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Show STRAIGHT BOURBON .gXXX WW r.TUs whiskey is 2 fjJMrZ 'yean old. Stored fWCB a temperature feW controlled ware- jEJ . houses. Ufi 2 klLv PINT MviilM QUART rSjSSS No. 63 Ufe?y ft N ?V "ST KENrUCKV STRAIGHT BOURBON WWSffi JJ A 90 PROOF Whiskey. PINT QUART No. 61 No.M (m& Golden WcJJtng lmkiM BOURBON 6Uun BLENDED STRAIGHT WHISKIES JOjn 90 PROOF fjgfr . PINT QUART No. 202 No. 203 Entire contents Copr. 1937, Schenley Distributor, Inc N.Y. M3HSKSHZHXHSMXM1M&HSHXHXHZMXMXNSMSHXHZK1EMXMZMXMXH Mercury j ! JBO- & 25C l For a full-length Novel s Here at last are the books America has been longing tor. De- J signed by America's foremost book designer well printed g handsomely bound in a special English-finish cover paper. At j g a price which has brought long, loud applause from every Z S section of the country 26c for a full length novel. z M M se These great book bargains are made possible only because s z leading book publishers and authors are accepting a low roy- s g alty, because the books are printed on special high speed jj presses In quantities of 100,000, and because THE AMERI- jj CAN MERCURY America's leading literary magazine has j M launched the enterprise without charging any overhead or N H editorial expense to It. , H H To date we have published 4 books all distributed through N H the better newsstands of Amerloa M a z H COMPANY K "An extraordinarily moving and an Import J S ant book..." Saturday Review Literature. 5 f THIRTEEN STEPS a powerful, startling novel paced by breathless action and a strange love story. z EVERYHINO 19 THUNDER described by O.O. Mclntyre 8 as "the most absorbing book I've read In five years.' s , THB POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE described by the g famous F. P. A. as "the most engrossing, uiuaydownable book that I have any memory of." g N It your news dealer 1b sold out and cannot supply you with z the books, use the coupon below for these great bargains. fiend 26c in coin or stamps for each book desired or S1.00 J for All four books to THE AMERICAN MERCURY, 670 g : Lexington Ave., New York. g " N H Enclosed find $1.00. ( ) Send me all four books. z Enclosed find c. Please send ( ) Company K ( ) Thirteen x 8teps ( ) . Everything is Thunder ( ) The Postman Always g I Rings Twice. g ' ' ' - ;.- - , n ? NAME .. H s ' . g ; ADDRESS ...... .v h j ?J American Mercury Books 570 Lexington Ave. New York, N. Y. g I ilXMZZMZKZMZMZMZMZMXMXMXMXMZMXMXMXMXIIXMXMXMZMZMZHZ WINE IN ALL VARIETIES Fire Preveitiei Week October, 3 - 9 WSnat WflflU YflDU dO tO help . . . ? These figures tell the story of WASTE- Face the fact, you yourself through carelessness or indifference are partially responsible for America's FUL DESTUCT10N due to annual fire bill--- 10,000 lives, 10,000 injuries, $500,000,000 property damage! Face the further fact that PAD 171 CCCMCCC rou have paid your share of that bill in taxes and insurance premiums. Finally, consider the possibility LAKLLLudiNll J J. that next year your life, or the life of a dear one, may be numbered among the 10,000, that your property ANNUA! fire pprnpn mvruM nAWVnM io9: Tn 1937 may be listed in next year's toll. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? ANNUAL FIRE RECORD OF BINGHAM CANYON 1926 TO 1937 Year No. of Fire Alarms Damage Principal Cause Certainly there are numberless things you can do. Much progress has been made in the knowledge of 926 32 $ 8,960.00 Sparks on roof FIRE, it's causes, and its prevention. Science has contributed no end of equipment both for preventing 1927 30 - 57,339.00 Sparks and Defective flues and fighting fire. Modern building materials and methods of construction, modern heating systems fire 2928 34 ' extinguishers, warehouses, safety deposit vaults and professionalgarment cleaners all offer their share in 2,965.00 Sparks on roof conquering man's most terrifying enemy. 929 26 300.00 Sparks on roof 1930 21 772.75 Sparks and Overheated stoves Take advantage of these agencies for your protect Ion. Adopt the precautionary measures suggested be- 1931 24 22 735 00 " Sparks on roof low. Do everything in your power to lessen that tragic waste of fire. You owe it to yourself, your family Iq2 le: ' and your neighbors. 5 4590 00 Sparks on roof 1933 20 3,430.50 Sparks & Gasoline Explosion 1934 9 3,327.50 Improper fuse plugs . :' Efleveai Rules of Btyre WTevemtim Z tZ 5l:.rL.,. 1 Avoid using gasoline, kerosene, benzine 7 Watch your heating system and chimney. Total 232 $112 269 71 i ' or naptha for cleaning purposes. They should be kept clean and In perfect work- o.a i .MS-- spsrk ' yom " "mo- Proclamation m , . 8 Keep matches beyond the reach of chil- ,. . . i 3 Take care lest dry waste or oily rags ac- ton and y0ur children beyond the reach of any Throughout North America the period from October 3rd to 9th this I cumulate In some out of the way corner of your kind of fe. year will be known as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. During that tim house. Store cedar mops in proper containers. various organizations will redouble their efforts to reduce the losses 4 Build your rubbish bonfire where there 9 Do no leave your forest camp fire be- SS!l?y Svery year fires a terrible toll in human lives awf i is no danger of spreading and watch carefully. fre it is totally extiguished. ;n" y 0Te than 10'000 men, women and children burn to death" t a ' ' fhOTy:fI!,do1?r0perl)r worth nearly a half-billion dollars is destroyed In 5- Have your electric wiring inspected regu- 10 Put ashe9 ln metal containers only the United States alone. larly and repaired when necessary. - ham cTnv' John E Dahlstrom, Mayor of the Town of Bag. 6 Make sure that your match is out before 11 Never use gasoline, kerosene or benzine ending nS 2,' Proc,alm the week beginning October 3rd throwing it away. to start fire. SJ22?? 9th as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK and urge the citizens ral nS"70,? l? ,take an earnest interest in the occasion- Bingham Volunteer hremen J0HN. w i ' JOHN L. T.-nyon ? VrmiWOT.Wiriii iiiiii njTiL-T.i-iiLr L-r n i hit -yn -1f Mayor of Bingham |