Show THE GREAT MIDAS MINE the midas mine discovered by dick baumberger the irrepressible and indefatigable prospector was the first find to attract attention to gold circle district ever since september of last year mr baumberger handicapped for ready money has been at work in the exploitation and development of the midas almost alone and unaided he has crosscut cross cut the mammoth midas ledge am all has sunk a shaft on a body of ore fron which frequent bannings pann ings showed ion 1011 i strings of colors occasionally news bouli i I 1 leak out of the richness of the midas borr ore and at length mining men began to I 1 sit t u and take notice one by one big minin companies sent their experts into the d dai brict and the first property sought was th midas the midas group composed of four ful claims and a fraction is owned by die did baumberger P W dargin R E B ashbrook ashbro and gus gatline Gut line the midas ledge of discovery is eighteen feet wide betwee walls and averages from 18 to 44 to th ton assays essays as low as per ton hay hav been obtained and values of ar an common while one sample was taken and am submitted to test by fire which gave values value of to the ton the main ledge of the midas has a northerly and southerly strike and dips to the west it can be traced on the surface 1100 feet on the midas there is a cross fissure fisser with an easterly and westerly strike with an apparently vertical dip the formation is quartz veins in porphyry and anc the veins are evidently evid antly true fissures A shaft is being sunk on the main vein and is now down a depth of over thirty feet at the foot level cross cuts and drifts will be run and the ore body will be thoroughly explored to operate the midas the midas gold mining company com will soon be incorporated po rated the group is located to the north of the center of the district and is easily accessible |