Show y ANNA M BRADLEY INSANE WHEN SHE KillED BROWN Dr William Villiam Barton Makes Positive Answer to Hypothetical Question Put by Mr Powers Testimony Unshaken by Rigid Other Experts to Go Upon the Stand Today Washington Nov 26 2 That Mrs Sirs Annle An Annie Annie i nie M I Bradley was insane at the time she sho shot former Senator Brown of in this city on Dec 8 S last was the opinion of Dr William Barton of the medical department of Georgetown university and a specialist in nervous diseases expressed at the trial of Mrs Bradley today Br Barton testimony followed the reading to him of a hypo question of words cover covering coverIng coverIng ing the history of Mrs Bradleys relations rela relations relations with Senator Brown from the day lay she met him to the day da of the tragedy Dr Barton diagnosed Mrs Bradleys ailment as being puerperal insanity caused by what he described as the continued assaults upon on her nervous System due to the criminal operations which she had had performed upon li r r Mrs Bradley Abnormal In explaining wily why wh he lie looked upon leer as an abnormal woman he said she fhe was as interested in things that do donot donot donot not usually attract women and instanced in the fact that she was seem secre secretary tary of a political club as an evidence c f ner tier abnormality Dr Barton was on ontie trio tie stand practically the entire day and was as subjected to a severe cross i examination by b the district attorney aided by the governments insanity ox ex experts Dr Smith Ely El of New NewYork York i ork and Dr Edward S Brush of Bal Baltimore re Dr Barton proved to be a good witness for the defense His tes testimony showed his conclusions as to I Mrs Bradleys Bradle s insanity and was un unshaken unshaken unshaken shaken by b the crosse Pale Haggard and Dejected The Thi defendant came into cour court today oday looking pale p le and haggard evidently in anticipation that after all the ques question question question tion of her sanity or insanity at the time of the commission of the act was the paramount p issue In the case case While at times she exhibited the keenest in interest Interest Interest terest in all that was said sho sh gener goner generally ally aIl seemed in a condition of mental dejection As has been the cased case throughout the trial she displayed d much emotion upon hearing references nc s sto to he love that existed between herand her herand and Senator Brown as male maIe known through their letters While hile today she ahe shed no tears she frequently bowel her head and closed her eyes for long periods per periods perIods apparently oblivious to all was going on around her When tho the session of tho the day was Over ever her face had a distinct expression ex of sadness More Experts Today Dr Britton D Evans Evan medical di dl director director rector of the New Jersey state hospi hospital hospital hospital tal forthe for the insane will go on n the tho stan stana tomorrow and later Dr Charles Charl s D Hill Hm of Baltimore medical officer of cf the Mount Hope Retreat ann ana an St Josephs Jo To Josephs sanitarium of that city will be called They w will wm Ill both testify for f r the t e defense For the prosecution Dr Smith SmithEY Ely EY Jelliffe of New York Tork and Dr Jr E EI 1 ward S Brush ft Be f Baltimore will wUl give testimony later Dr Evans Evan and Dr Jolliffe testified for the defense in the Thaw case but they are on opposite sides of the Bradley case READING OF HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION AND TESTIMONY OF INSANITY EXPERTS Washington Wa n Nov 25 When the trial cf ef Mc M I M ar I Bradley Bradey charged with the tho murder of former United States Sc Senator Arthur M I Brown was resumed today a number of insanity experts were in court It was believed that the hearing of evidence would be con concluded concluded concluded this week The arguments will begin next week and the Indications now are arc that the case caso will go to the jury not later than Dec Dee 5 e Mrs Irs Brad Bradley Bradley ley Iy came into court very ver quietly quiet ap appearing ap appearing appearing depressed and paler than usual She took a seat behind her lawyers law ers with eyes cast down At times she closed Io d her eyes heavy hoa vy black rings around them showing plainly plainy and re remaining remaining remaining for several minutes as if It in ina ina ina a stupor Occasionally she caught her breath quickly as if on the verge of fainting She was attired In the tho dark gown she has worn wom since the beginning of her trial with a fur collar thrown carelessly over her shoulders She talked to one of her lawyers and bent forward when he spoke as if she heard with difficulty The audience included many women all showing Intense earnestness Scraps of Torn Letters Detective Charles Mullen the first witness s was asked to identify scraps of torn letters found in a waste basket in Mrs Irs Bradleys room roam rO at the hotel where the shooting took place One of these refers to other letters written by the prisoner Will WUI you kindly keep these she wrote I have written you I may need them and In case there is need for any defense of any rashness publish them Mrs Irs Lufton 25 South Second or Mrs Cary could see that th t they were published Everett L Phillips a policeman in charge harge of the Bertillion records of the police poll e department said that it was he that had pasted together the scraps of paper found in the waste basket He Identified all the letters which he said had been handed him by b the police poUce property clerk First Insanity Expert Dr Wilfred Barton Insanity expert called by the defense said he had made madea a specialty of neurology and Is now a member r of the medical faculty of Georgetown university During the last few tew years he conducted a private sani sanitarium sanitarium sanitarium in this city for the treatment of nervous and mental diseases but was never nver connected with any hospital for forthe forthe forthe the cure of insanity Hypothetical Question The long hypothetical question prepared pre prepared prepared pared by b the defense wes w s then read to the witness There were three questions which were only propounded after Judge Powers had presented a complete analysis an analysis analysis of the case bringing out cape dally the points indicative of mental unsoundness on the part of the defend defendant defendant defendant ant The questions were as follows U 1 Assuming all these facts to be betrue betrue betrue true what do you say as to whether or not at the time the fatal shot was fired the patient understood the nature of her act was able to choose and dis distinguish distinguish distinguish right from wrong and was vas able to control herself to choose the right and avoid the wrong 2 Assuming A all these facts to be betrue betrue betrue true what do you say as to whether or not when the fatal shot was fired the patient was mentally responsible for tor what she did 3 Assuming all these facts to be betrue betrue betrue true what do you say as to whether when the fatal shot was fired the pa patient patient patient tient was sane or insane insano Mrs Bradleys Name Not Mentioned The statement of the case was read from typewritten data and was dellb deliberately erat ly and carefully presented Mrs Bradleys name was not mentioned but the facts were given as applying to a woman 35 years of age which is the tho age of Mrs Bradley We Ve will as assume assume 3 sume said Judge Powers the case of ofa ofa ofa a woman now 36 years rears of age who at atthe atthe atthe the age of five years was struck on the head about two inches back from the frontal bone a severe blow which rendered her unconscious confining her herto herto herto to her bed for two or three weeks Thereafter she suffered from headaches until 16 or 17 years of age when after an attack of smallpox and pneumonia combined the headaches became less frequent Her grandfather upon the maternal side was at times insane Two of her aunts upon the maternal side became Insane Both had delu delusions delusions of persecution and both devel developed developed developed homicidal tendencies one died insane one Is now living and is much improved mentally The father of the patient is living burls buns suffering from paralysis and is unable to travel with without without without out assistance and is gradually growing grow growing growIng ing worse He proceeded then to relate the story of a suppositious womans childhood young Joung womanhood early education in Colorado and employment in Utah and passed to her participation in political and club life in Utah through which and because of her political affiliation with him Mrs Bradley became ac acquainted acquainted acquainted with Senator Brown The par particulars particulars particulars of her intimacy with him from 1898 forward are recited minutely The first evidences of the mutual infatuation Infatuation infatuation tion are aie thus outlined Infatuation Mutual As soon as the state elected a Re Republican Republican publican legislature which was in the year ear 1900 Senator Brown became a candidate for reelection and during the campaign of 1898 the patient and the senator were thrown together very in intimately Intimately intimately They worked together and traveled on campaign work through the state Their acquaintance ripened into Continued on Page 5 AN ANNA A M BRADLEY BRADlfY INSANE HE KillED BROWN BRON BRONIL IL Continued from Page 1 affection The prisoner first observed marked mared attention upon the thO part of ot the senator zenator after August 1898 and after 3 a time she was made aware that she loved him very deeply Previous to her awakening to fo o that fact he had expressed great affection for her in inmany inmany Inmany many ways and was tender and kind and courteous to her He made to her i protestations of his love and she sh be believed Hewed him and she came to love him no so strongly that It was beyond description tion There was a child born to them Jn Sn February 1900 and their relations became thus intimate In January 1893 1899 The senator told her a great deal of his business that he was unhappy and anda a very wretched man He told her all aU aUthe the intimate things of his life She told him that this could only lead to sorrow and grief but he said Never never nev r No matter what should come he would always stay with her and protect her to the end of othis his life And finally she said after I had avoided him for several months for I feared to be with him in November he lie came at unseemly times and I said he must not do it but he would come and she he says sa ho hf was a strange man One lay Bay he came earn to her and said We Te are go going going ing lug on through life together you can cannot cannot cannot not avoid me any an longer as we are going on through lIre life together Promises of Marriage Proceeding then with the long narra narrative narrative tive tle of the christening of the child the senators protestations of undying affection and his almost as frequent promises s of marriage to the defendant after getting a divorce from his wife of her own indisposition to break up the mans home to which she only consented after the relations be between between between tween them had become public of the birth of the second and third children of oC ils letters cf of love numbering some sometimes sometimes sometimes times five a day of her admiration for rown because bec use of his Intellectual su superiority sup p a fact tact that he dominated everybody around him on his inter interest Interest est cst in the children the oldest of which he said he would put on the bench of the supreme court of the United States Stat S after acknowledgment of him as his own of his efforts to procure a divorce In order to marry her Mrs Irs Bradley of the fact that gave her a wedding ring in 1901 and of various oth other other other er farts in the case cue The narrative goes oes or from one stage to another showing that Brown would not con consent consent sent to the womans return to her hus bus husband band baul although she manifested a dis disposition disposition disposition position to do so o but insisted upon maintaining his relations with her herThe herThe herThe The visits to the farm in Idaho and ind the scenes there and In Salt Lake City In which Mrs lIra Brown as well veil as the two principals participated are set forth In detail evidently for the pur purpose purpose pose post of a showing that Browns wife was wasat wasat wasat at one time practically a party part to the divorce proceeding Much Is also made of the efforts of Mr Ir Bradleys pastor Dr Utter ner her aunt Mrs Sweney and of others to get her to sever relations with Brown and of his refusal to per permit permit mit her to do so Arrests Set Forth All iii the facts of the various arrests of Brown Br and Mrs Irs Bradley are ares set s t forth as is also the con contention by the defense that Brown bought for tor her the pistol with which she shot him telling her to t use usa It in protecting herself against Mrs Brown Bronn The incident of the senators driving her from his farm in 1903 soon after a visit of Mrs Brown when wh n she was about abot abo to become a mother for the second time is also told Previous to this time Mr and Mrs Brown had been separated but they had then be begun begun begun gun again a ain to live together but the tes testimony testimony testimony goes gO S on to show that he told Mrs Irs Bradley that this reconciliation was nas not one of good faith and that he resumed his relations with Mrs Brad Bradley Bradley Bradby ley by is quoted at length The facts of Mrs Browns death and of Mrs Brada Brad Bradleys leys Jeys divorce from her husband which she procured at Browns instance both bothin in 1905 are narrated at length Verge of Much Ilch is made of the varying moods of Senator Brown Bro of his extreme kind kindness kindness kindness ness at one time and his bitterness and upbraiding at another It is shown how howIn howin howIn In 1905 Mrs Irs Bradley was plunged into quite utter despair by b his refusal to keep his promise and even was on the verge of suicide The story of Browns efforts through mutual friends to get Mrs Bradley Bradle to accept a money set settlement settlement and how she repelled it was pathetically set forth Mrs Irs Bradley de declaring daring claring even oven then that she knew Brown would marry her as soon as he h could A great deal of space Is te devoted to the testimony given by b the Salt Snit Lake witnesses all of them friends and most of them associates of Senator Brown concerning Mrs Bradleys eccentric and hysterical conduct during the latter Jatter years ears of the womans relationship with him Almost all the particulars of Mrs Irs Brad Bradleys s associations with Brown dur during durIng ing the latter Jatter half of November 1906 i iless less than a month before the killing when he would her one day to set Ht her up In business in Goldfield Nev and the next would withdraw the promise was given evidently for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of showing that he played with her trust and affection Exhausted Mentally and Physically Coming then to Senator Browns trip to Washington to which city she fol foJ followed lowed and there slew him on Dec 8 1906 the following is asserted assorted to have been Mrs Bradleys condition She had learned that she was about to become a mother again along about the middle of October and was in a delicate condition during the month of November and on the night of Dec Dee 1 she ehe became ill m her illness resulting in ina Ina ina a miscarriage from which she suffered during the succeeding days das much loss of blood bloo l During the month of Novem November November November ber she had not been able to sleep well at nights except at times when thor exhausted by worry she would sleep soundly for WallY wany many hours Mr Powers then told of the Inter Interview Inter Interview view with Browns |