Show THE CONSERVATION OF LIFE A movement for the establishment of ot ofa ota ofa a national bureau of health under gov government government government auspices has gathered head headway headway headway way recently Its purpose e Is to bring national authority to the support and leadership of ot state and local authorities authorities authorities ties in the prevention of ot disease in the th education of the people as to the causes ot of the plagues that cause the heaviest loss of ot life lite and in the ultimate removal of ot such causes so 80 far as is possible by bythe bythe bythe the cooperation of all the forces work workIng Ing ng for the prolongation of ot human life A good deal of ot noise has been made about the movement for tor the conserva conservation conservation conservation tion of ot national Resources resources but this ef of effort offart fort fart to conserve human life the great greatest greatest est of ot all national resources Is Infinitely infinitely more Important A very large proportion of ot the deaths from tuber tuberculosis tuberculosis tuberculosis for instance could be prevent prevented ed ad by b intelligent rare care and the education education education tion of ot t ose who now suffer because of their ignorance Better ventilation better food tood proper sanitation and a re regard regard regard gard for tor the simplest hygienic rules would save the nation thousands and hundreds of ot thousands of lives that are sacrificed annually for lack of ot knowl knowledge knowledge knowledge edge Other diseases particularly In epi epidemic epidemic epidemic demic form forms such as the tha scarlet fever which has inflicted great loss and in inJury Injury injury Jury on Salt Lake during the past year could be held In check If not totally extinguished If It the health authorities utilized their power with the coopt ra tien of ot the public If It existing cases of scarlet fever ever were completely Isolated d das as they should be and could be with a conscientious administration of muni municipal cipal authority It would save to the community many times the cost of ot the whole department Similarly if It a federal bureau were empowered to direct a national move movement ment meat for the prevention and extinction of ot disease centers the cost of ot such a bureau would be infinitesimal corn com compared c m pared with the economic saving to the country In lives preserved It would woud be one oye of ot the few governmental agencies whose administration could be counted as a paying Investment and cents |