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Show THE TERRITORIES. W YUM I SO. Immeii-n! berdrtol butl'do have leen sei-u williin i-igiily iuih ol tbo Kul river, alter ten y ntn ol total al"in'r Frmn all arc unit tlie hvnltt ore ' inikinitiiM; taitwunl. Tun Sioux t Inili.Lim it billing at prvii's lake, in I LiikoU, iiavy ftuvudy Wen on a ir'.a 1 hunt, mid bnvn return' d (o tlipir hoint With an iiUiuihuicn ot b:il!.ilo tiif.it and ik i m hi rs of n ! cm. 'J'i .ivel-ers .ivel-ers from the northwisi, wlto havr I ut ely como into W innipi'u, n pmt very liirn nn niorrw of ln tl-iln very imi h further e int lli.ni hirrtilorr. Tiir Cheyeiinn h-i l- r tin ti report that the He 1 Cloud 1 1 id una liuve moved twenty five iniWn asuy fiom tlu ngvney, and inlnsn to coiuo in. Hnnl I) iin I. em sent (o tln-m ihut no more nilioiin will ln imiifd until tiny Coiihj in. The I.'-id'r h i) n: It ik-i-hik very tHti re that Kt d t'luiul inleudx goint; on the w.irpUl; witli bii whole oiillit. 11 if ttoopfl at lied Cloud, under (-'tjiieiitl ii'ii kun.io, are lir'tl ui itiidioioa fur duty at a nioniLiil's niilieo. This report ix not emillmud. The name napwr nnyn that Col. Itoonn, Or. DanieU and ex-Agunt llowurd, the Mini designale,! by the Interior drpartiiieut to conduct th dulfalnip ol Indiana from (ho bands ol Red Cloud nml spotted Tail to the ndian lerritnry, wilh the purpose oT Bi'lecting a loenlion to whirh tlimn buniU nniy tn reinovid, nfiTCrd at Hitlnry on Ft id ay lust, and iu It there thn in ti morning lur II in A gencicti. 1 1 mi I in I uu in are uuderAliHid to ho roiuly to corxiHAun, i Tbo J'uublo Cisflnn, U.O only iliuly in the still u out ulu of Pnuvrr, llireatoiiH dMtnutiiiuanco unless iUi palroniige is incrnHHul. Hoiim of the lieHt fiu-meiB of Kre-' Dtont county a noun an (hr crDpt nfj atliertd anil Hlaiked, iiiHlcud of1 ullowing water to run whmIp, keep the Adda wnt all winUT. H will no only tiikn lem irrittalinii iu tho spring, hut a goKl wot lieezo ncraiionnlly during thn winter strenclhenH tho noil. Tho ttotnorrney of I. m Aninma county aro regitleting votes fur the ulretlun of November 7i, ' j A duel took plucn Tnurxdny overling, overl-ing, ono ol the piutiro being a well-known well-known rrshiuranl keeper mid tho utlior a ri'ttident ol Central. Tho rental irant keeper was hit ill tho oheek and hip. Kl I'iIho ehiiuiH lo bo lhr lmnner nonnly of tho Hlale, having given Uh republican ninjorllv. W'"'d county out. ol a total o(l,i!ul vnlen gavo LioreijiiUgu oflU.4 I on the republican' Hide. I |