Show Ogden Briefs GROCERY STORE ROBBED Wednes Wednesday day night burglars entered Tribe Jones grocery grocer store and stole about 3 from the he till MARTINI IN PRISON Sheriff B U B Wilson Vilson took Lou Martini to Salt Lake yesterday esterday where he will serve a penitentiary tiar sentence for lor burglary burglar MISS JOYCE HOME HO Miss Frances Joyce has returned from Ann Arbor Mich lIch where she has been taking a course courses principally music APPRAISERS Culley Culler J H Thomas and J H were yesterday appointed as appraisers for the estate of the late Mrs Martha H Brown MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage li It licenses licenses censes were issued yesterday to Fred A AField AField Field and Miss lIss Isabel Jones and Wil VIt William liam L Brown and Miss lIss Ida Alberta Christensen all of ot Ogden OgdenA A DAYLIGHT BURGLARY A burglar entered the residence of ot James Purdy Purd street yesterday and stole jewelry valued at No one was at home at the th thet BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The Weber county commissioners will sit as asa asa asa a hoard of or equalization Friday Frida and Sat Saturday Saturday Saturday of this week weel and Monday of next The concluding session of at the board will willbe willbe willbe be held on Monday JUDGMENT FOR In the district court yesterday Judgment was entered In m favor of Philip East against the Southern Pacific Railroad company compan for East brought suit against the railroad people to recover re over for tor a horse killed by a train I MR IR GOSHEN TO SPEAK Rev E I Goshen pastor of the First Congregational Congregational Congregational church of Salt Lake and formerly pastor of ot the church of at Ogden will occupy the pulpit of his old church In this city next Sunday even een evening ing log at 8 S WOOl CLIP SOLD The Kuchler Bros and the A G Fell Sheep company have disposed of their 1908 wool clip to the B Harris Wool company and it will willbe willbe be shipped to Onelda Ida The Th rh price was 15 cents The same men secured 2 3 I cents for their wool a year ago SALT LAKE MAN ARRESTED Rob Robert ert H Harrington was arrested here yes yesterday yesterday yesterday by the sheriffs force and detained for the Salt Lake officers Harrington Is charged with beating W F Mitchell out of a board bill Mitchell followed Har Ham Harrington Harrington rington to Ogden and Identified him BACK FROM RO I COLLEGE Frank Bart Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett lett who has been attending the University sity sit of Chicago ago for the past two years re returned returned returned turned yesterday morning accompanied by h his friend Mr Mason also of at the University of Chicago to spend his va vacation vacation Vacation cation with his parents Mr and Mrs G GH GH GH H Bartlett SECRETARY METCALF IN I TOWN Secretary of the Navy Nay Metcalf passed through Ogden yesterday esterday on the Overland Limited bound for Cor San Francisco The rhe secretary did lid not leave the train at this station devoting most of at his time to re receiving receiving receiving and reading telegrams that awaited him OGDEN RIVER HIGH The Ogden Ogdon river is reported to be higher at the pros pres present ent time than at any an time this spring springTIme The TIme rise was caused by the recent heavy rains It is also aiso reported that much of at atthe the work of replacing the dam at the san sanitarium sanItarium sanItarium near the canyons canons mouth has been washed away awa ESCAPES FROM JAIL Frank Smith one of the men me arrested a short time ago for tampering with the block system of or orthe the Union Pacific railroad escaped from the Coalville Utah Jail during Wednes Wednesday Wednesday day night Smith dug away a quantity of ot masonry and broke open several doors before belore gaining his liberty MRS IRS LOVE DEAD Mrs Susan Love widow of the late Caton Love Loe died at the th family residence on Twentieth street on Wednesday evening of at Brights disease Funeral services will be held at the North Ogden meeting house at 11 this morning Mrs Mr Love was 63 83 6 years of ot age had been a resident of Utah for thir thirty thirty thirty ty years ears FIELDS TROUBLES ENDFred EN DFred A AField AField AField Field arrested here hert a day or so ago on complaint of Burt Jones secured the re required required required S bail bond yesterday and was released from custody custodi A short time Ume af after after after ter his release and nud Miss Isabel Jones took out but a license and were mar Tied ned The case against Field will be dropped SUES FOR DIVORCE Alleging habit habitual habitual habitual ual drunkenness Mrs Annie L Christof ferson commenced an action in the district gourt ourt yesterday esterday for a divorce from Eras Erasus fourt lus us R to whom she was married March 2 24 Mrs Irs Christoffer son charges habitual drunkenness s for tor the past ten years ears and asks for fat the custody of their th lr four whose gas ages ageS range from 12 to 19 lii years ears Special See the moving pictures of the U C CT CT CP T P parade Empire theatre Made by Salt Lake Co Hat Carnival Any hat In the house 2 this week So Main near n ar P O 0 0 Hot weather time awning time Salt Lake Tent Awning Co 48 Richards street |