Show 0 aa I 1 B A L L ac I 1 ail 1 IF IL alaska will revive its twilight baseball league 0 0 the salt lake ake club lias bus dropped the veteran ed willett Wll lett 0 claiming the pennant now Is like dancing around a slay may pole in december ber 0 0 truck hannah IIan nali catcher ol of the yankees is a heavy hitter bitter iles hes also a heavy runner 0 0 jack talt tait the canadian middle distance amateur runner Is playing displaying base ball with the veteran nine of 0 the toronto senior league the grand stand managers at bridgeport are panning manager BIa nager grimes for relea releasing qing outfielder mit terling and alm 0 0 cuban stars baseball team of ila havana will shortly begin a tour of cities of the eastern part of tills this country opening in yew new york city there Is one thing al out fletcher as n shortstop lie ile plays grounders ground ere so few of them bound badly away from blin us they do with others I 1 |