Show COLORADO boulder miner the mammoth group ot tungsten claims on beaver creek two miles south of nederland belonging to elwood dunn and W S tanner have been taken over by frank augustus of rollinsville Rol linsville on oil terms which are not given to the public it is understood that the consideration is for a good round sum and that a considerable first payment was made the mammoth is one of the finest tungsten producers in boulder county and has been developed ex ten ouray herald reports coming to ouray from the frank hough mine are the must most flattering of any property in which the camp is interested unless it is the camp bird samples of the ore which we have seen are sprinkled with peacock copper and has the appearance of very high grade ore however the figures on shipments in car lots are an average of fifty per cent copper for ty eight ounces silver and 5 per ton in gold it is stated that the body is enormous reports having it that there is twelve feet in width of shipping ore ouray herald work was started this week on the calliope property north of ouray under the direction of tim manlon manion who ho will have the management of the property the property is controlled by the calliope tunnel mines company which was organized a year ago last august at the time of the organization of the company considerable development work followed mainly the driving of a tunnel to cut the shaft of the old workings and it the work will now be continued on this tunnel leadville democrat arrangements are being made to install a plant of machinery on the gallagher property on yankee hill which was recently taken under lease by a number of local mining men an engine engin 3 is now being set up As soon scon as it is in place the hoist will be operated by its power it ls is reported ad that the prospects on the gallagher are most encouraging and that a good body of iron ore is already in sight the mine will be extensively operated during in the winter it is figured that a regular output can be started from there in a short time leadville democrat otto thurn anc associates have opened a streak of rich ore in the louise property in south evans gulch A small portion of it is report reported reportedly edby by the assayers as carrying ounces silver about half an ounce gold and a heavy percentage of lead work on the louise has been bean progressing for several months but until a short time ago the results were not very pro promising g considerable sinking and drifting has been done in that time and once in a while indications of good ore were presented the recent discovery is 19 in a line jine with the new monarch ore shoots it is believed that from now on tile the louise will be on a paying basis and may soon enter the shipping list boulder miner will walker of james town has been placed in charge of opera eions on the chicago group a promising property located on jim creek between jamestown and providence and has put a force of men to work on tile the chicago tunnel which is being k driven from the east side of the creek to cut the four claims of the group the tunnel which is already driven about f fifty if ty feet from the portal at jim creek will cut the furthest vein of the group in feet from present breast at depth of feet considerable work has been done dolle on the surface of the claims showing larg ore bodies of good I 1 milling ores with some streaks of high grade |