Show farmington FRACTIONS FRACTIONS john D cooper and wife of santa rosa calif are here visiting in with mr air coopers cousins J T C E B and A L dark clark and their families i frosts tile the past deew nights lights have quite severely nipped the tomato vines and other tender plants in sonic some localities mr and mrs calvin sessions returned to their home in marion wednesday after having relatives here and in bountiful t material rial is being placed upon the ground prepra preparatory tory to starting wo work rk where the file cement road ends at the school house in north farmington and extending the same to the court house corner the work is to pe be lone done yet this i fall all k mr and mrs shafer who had spent the sumal summer r here left last week for seattle where mrs shafer will spend the winter her husband will go ym to ketchikan alaska t david haycock the barber and family moved to bancroft ida wednesday where mr haycock will continue ir i tile the barber business 5 levi manwaring and il J sessions and their their families arc ale moving into their handsome new bungalows and the t e carpenters are doing the finishing work on oil grant grani clarks bung bungalow Lalow and walter Ram and a ll 11 1 I A T roses bungalows are a about oui ready for the finishing carpenter work the corn raised here for filling silos was not so very much below normal this year most of tile the silos sil os haac been about filled several silos yere were built quite recently about of our farmers visited the state fair in a body yesterday and were guided by agricultural experts from the A C U they were shown tile the latest farm ii machinery chinery ani and most improved methods of farming cattle and hog raising and each farm problem was exall explained ined from the exhibits at a aeeti ig g of business men of ogden hel beh last night a resolution was pas ed asking tile the state road commis ion to have a viaduct contre con ted over the bam berge r elect bec lc ic railroad tracks where they intersect the state road just no north th of lagoon today a copy 0 the resolution will be sent to the tha state road commissio sion h and to the railroad affected the state road commission is advertising ver for bids in this issue of the clipper for the construction of the aforementioned viaduct 0 |