Show THE GOLD CROWN GROUP the gold crown at the present time I 1 ia a perfect beehive of industry this is owing to the fact that the owners are pushing development work on a massive ledge lede led e of good ore from which rock of sensational value is constantly being taken while eighteen or twenty leasers leaders are busy ma making I 1 1 I n the dirt fly in their search for golden golde n treas ure the gold crown group of eight claims and a braction fraction action ir was recently acquired by W F P snyder of the national development company of salt lake A C ellis jr and judge W H I 1 dickson also of salt lake col colonel onel C E louse loose of provo and george wingfield of goldfield and a company lias has since been formed for its operation and development the group is centrally located andaas and lias one of the best surface showings in ill the district on the gold crown there are three veins on which the leases have been given besides a choice block of ground on the oversight and gift no 2 claims which are being developed by the company on this block the management ha has S made several e V trenches on the strike as well as across the vein showing the vein to be at least thirty thirby feet in width at one place with no in sight it was at this point that the recent strike was made consisting of quartz in which wire gold was plainly visible this great body of ore is all a payable product A foot of tile the vein near the hanging wall assays essays in gold and 24 ounces in silver to the ton the milling grade assays essays from 12 to 16 this is exclusive of the recent rich strike made in the same cut on the side of the ledge the ore here uncovered and which is believed to be the capping of an enormous deposit not including the rich zones on the and hanging wall sides of the vein is all of good commercial value A tunnel has been started on this vein by the company which will cut under the surface showings referred to above at a depth of feet in addition to the three veins mentioned there are at least two other known veins which have not yet been prospected to any extent the veins are easily traceable on account of their being harder than the en casing andesite country rock the veins or dykes as they are locally called are very and usually along the hanging wall there is a gouge or streak of ore varying in width from a few inches to three feet or more while near the more quartz is found than in other portions of the vein it is in this quartz that the wire gold is found more frequently than elsewhere much oxidization has taken place and very little sulphides sulp hides have yet been found the national development company and associates have purchased the frying pan nos 1 and 2 and the tin cup nos 1 and 2 claims just north of midas townsite t own the frying pan group on frying pan hill which is one of the most prominent landmarks of the district is regarded as being one of the most promising and valuable properties in the district and the tin cup located between the frying pan and the great midas mine shows every evidence of developing into a prolific and permanent producer of the yellow metal good strong ledges traverse both properties showing characteristic conditions and values work is in progress in the operation and development S al levy is managing the interests of the national development company at gold circle and F W varney is the official engineer |