concentrator and mill of tons capacity daily will be in working order early next spring adding addin also that shipping facilities cili ties are promised to the district the mining properties are fully fu ily financed thousands of tons of ore with an average value of 24 in copper gold and silver is already aa the completion of afie the concentrator and mill aside from a number of local men interested in the property considerable eastern capital has recently been enlisted for the development of the various claims held by this concern numerous improvements have been ma made de during the last few months and these will be continued throughout the winter so that everything will be in readiness by the time the plant begins operation H G longee president and manager of the montana silver lead mining company operating in the libby district montana reports that progress is being made in the two tunnels the lower tunnel will be driven 90 feet before drifting on the main vein can begin the tunnel will be of regulation size well timbered and will have a drain canal beneath the mud sills work will continue all winter and it is expected to put in a compressor plant and drills next spring the lower tunnel will come under the ore bodies at a depth of 1000 feet and owing to a laro large ge amount of development having been done in the upper levels will open up immediately rhedia tely a quantity of ore from which shipments will begin to the panhandle smelter there will be s several everal producers in the district next year another large pump is to be installed on the red boy mine in the granite district oregon it will be operated with a 40 horse power motor the present one of 30 horse power will be removed to the bottom of the shaft and the new one located at the point vacated by the old pump rich ore is being extracted from the face of the and the mill is kept steadily crushing the ben harrison in the same district is operating a larger crew than for some time new machinery is being installed and considerable development work will be consummated sum mated there this winter the ore encountered is of good quality and the owners are encouraged over the results california capital is now interested in the lucky calumet property in the coeur calenes dA lenes the money derived from the sale of shares of treasury stock at 10 cents will be used in developing the property the buyers are paying 25 per cent of the purchase price in cash and the balance as it is needed in development work extensive developments including a tunnel of 1875 feet to cut the ore at a depth of 1575 feet are planned at the present time the vein is developed to a depth of feet disclosing a considerable amount of low grade copper ore it is given out that the people interested in snowstorm mine are financing the lucky calumet the bunker hill sullivan mining concentrating company paid dividend no amounting to december 4 this makes since january 1 and 10 to date announcement is made that the snowstorm mining company will pay a dividend of on december 20 this is the largest of the three dividends dividends this year and amounts to four cents a share the other disbursements were each T leo greenough manager announces also that the mine shipped tons of ore in november adding that with the advance in the price of copper the force will be increased early next year hill brothers of minneapolis owners of the rol roi claims near delta idaho closed for six months announce they will return next spring to push their development work more than has been expended on the property in the last 20 years the hills expect to be able to offer tonnage sufficient to justify the idaho northern in building up beaver creek there is a good grade from the rol roi down beaver creek and along the north fork to the railroad the toledo group of four claims in the salmon river basin central idaho south of the florence camp has been bonded for by a syndicate of detroit people the bond runs for two years and it is understood that a considerable payment has been made to the owners who are residents of grangeville Grange ville idaho the property has been opened by a drift tunnel feet long exposing a 20 inch vein of gold and silver ore |