Show AN ORDINANCE I 1 an ordinance amending and re enacting section 99 of chapter 12 of the revised ordinances of bountiful city state of utah july ath 1917 BE IT ORDAINED by the mayor and city council of bountiful city utah section 1 that bertion 99 of chap ter ler 12 of the revised ordinances of bountiful city utah july ath 1907 1007 be aud and the same is hereby amended re enacted into sections 99 and 99 12 1 2 so go that said sections will r read C ad as follows section 99 SALE OF TOBACCO TO MINORS prohibited it shall be unlawful for any person cr 11 bell i r or furn f urn li 11 any cigars cigarettes or tobacco in any form or opium or any other narcotic in any form to any person under tw twenty one years of age section 99 12 1 2 PURCHASE OR possession OF TOBACCO by minors it shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty one years to buy accept or have in his possession any intoxicating liquor cigar cigarette or bacco in any form or any opium or any other narcotic in any form section 2 this ordinance shall take effect ten days after its first publication passed by the city council of bountiful city cita utah on the day of july A D 1917 approved by mayor this day of jul july A D 1917 RICHARD mayor JOS KYNASTON city recorder Re cordei botin voting 0 in favor of the above ordinance di nance councilman jardine Jar dinc yes burns yes F B smedley yes and W C hardy yes against its passage none councilman J E hepworth absent JOS KYNASTON city recorder state of utah county of davis city of bountiful ss I 1 joseph kynaston city recorder of bountiful city utah do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full true ana correct copy of an ordinance entitled AN ORDIN ORDINANCE TANICE AMENDING and re enacting section 99 of chapter 12 of the revised ordinances din ances of bountiful city utah july ath 1907 pass passed d by the city council of Bount bountiful bountis if al city utah july 1917 as appears of record in my office in witness whereof I 1 have hereunto set my land hand and affixed the corporate seal of said city this day of july 1917 JOS KYNASTON city recorder |