Show I 1 your X I 1 new homa horned should be made artistic sanitary and livable these walls should be in the latest up to the minute nature color tints each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors the walls of the old home whether mansion or cottage can be made just as attractive just as sanitary through use of instead of hals omine or wallpaper how much better when you have a new home to etarl right than to have to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials when you come to the use of Ala bastine as does nearly every one sooner or later once IL your 0 r walls are you can use any material over it should d you desire re but having used JA Ala Ia bastine you will have no desire for any other treatment Ala bastine sanitary is so easy to mix and apply so lasting in its results so absolutely sanitary and so generally recognized as the proper decorative material in a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast enough to supply the demand Ala bastine is a dry powder put up in five pound packages white and beautiful tints ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water and with full directions TM MIX mcnutt I 1 xa IN N won WITH ONE on each package E every atry gir of THE ONLY TOOL COLO platinum has cross and circle printed in red NEEDED TO APPLY better write us tor for handmade hand made color designs and give us u your decorative problems and let us help you rou work them out ALA BASTINE COMPANY grand rapid michigan Mich isian b dont forget calicura Cull Culi cura talcum when adding to your toilet requisites an exquisitely scented face skin baby and dusting powder and perfume rendering other perfumes superfluous you may rely on it because one of the trio soap ointment and talcum each everywhere adv NIP sy W A drink Is part of the CEREAL C lias has al flavor thata sure L 0 fco o please an economical d lAo mical fac or in iii 4 A beadth builder lii ilder used instead of coffee no N 6 raise in price two sizes usually sold at 1544 15 A 25 md made by cereal compan bottle crven michigan 29 DEWS OF EVE no more gentle than Cas carets for thu liver bowels A 6 it Is just ns as needless as it is dangerous to take violent or nasty cathartics nature provides no shock ab for your liver and bowels against calomel harsh pills sickening oil and salts Cas carets rive give quick relief relict without injury from constipation biliousness indigestion gases and sick Ilen headache dache Casear Cas carets ets work chile hile you sleep removing the toxins poisons and sour indigestible waste without griping or inconvenience Cas carets regulate regula by strengthening the bowel muscles they cost so little too adv A SUMMER COLD A cold in the summer time as everybody knows Is the hardest kind of at a cold to set get rid of the best and quickest way Is to go to bed and stay y there if you can with a bottle ot of Boa Bos chees syrup bandy to insure a good nights rest free from coughing with easy expectoration tion in the morning but it II you cant stay in bed you yon mast keep out of draughts avoid su sauden dea cb changes eat sparingly of simple food end and take occasional doses of Bos chees syrup which you can buy at any store where medicine Is sold a safe and efa dent remedy made in america for more than fifty years keep it handy adv ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE name nama bayer is on genuine aspirin say bayer axy IRR insist on bayer barer tablets of aspirin in a bayer package containing proper directions for Ile headache adache colds pain neuralgia lumbago and rheumatism name buyer bayer means genuine aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years handy tin taxes of 12 tablets cost few cents aspirin Is trado trade mark w a r k 0 of f 1 craycr aa y e r manufacture u f a c t u of f mono man a c e t aca c ad e t e r of S n 1 c y 1 1 reco ld adt r I 1 KEE jojn jj jn r n i T nr T I 1 R too III to work scores of women amin in homes stores offices and factories are not fit to be at work they toil on day after day and year after year su suffering gering with distressing weaknesses and derangements derange ments h against hope that they will soon feel better but how can they hope to do good work or escape permanent invalidism I 1 I 1 such women are in danger of derangement of women s functions they iley owe it to tn themselves to try that good old fashioned root and herb remedy lydia E A pinkham Pink hams s vegetable compound which for more than forty years has been restoring american women to health and strength here is a notable example joplin applin missouri 1 I took lydia ea E pullard s vegetable CoT compound pound to see if it really would do as it was ad and it sure did and more I 1 was weak and could not do much work vork had bearing down pains and had 6 to go to bed I 1 learned about the vegetable compound from my mother and my iny husband told rne me to get it after taking along one bottle I 1 was ivas able to be on my feet most of the time and do my work agat again n I 1 have a baby eleven months old and I 1 have done all I 1 my own work even the washing and troi ironing trotting ting since she was three weeks old old I 1 certainly rec recommend ommen recommend your great medicine cine to everyone w who 0 complains of female trouble and I 1 am more than willing for you to ute ue my testimonial mrs TIMOTHY GRANEY connor ave joplin mo and another chicago illinois 1 I suffered for four years avi with th pains pains in my sides h hips if s and legs and a terrible ible backache I 1 could not do any work at all I 1 was treated by many physicians but they did not help me I 1 read in one of your books where other women have been helped by lydia E pinkham s vegetable compound so I 1 tried it and it helped me very much so that now I 1 can do everything in the house I 1 have told my friends about vegetable compound and you have my permission to use this letter mrs 1 I S marshfield avenue chicago ill thousands of such letters prove the curative value of I 1 I 1 I 1 ka LYDIA PINKHAM IE CO LYNN MASS ME NOW |