Show SLASHING S ASHING TENNIS BALLS Roosevelt Stopped Long Enough to Hear the News Washington June 18 The president was rIa Ing tennis with Assistant Secretary B con of at the state department when Mr Loeb took him the news of the nomina nomination nomination tion ton of Secretary Taft for the presidency b by the Republican national convention He had prepared a statement declaring Mr loll Taft to be the best can the Republican party part could get for forthe till the high honor paid him today toda and as sn as the news newl of the nomination reached him it was given to the th news newspapers tapers papers Then he continued with his hi game I of singles until the time arrived to go In to dinner While the day was one of great inter interest Interest est and while Mr 11 Roosevelt read all alt the important bulletins there was no such intense period as that which characterized the previous day when for tor nearly an tour hour the convention broke into an uproar uproarious r ious lous ovation for the president There were many man callers at the White WhiteHouse WhiteHouse House during the day da Secretary Taft re remaining remaining in the executive office for near nearh nearly U ly an hour in the morning Other visitors tors tots who saw the president occupied his hishme time quite fully but at 3 he broke IdS lis custom by going driving for tor an hour ith Mrs Roosevelt Their horses having been forwarded to Oyster Bay Ba they had to forego their customary recreation of at horseback riding This evening by b Invitation Secretary Taft went to the White House |