Show SAN FRANCISCO STUDENTS SAVE SAV E WO A YEAR YE ff organized thrift now unde way in california schools san Francis cos public and pai ochia oclita school students are saying saving nearl a day and are investing theil theia savings in T thrift and war saving stamps in 59 days they saved 22 these facts were brought on oil in a report filed by philip J camler manager ot of the school savings depril ment ot of the bank of 0 italy with fill C A farnsworth Farna worth associate director of abr th war loan organization of 0 the twelfth federal reserve district for the first seven days or of school this year a total of 0 SS was saved and invested in thrift war savings and penny fenny stamps the school penny stamps are put out by the bank of italy there are about 95 schools in sal sac franesco francisco with at an attendance of ap all proximately students this in eludes day and evening high schools day and evening grammar schools and kindergartens the thrift Cump campaign 1191 win will be pushed throughout all of these thear schools for the remainder of the school year the number of individual purchaser of stamps so far Is acco according iding I 1 in mr lawlers report six thousand one hundred and seventy students student bought stamps during the first sever school days of the present term while A hilt invested in the securities foi the preceding 52 school days dining which the savings plan was in opera tion lion last term the number of individual purchasers of thrift and war saving stamps was the number ol of purchasers ur chasers ot of the penny stamps wi WH the thrift and war saving stamps had a total value of 0 15 3 while the school penny stamps had s sales valie of within a short time the school say sav ings plan will be in full dill 0 operation pe ration in in schools in northern and centra california and results will be checkel chec keil closely by mr lawler for the bank ol of italy and the government speaking of pie savings achieve ments or cf san sail Francis cos students tc date robert E smith director ot of tho th war loan organization in the twelfth federal reserve district said Is the greatest thing a student car cal learn in school school days are char acter formilia days the boy or gif who learns to sae aae in school has al ready mastered one of 0 the biggest se crets of 0 success W S S |