Show PROMINENT BASEBALL PLAYERS POSSESS LITTLE FADS OF ONE KIND OR ANOTHER I 1 I 1 10 a 4 L M 3 1 1 I 1 clarre many ball players ila have ve lads fads of one kind and another A brief list might bo bi instructive lena blackburne who has played shortstop on many teams collects pennants from the various cities lie he visits joe benz has an account of every game lie he has ever pitched pasted away in a scrap book dutch leonard has a passion tor for talking machines and spends much of lils his spare cash purchasing records strong for flowers eddie colllns collins Is strong for flowers and picks up a rose bush here and a new kind of plant there for his garden back in a suburb of philadelphia A large number of players keep scrap books ed walsh has a pile of thern them large enough to stock a small library few players have had so many features written about them as walsh has enjoyed and many a day lie he filed from one to four pages in his book ed also picked up pictures of himself in action and has fixed up i baseball den tit at his home in sierl merl den conn which Is said to be one of the finest of its kind in the country eddie cleitte Is another ho keeps a scrap book ills fondest hope Is some berne day to place an account of ills his no litt hit game in this volume ile he has nearly everything else while on the coast this spring we visited jack fournier Fourn ler former sox and yankee at his home in a los angeles hotel writes malcolm maclean in detroit free press jack Is one of the coasts star players and seems certain to be back in the majors again before the year Is out ills his room was bare of ornaments unless a wardrobe and trunk could be considered such and the only objects in sight were two scrap books on a table beside the water pitcher many of the clippings in his books refer to him as the frenchman which he collects with great delight you tou know he confided 1 I was born bora in michigan had great time 1 I had a great time when aben I 1 played with montreal 1 he continued the french afas took me to their hearts I 1 actually heard one of them tell another that I 1 understand any english except a few words like ball strike and others used in playing the pastime and I 1 have to buy many dinners in montreal either I 1 had one or more invitations every night at one of the french homes and I 1 had one swell year of it many of ibern called me jacques flonita Fl onica and I 1 could often hear bear them yelling that at tie me when I 1 was at bat before closing we might state that the angels have a hitting we trio that compares favorably with many of 0 those in the majors lints bats third sam crawford former tiger fourth and then comes rube ellis ex cardinal |