Show E 0 lindgren jeweler and watchmaker 71 E BROADWAY SALT LAKE CITY ORDER YOUR COAL PROM FROM JOHN RANDALL mrs thomas pages paces Resi residence deric e phone or 0 H randall Ra adall phone 91 23 cash on A davis Coun county tys PRINTERS the hurry up shop for invitations commercial I 1 and show printing clipper clippa BOUNTIFUL f FIRE INSURANCE charles grossman of layton utah pays the highest price for hides pelts furs and beeswax also buys all kinds of junk if you have any of the above articles to sell call me by phone and have call charged to me phone kaysville Kays ville 37 jurnove turn over a new leaf by subscribing tor for THIS PAPER J H wood agency continental life ins co suite boston life health and accident J H WOOD mgr roa res farmington phone 42 DO IT NOW for PAPE TIUS it public best bell fire fin insurance nephi palmer LICENSED AND BONDED abstracter OF DAVIS COUNTY pheine 26 farmington utah again we maypa say for papera subscribe u PF THIS c ribe P IS L H ROBISON physician and surgeon office effice at residence 5 doors north of bank phone no 8 BOUNTIFUL UTAH A L C MALCOLM paper hanger painter all 1 kinds of house paintings Pain dico dt ratin BOUNTIFUL UTAH olson ill eugene marsteller DENTIST first national bank building second floor front OG OGDEN DEN specialist in plates and crown bridge work all work and material guaranteed L J if A want M YO YOU U can get ift them by advertising ver in in this E paper it reaches the best class of people in this k 9 community U L use this paper if you want some of their business use this paper r tent awning SPERE PERL mfg mag company porch curtains Curti int our specialty everything in canvas horse hone blankets blanket camping outfits outfit ore bags bag etc wan salt lake city VIM 11 1 1 M ra so west temple st OCTOR DOCTOR T J HOWELLS physician and surgeon office fice hours hour 2 to 5 phone was W kearns SALT LAKE CITY now is the time to buy your adv TO because rubber is advancing every day we have the CONGRESS in all sizes tubes in red and gray bountiful abr GIVE greenhalgh REMEDIES A TRIAL they have bave been successfully used for rheumatism Ston stomach lach trouble appendicitis gallstones gall stones tape worm diphtheria skin aisea diseases tumors etc consultation free 28 east ath south salt lake city U 1344 w alt I 1 |