Show fUW ORDINANCE ORDINAL GOMES COMES IK IN 1 Franchise Asked by Harriman Roads Is Presented to Council by At Attorney Attorney Attorney torney Hollingsworth Attorney A C R n Hollingsworth representing representing representing the Harriman roads appeared DC bo D Tore fore the council last night and presented a copy of a proposed ordinance prepared according a to the railroad de desires desires desires sires In connection with the building of or orthe the street viaduct The Th ordinance was read passed two readings and referred to the law committee the city attorney and the engineer The new ordinance according to a statement made to the council contains all of the essential points agreed upon at the conference between the railroad officials official ana anil a number of Ogden Osden busi bust business business bustness ness men held recently It provider provide that the thelast east approach which h will be built of concrete with a macadam ma adam top tOi to shall commence feet east of the line of ot Wall avenue instead of 24 feet This it is claimed d encroaches upon only twenty feet of the Rio Grande Western property making a 7 per cent grade gra e eThe The west approach will end at the west westend westend end of the Continental Oil property Among those who sat through the council session was A L 1 Brewer He has announced his intention of attending all sessions of the council after he takes office Jt It was decided to call upon the water company to extend its mains across the railroad tracks on street and to place a fire hydrant at Twenty eighth street and Pacific avenue The fhe matter malter of grading l street from Madison to Quincy avenues to divert the water from Dry Hollow into the tho street conduit was referred to the street committee with power to act set Several petitions against the filling in of the old river bed at the mouth of the canyon canon were presented and referred to the committees It was reported that the railroad com corn companies companies were encroaching upon city prop erty ert at the foot of TwentY and streets The city dt engineer was instructed to prepare a plat covering this territory with a aview aview aview view of oC stopping the encroachments The ordinance Increasing the salary of firemen passed its third and final read Ing in Interest on bonds aggregating was ordered ord ed paid |