Show PISTOLS FIRED FIRE STONES ESI Serious Strike Riot at Louis Louisville Louisville ville Ky and a Number of People Injured I Louisville Ky Nov 25 The most serious riot thus far of the street car strike occurred tonight and as si re result result sult suit two men are known to be shot two policemen are injured by stones and clubs and two more men and a woman are reported to have been en shot shotA A number of heads were cracked by the police The condition of the last named namer three cannot be ascertained as the street car ear on which they were traveling was hurried to the car barns and the identity of the alleged victims kept secret se ret by the company officials who refused to give any information what wha whatever ever over That the unknown persons were either shot or badly injured by stones is positively asserted a by reputable per persons persons persons sons who were passengers on the car carand carand carand and escaped injury The trouble occurred on the Fourth avenue line Une near Kentucky street a fashionable residence neighborhood shortly before 7 this evening A southbound car loaded full was sud suddenly suddenly suddenly denly attacked by or strike sympathizers Stones Bullets and Clubs A hail han of stones pistol shots and clubs was poured Into the car The conductor and a policeman aboard re returned returned returned turned the fire with what effect how however however however ever is not known The motorman hurried the car out of range although himself and a man and woman pas passenger passenger passenger are declared to have been struck by bullets Twenty policemen arrived on the scene a few minutes later in automo automobiles automobiles biles bibs and surrounded about a hundred of the mob in an alley nearby The mob broke through the cordon fight fighting fightIng fighting ing fiercely and although many heads were cracked all got away save F FAll M MAH MAll All AH a discharged street car who was shot through the abdomen and four prisoners Sergeant Wickham and Policeman Brown were severely in injured Injured injured by stones and clubs club M Ford a youth passing on a bi bicycle bicycle bicycle cycle was in the foot Of the Identified injured all save All will re recover recover recover cover His condition Is critical |