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Show Brief Telegrams. Baron Sudelry is dead. His brother Bucceeds to the title. The Missouri legislature adjourned sine- -die on Monday.- . . Spring races opened in Nashville on Monday. Much interest is taken in them. ' In Belfast on Monday flour rose 2 per ton. It has risen $27 in three weeks. The Toronto field battery place themselves :t ihe disposal of the im-1 im-1 periai government. The Dime savings bank, Bethlehem, Bethle-hem, Pa., has auspunded. Liabilities exceed $2S5,000; assets unknown. j. it. oieaman tjavoi dubiou, crockery and glassware, have called a meeting of their creditors. Liabilities, Liabili-ties, $118,000. . . The giirrison at Bilboa has been augmented on account of the agitation agita-tion among Biscoyaua at the dissolution dissolu-tion of the juntas. Colonel- H. B. Saudford, R.A., chief of the British com mission at the Centennial, waa knighted on Monday by Queen Victoria. The Niagara tomperance hause, Buflalo, latterly used as a variety theatre, was burned Monday night. Incendiary; loss $30,000. Henry Watteraon has accepted an invitation to deliver a memorial ad-drbss ad-drbss on Decoration day over Union soldiers buried in the national cemetery at Nashville. Information baa been laid before tho governor of New York that the examination of the New York and Erie bank, Buffalo, waa stopped under very auspicious circumatancps, at a time when it owed the state $190,000. |