Show had plan of their own one day soon after popes defeat at the second bull run and chantilly a private soldier belonging to an ohio regiment sought an interview with his captain and announced that he be had a plan tor for a military campaign which must certainly result in crushing out the secession the officer very naturally inquired for particulars but the soldier refused to reveal them and asked for a chance to lay his plans before rope pope himself after some delay he be was given a pass to headquarters lie he did not get to see pope but after the chief of staff had bad coaxed and promised and threatened for a quarter of an hour the buckeye stood up and replied well sir my plan la Is tor for john rope pope and bob lee to swap commands and if we dont lick the sell south th inside of CO 60 days you may shoot me tor for a patent hayfork hay fork swindler when he returned to camp he was naturally asked what success he be met with and ho he ruefully ruefully y replied wall they had a plan of their own what was it why they took me out and booted me for a mile and a half |