Show NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Tacoma June 18 Seattle had a great batting Score SON streak today and won easily R RHE H K H Tacoma U WO O 0 00 8 2 Seattle Settle 3 OJ i Q 3 6 1 1 Batteries Franklin and Shea Rush and Stanley Stanle Spokane June Juno IS Paddock pitched hed the fourth game of the Northwestern league season when he ho shut out Spokane the league lege leaders leders without the semblance of ofa ofa ofa a safety s ety and was accorded splendid sup support support support port by his team mates Score R B RHE H E Vancouver tX 1103 8 1 Spokane 0 0 0 0 0 2 Batteries Paddock and Arbogast Wright right and Rogers Umpire Frary |