Show r SOCIETY j jA 1 A very pretty church wedding of yes yesterday yesterday es esterday morning was that of Miss Hat Hattie Hattie Hattie tie Pike the daughter duter d of ot Dr Walter Waiter Pike of St George to Robert S Oli Oliver ver iTer the th young youn engineer In charge of ot the company The mar marriage mari i took place at 11 at St Pauls church the Rev Re Charles E Per Perkins Perkins Perkins I kins reading the service The bride was attended by her sister Mrs A AL L LI Woodhouse and Mr Woodhouse stood st od I with wUn the groom Only a few friends were present among whom were John JohnW JohnW JohnW W Pike Pik an uncle of the bride Mrs Amelia Young her aunt Joseph Lipp Lippman Lippman LIppman man her cousin and her sister Mrs Annie Pike Greenwood Mr II Olivers brother anda and a number of ot his friends were also present The bride wore a traveling tr gown sown of ot dark blue with hat hatto hatto hatto to match Mr and Mrs airs O er left lefton lefton on Oil a ft train for the east where they will spend their with Mr Olivers family fa mil I at Escanaba Mich They ThlU will make their heir home In Bing Bingham Bingham Bingham ham hamA A new kind of charity entertainment Is to be tried similar to those which are so successfully given In larger and more metropolitan cities oath ea h year ear and Mrs W V V Rice Is the one to try tr the experiment She will open her house for tor a charity card party for the ben benefit benefit cut of Canyon Crest on w the t e afternoon of ot Saturday June 27 The plan is to have parties made up ur for each table and of course the sale of tables will represent the receipts The cause Is of such a nature as asto to insure a good sum um and the fact that it is to be given in a private home will wilt be a factor In Its success t Mrs Irs John W V Delano entertained a number of her friends yesterday after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon at a bridge tea at her apart apartments apartments apartments ments In the Bransford Mrs Delano Delann was assisted in receiving her guests by b Mrs Whittemore sister of ot Mrs Thom Thomas as Weir who Is 15 Visiting here The rooms were all gay with roses deep red and pink being used especially Seven tables of ot bridge were played and prizes were won by Mrs S H Pinkerton Mrs Clarence Garnock Mrs C P Blyth Miss Helen Boxrud Mrs Irs F J Fabian Mrs C Ira Tuttle and Mrs A C Ew Ewing EwIng Ewing ing to Mrs Windsor V Rice entertained yesterday at one of ot a series of ot lunch luncheons luncheons luncheons eons the affair being given at the Alta Aita club The large round table tabla in inthe Inthe inthe the gold room was as use and covers Coers were laid for twentythree The cen central central central decoration was a cut glass vase filled with pink and white peonies and two baskets of ot the peonies were ar arranged arranged arranged ranged In shower form at either end Daisies were scattered loosely over the cloth and little Wedgwood jars of ot dais daisies daisies ies les were at each ea place There will be no hop at the post this evening the three companies out outon outon outon on practice march depleting the th ranks ot of the officers to too great an extent ext nt to make dancing expedient The usual Friday afternoon parade will be on at 4 however and the band con concert concert concert cert too unless the weather er Interferes Mr Ir and Mrs Joseph A Fisher an announce announce flounce the coming corning marriage of their daughter Belva and John L Reynolds to take place June 25 2 An informal reception will be given friends from 6 to 11 at the brides home East Twelfth South street The bride and groom will be at home to friends after July 5 at No 4 Plaza flats Mr oIl and Mrs John Flowers announce the marriage of their daughter Irma Estella to Marlow Cummings jr The marriage took place quietly on Wednes Wednesday Wednesday day da and the young oung people will be at home after atter Aug 1 at Ninth ave aye avenue nue nu Ie Mrs E B will entertain the Uie girls of ot the Y W C A this even evenIng Ing at a tennis tea at her home A Afew Afew Afew few of the directors of the association will assist Mrs Critchlow Mrs George Greenwood who has been visiting her parents Dr and Mrs irs Pike In St George left yesterday afternoon to Join her husband in Garden City Kan AI Mrs Willis May has arrived at Fort Douglas after a long stay In Los An Angeles Angeles geles gales and Major and Mrs May are arenow arenow arenow now at home at No 16 Mrs Moon will be here tomorrow from Fort Leavenworth to visit her sis sister sistar tar ter Mrs Kneeland Snow at Fort Doug Douglas las Mr oIl and Mrs Charles A Quigley their two boys bos together with Miss Ma Marie Marie Mane rie ne Gibbons and Mrs Cann as guests left last evening for Ocean Park to spend the summer Mr Quigley will return In a week I It lIE Miss Kate Kemper of Spearfish and I Miss oUss Mary Harrison of Evanston are In fr al a time and are at the Keith apartments Mr and Mrs James Gaskell will vill be beat beat beat at home shortly forthe for the summer slimmer at 1063 East cond South street streett t Mr rr Ir ani Mrs drs Elmer B Jones nes Will en entertain entertain twelve of their friends at a dinner at their home this evening Mrs David Keith twill will give a bridge tea this afternoon Ct the third In a series of ot such events Mrs William D Foster and Miss An Annie Annie Annb nie nb Adams will vili give glye a fc tea this afternoon at the home of A J L Thomas Mrs C E Perkins P will m entertain this afternoon n at the rectory for tor Miss Stubbs S Mrs Irs W J Lynch L mch will entertain at cards this afternoon Miss Leafy Douglas has pal returned to her home In after atter spending the past year with her sister Mrs G GG GG GG G Mr and Mrs lolls Lawrence Manger are back from their wedding weding trip and are areat areat areat at home at Mb N 16 Kensington e Mr and Mrs Will Clawson who have spent the past few tew weeks w eks here will re return return return turn tomorrow to their home in Pasa Pasadena Pasadena Pasadena dena Mr r and Mrs Walter WalterR R It Wallace allace have returned from their wedding trip Mrs Irs S R I C CT Horn Wita JO has been visit visitIng visitIng Ing her daughter Mrs C E Richards I Will leave letle tomorrow for her har home In Colorado Springe II |