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Show : Embroidery on Dues.-es. Olive Logan, in her London Ictler to the New York Grnphio, writes: Embroidery Em-broidery is now all thu rag. B jth the Queeu and Princess Beatrice have appeared in embroidered drer-ses at the drawing room held at Buckingham Bucking-ham Palace; this woek, and that stamps the fashion for the present season. I ihiuk this dresa of Ihe queen's black embroidered with silk is the gayest attire her majesty hns donned sinco her widowhood. Tho embroidery on it was executed at the R -yal Sehool oi art iiKcdleork of wbich I have been eneakine: and ihw fact will FUtEca lo give ihe hhl fio.. gers "f the embroiderers us much work as they can possibly execute for so.no lime to come. In moro respects than the cm-broukred cm-broukred dress was bi-r niijcty's costume fit weir for an empress audi a queen. About her neck ws seen' a gorgaotis necklace of large Oriental uncul ruhie, n;i Q a vcrv rtiiuu ol diftinondi. (J u,r breast "she- woro tlio Kohinocr as a broonb. 0;er a long white tulle veil was pl.ic.d an imperial crown sparklint with great gems of every hue. To all these brilliaols must be added as many as a duz-Mi orders all enriched wilh diamoi.di and suspended across from shoulder to waist by Ihe variously hue-d ribbons which accompany them. A humorist of some note, known to Lho public as Bill Arp a sort f : southern Josh Billings has recently met his death after having, it is said, a vivid presentiment of the timo and manner of its occurrence. He left bis home noar Decatur he was a s nail planter in Texas to get a load of corn, taking his wagon for that purpose. Previous to starting he nail told his family that be felt confident con-fident he should never return alive; but they laughed at Ids statement, not knowing whether he wis jesliug orauflering from an attack of melan-cholly, melan-cholly, to which he seems to havo been periodically subject. Ho had got his load of corn, aud had returned, when, within a iewyardsof his houno, ho fell from hie wagon into the road, and the wheels paiweU over his neck, . killing mm insianuy.- wn " seen him coming and had remarked to berchildien. "There's your lather, who looks tolerably well for dad man," a few moments belr-re tho fatal accident happened. Bill Arp was a native of Georgia, where he bad lived most o! his life, and contributed to tho newspapers of Atlanta and-other and-other cities in the state a number of humorous pquibs and paragraphs, which were afterwaid published iu a volume. |