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Show JOB PRINTING. "heralF JJJ 00 BBBHB J 0 0 B fl J O 0 B B JO O B13DB J O 0 B B J J 0 0 B B JJ 00 BBBBB Prlwixg Officii. aro prepared with Imbrovea Machinery ' First-class Stoct LID tITKXSIVK KIPKRIKNUX TO DO Ml Ws of Job Work And QUA.RSrCKB 8TSFA0CI0. MINING WORK, Vouch Ore Roceipta, CERTIFICATES OF STOCK The vary beat dono in Utah' I Timo Booka, Fay KoUi, LEGAL BLANKS WARRANT! DEEDS, QUIT-CLAIM DEEDS, AOKSU WLEDQMENT8, CO DAT FAFER, PROTESTS, BRIEFS. POSTEBS PLAT-BILLS, AUCTION BILLS, U0DUKR3, &I All Sires, Styles and Color bUfeLKiSS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS , MQOKS RECEIPTS IN BOOKS, LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, COMMERCIAL PRlXTlXfi Billhead.. BnTClop... FcUl CMrda, Do. BlUa, Ltb.la. s We Invite Inspection geralil FriiiiiDi and PMsMn COM? AST! 8LATE PAINT Protect Your Buildings Which may be dono with one-fourth the usual oxioam, by uaiugour PATEXT SLATB PA1XT MIXED HEADY FOR USE. Fire-proof, Water-proof, Durable, Economical, and Ornamental. A roof may be covorod with very choop shir slo, and uy application of this slat be iiiuiio t Ian Tom 'JJ to i years. 01 J roofs can Iju patch ud unil oontuii, looltin much butter but-ter and lusting luugor than now shinaloa with-ou; with-ou; the alutu, fur One-Third the Cost ol Beshlngllrjg. The or pome of slating now shingles Ii only about the coat of simply laying ihom. 1 be iaiut is jvimt-ritooir &kiii .at a.iarks or flying nibois, aa may uo eiuiiy tumid by any una IT STOPS EVERY LEAK, and for tin or iron has no equal, as It oxpur.Ja by hunt, contra ls by ould, and s-.vu cu nor flja.ca. iui fa covered with lar fhoiutiing b'oit ca j bo Qjado waiur-iijihi at a small ox-jorjse, ox-jorjse, and preserved lor iuny yoaia. Ibis olate I'aint ii EXTREMELY CHEAP. Two gallons will eovor a hundred iquare Feet of atiialo roof, while oa tio, Iron, folt, matched bardt, or any smooth surfnoo, from two iiujiU to ore gallon a:o muutred to one hundred nuaro loot or aurlajo, ar.d althouih tho Paint hLia a ho-tvy budy.it la o.iaily applied ap-plied with a brush. No Tar Is Used In this Composition, th'orofore it neither cracks tn Wintor nor rum in Summer. ... j Uii doouyod ehinglo3 it fllla un the holoa ana liorus, aul nivvi a no, aubstautiul Tool that will luot fur years, (JuaLuu or wakpeu abinglos it biioir to their il .oos, and keeps ihoui ihuro. It tills ui all holed in E olt roold, bioi8 iho lo iks sud alihjuyh a slow drier, mm dooa not cllool it a fuw hours af. or ap-plyinn, ap-plyinn, As Dourly all paints that mo black contain T.m, bu fluro yuu ubtain our aoUixE article, which, tor shig.o roofa, ia CHOCOLATE COLOR, whon Qnt anpliod, changing in about d month to a unilurtu sluto color, aad U Lj ail intents and purposoi blxtk. Un TIN ROOFS oar red color is usually proterrod, as ono coat a 0'iual to tiro oi any ordiuary paini. i'cr BRICK WALLS our bhiojt iibd ia tho only roliablo Slate I'aint introduced that will oiTocluully provoot jjiuiino95 Irom toaotratiag and discoloring the plaster. i'hosu rainta aro also Iarj)l7 is-il on oiu-hou9:s oiu-hou9:s und fe ioij, or aj a prlmijg coat on Line buildings. Our only colors aro OuoooLiTE, IUd, Tjaiaur Used, und Urinob. NEW YORK CASH PRICE LI8T: 5 Oalloiij, can and box 9 5 M lu " kcft B 0 20 " half bnrrol 16 00 tO " one bairol - SO Ou We hnro io atook, of our own manuraoture, rooOng oiitoria'.a, ota,, at tho following low pricuu; ' lOOJ rolla oxtra Rubber Roofing at 3 conts per squaro loot (Or wo will furniah Rubber Rootlnit, Nails, Cai'3, and Slate I'aint for an on tire now root aiJH conts ior squire fout-) 2W0rolls2-ply Itrrod RooQnu i'olt, at conts por siiuaro foot. : SWM ro Is 3-idy Tarred RooDnr Folt, at 2X cents par fluuaro foot. 200 rolla Tarred Shea thine, at H cont per square foot. SOOO giUois fim Enamol Taint, mixod roady for use, ou inside or ouUido work, at iV- per rallon. Send for aamMo enrd oi colors All orders must bo aocumpanioJ with tbo monoy or jarjiaotory city ro'oroncos. No guodi sbiiipod 0. U. i)., unless oxiirois ohnrtjer ore nurrm-tood. nurrm-tood. - ' Sample orders solicited. H, Y. SLATE FAINT COilPANT, 014 102 104 MAIDEN LINE, H. Y STEWART'S Celebrated BRUSHES, FOE PAINTERS, Wiill'EWASnERS. HORSEMEN, Akd GssittiL Familt Usb. For ca'o, Who'csalo and RcUil, by Z. C- M I. Greoor? and Umg Dei artments, M sars. (loabe, 1'ilU &. Co., S P. Toasd.d, Mwars. Iviuibill Jt Lavronco. Messrs. Day Si Co. Messrs. Wm. Jonning-s. BonsASadlor-STHWAUT BonsASadlor-STHWAUT BHOd. A CO., alS P.ttsburcb. Pa. ; Aaaa Can't bs mnde by every agent every UUU mi)nlQ ino business wo furni?h, i I ll 9 ll ut tUllS0 Willi ok to work can oasUi WUUU euro a doiaa dollars adsy right in their own locahtioi LWvo no room to es-pUin es-pUin hero, liu-inofs iiloasnot bind hooornblo. Wooion. an'I b ys and sirls do as well as men. ffe will furnish you a comidote Outfit free. Tho bu'inu s pay" bottir than anything any-thing elto. Wo will bear cxponso of atartins: yoa. Particulars froo. H rite and aee. farmers a.id mechin cs, their aons and daushtrs. and all oUssoi in need of paying; work a, homo, should write to us ana learn all about tho work at once. Now ii tho time Uon't doliy. Addioss, TRUE Ji CO., Augusta. Au-gusta. Slaipw- BOOK BINDING. Bookbinding THE HERALD BINDERY la prepared, with A First-class stock of thu requisite Material ASD i COMPETENT B00KB1XDEEJ To hind in a durable manner MAGAZINES, 3ITSIC BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, TAMrnLETS, ill other kinds of Books On Short Kotlca nd AT L017EST LIYIVS FIGURES LECAL BLANKS. Xj egal BLANKS. THK FOf, LOWING LINE OF BLANKS bus benn complied with the jrreate-t euro and with tho advice of Ihf, luKdins; ruQriitxjrs of tho lcjral fraternity frater-nity of .Salt Lake City. Tlioy are made to corilbrm btrictly to thu law in avery particular, and parliua uug these Blanks will lind thera tu be thu best ever uuod in thin Territory: APPLICATIONS FOR PATES 'I'd Oi? MINIS 1 Notico of Location, 2 Application lor Pateut, 3 Proof of Posting Notice, and Diagram of Claim, 4 Proof tliat Plat and Notice Re mained Posted, 5 Rt'gidter'e Certificate of Posting Notice, 6 Proof of Publication, 7 Alhdavit of $500 Improvement, 8 AILidavit of Citizen8liip1 9 Certiliciite tliat no Suit in Pending, 10 Power of Attorney, 11 Notico of Application, 12 Certificate oi Identity of Claim. 13 Statement and Charge of Feea. 1 NOTARY PUBLIC: Protests, Notices of Protest, Acknowledgments, Witness, " Party known, " Subscribing Wit ness, ' deeds: Warranty, Quit Claim, Mining Claim, Townsitc, Le:ise, Bargain and tiale. Uor.TQA.QEd: Mortgage, general form, Chattel Mortgage. justices': Subpcena, civil, " criaimnl, warrant ot Arrest, Writ of Attachment, Undertaking on Attachment, Affidavit for " CommitmentB, Summonsea, Executions, MitlimiiB, Amttavits, Complaints, Complaint in Replevin, DISTRICT COURT : Notiot of Motion, Undertaking on Attachment, Writ of Affidavit for " 1 Undertaking on Claim, and Delivery i oi Personal property, Affidavit on Claim and Delivery of Personal Property, Subpoenas. MISCELLANEOUS I Bond (General Form). Official Bonds, Constable's Sale, Bills of Sale, Power of Attorney (general), " " (special), Promissory NoteB. THE ABOVE BLAHKB Will be kept constantly on hand and Bold in lots to suit purchasers, at low rates, at the office of The Salt Lake Herald, , A few doors north of Descrot Bank. SALT LAKE CITY. .Literal Piscsmt 10 tlie Traie 1S77V THE. QUARTERLY REVIEWS AKD BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Tie Leonari Scott PuIMdi Co. 41 Barclay si, New York, Continue their authorized R'printa of thFOUR LEADING QUAKTJSKLY KK VIEWS, Edinburgh Review (Whig), London Quarterly Review ( onservative), Westminster Review (Liberal), British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), ASK Blactwood's EJiiitimili Magazine. The British Quarterlies give to the reader well-digested information upon the great ovents in contemporaneous history, his-tory, and contain misterly criticisms on all that is fresh and valuable in litcra-, litcra-, turc, as well as a summary of ihe tri-) tri-) umphs V' science and art. The wars likely to convulso all Europe will form ! topics for discussion, that will he treated witb a thorouhne?s Htl(i ability nowhere else to bo found. .Blackwood's Magazine is famous for stones, cssayB, and sketches of tho highest litcary morit. TERMS (Including Postage); Payable Strklly in Advance. Per annum For any one Koview J 4 OC For any two Keviews 7 01 For any three Keviews- 10 0( For all four Reviews- 12 Ot For Blackwood's Mugazine 4 Ot For Blackwood and ono Review... 7 Fit Blackwood and two Review?- 10 Ot For Blackwood and throo Reviews 16 OL For Blackwood and the four Reviews Re-views 15 0( CLUBS. A discount of twenty percent, will bt allowed to clubs of four or more persons. per-sons. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood or of ono Review will bo eent to o?u address for 12 SO, four copies of thi four Reviews and Blackwood for H, and so on. rREUlXJIS. New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1S77 may have, without clinrcOi the numbers for the last quarter of 1576 of such periodicals as they may subscribe sub-scribe for. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unlesc the money is remitted direct to the publishers. pub-lishers. No premiums given to clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. Tie Leonard Scott PaWisMng Co. 41 Barclay st., Sew York. jan9 W. BREDEMEYER, "NTotary Public MINING. (Mill aiil Civil Engineer MDU. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR For Utah and Idaho. Worfcinr plan and ortimt for minoi rd int ro --exrn-s famish eJ ; will snrerin-nd snrerin-nd the ooxablimost and worltin ot saaias The conoeniration ot ores a atxseialty. Aont forth Bumboldt Comraaiy (miaa-akturra (miaa-akturra of minins and oonronLmLini inacn isciy.) Yqi plani and informatioa arr'7 at my ofico. St. 16 and 17 Kimball Blocx, and P. 0. Hoi H5T. 1 aa prorucd to tako contracts on tunnel &d ;oe tintms "f inais. 4a - DEESC11 & ELLEKBECK LICENSED ; Plumb or s 9 i GAS & STEAM FITTERS, RospMtfully announce that HAVING LAID A T,L THE CITY WATER PIPtS. and having; a larga stook of PlutabiriR Material oa hand, tho s aro pro-i pro-i pared to LAY ; SERVICE PIPES FOR WATER ' and flat, mlso to lay Water and Qua Piping in ' all Buildinga and UHollNuS. boh Public and Private. Our Mr. lieorrb boinj an eiporioncod and - practical PLUMUtitt, Gas and Moara j Fit-.cr. wo aro able lo guarantee good work and tali fact ion-i ion-i Dolors in ALL KIND3 OF PTJMVS. ! Piro. FUtinni, Hoio, binks, B A3 in a, Batb Tubs. Gaa Fixtures, etc. Pumpa Ho paired. Oharaoi Mod or ate. i Work promptly suendod to. .' Old Constitution Buildinjr, Opposite Z. m2 O. M. 1. ateas divts. Jkuoa hots, joes r uillki i DAVIS, HOWE & Co., ; Miry aai Macliie Slops, ! FIET we-t street. Nwr Konh Temple "treat SALT LAKS CITY, aocufacturo m'l kicrt? of MIN'INij . MILLING MACHINERY. WRuriiHT I i;;0-V A.-ii BRAdd WORK. ' 8 EPA IRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ol ' ALLCOCK'8 POROUS PLASTERS. - Ask for ALLCOCK'S, and obtain them, and ao avoid miserable IMITATIONS. IMITA-TIONS. B. BRANDRETH, Pres't, nil Office. SH Canal St., Now York. DR. SPINNEY & CO., Xo. H Kearuej Street f TREATS ALL CHRONIC AND SPECIAL JL Liioxsoa, YOUNQ MEN, Who may bo Buiforing- from tho cfToot of youthful follies or iniliso otion will do well to avail theiuaolvea of his, tho eraiitoJt boon ovor laid at the altar of autlonna humanity. DK. aPINNEY will guarantee to forloit $.j00 for evory oisso of woukuois or diseaao ol any kind or atiiiroidT which ha undertake and fails to ourr. Ilo wuuld tucrcforo say o thu unfortunate sufferer i who way read this notice, tout you are t raiding upon dangerous ground whoa you longor dolay in loekiug the proper rcuiody for your oomplamt You may bo in tho first stage; reiuouibor you aro apiiTottoaiag the lut. If tou aro bordering upon tbo last, and are sulfenng amnoorall of Its ill efioct, romainbjr tbut it you ioreist in procrastination tne lime niu.-touie when ihe must skillful physloian can rendoryou no assist inco; whon the duor ol hoi e nil! be oloaod a it ft in tt you; wood no augel ofmoroy can britg you relief. In no has the doctor failed of success. '1 ben let not despair work upun your imagination, but avail your solf ol the boDuficinl roiullu of his imminent bofora your oa.ne it beyond the roach of modioli mod-ioli skill or boforo grim doath hurrios you to a Lireoiaturo grave. MIDDLE-ACED MEN. There are many of the age of thirty to sixty who aro iruublud with ton troauant ovaoua-tion ovaoua-tion of the biadJor, of.on accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a woiKoning ol tne stom In a manner tho patient cannot account for On examining tho orinary deposits a ropy sediinont yill olten bo found, and sometimis fiuull particles ol albumon will ajipoar, or iho color bo ot a thin ana miikish hue, agin chitnuiotf to a dark and lormd appoa.anoa- Ihoru nro many men wbo die of this uiftlculty ignorant ot tho cause, which is tbo suoond siHgo of seminal weakness. Dr S- will guarantee a perfect cure in ull such cajos, and a hoallhy restoration of thu gomto-urinury organs. A tl loiters ore mmunia'.icna striotly confidential. con-fidential. iMedicinus, paoHod go as not tu oxoite ourioaicy, sunt by Exorosa, if full do-ecription do-ecription of caso Is .iven. OUioo iloura-10to4 nnd fl to 8. Sundaya from 10 te H a m. Consultation Froa. Thoi-ough Thoi-ough examination and adviiso, 6b. Call or addrosa UK. A. u SFlNNBY, No-11 Kearny sttoot, ml5 Ban b'ranci'co. FORWARDING, ETC. Qeo' Y- Wallace, President. Ooo, A. Ulaok. Vioo-Proaidont. J. It. Meredith, Treasurer. 0. F. Lloyd, Sao rotary UTAH Forwarding Company, (Incorporated under the Laws of the Territory.) L'Dder Contract with Railroad Companies and Fast Freight Lines. WE WILL FORWARD GOODS TO ALL points tn Utah and Southern Nevada. The hanoling, sampiing and shipping o OKK and BULLION a speoixlty. Hatos of Freight given atid guaranteed tc all points East and Wuat. Cash advances in ado on imperishable artiole. OFFICE OPPOSITE D. 0. B. B. D1P0T, SALT LAKE CITY. G&O. Y. W Al LACK, Snpt 1 iiro34 BREWERS. HENRY WACENtZR, Salt Lake Oily, Utah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, Lager Beer, Ale and Porter, Wholesale and Retail, Second South street, three doors aat 3 the Klfluhsnt Store. MINING ENGINEERS, ETC. J. Fiwson Suits ' A. P. Dokim'18 SMITH & DOR EM US CIVTL ENGINEERS AND U. S. MJN eial Survoyon. make a specialty of RAILROAD ENGINEERING and of MINING SURVEYING For Patents, Adverse Claimi and of Underground Under-ground Workns OtSco bo weon Dosorot National Bank and Now Co-op Store. P. 0. box m. mm & pa s Kbwd the Best Stock in the West of . is!' SIVERWARZ, DIAM NDS and 1'IKST-CLASS JEWELRY Of all kinds, wiih they are sol ing at the must Heai-nublo Prioa. Cilland examine thoir goods, you are sura lo bi suited' Knst Temple St., Salt lake City I aula B A rTfiES ' C EN T E NARYH1ST0RY OF TBI UNITED STATES or! One Hundred Years of American Independence. WRITTEN IN A PLEA8ING AND comprehensive style. Tqo best book now off rod to 'he oubllc. CiNVAS-ilNH AUKNT-i WVNTS3 in every County of the Territory, Apply immedia'oly to A.R. WRIOIIT. Qan-nl ,ont Hth Ward. S.i. Lk. T"rUOnT. A FULL STOCK OF PAPERS, Cardboards, E 1ST V ELOPES LECAL BLANKS, i.O PRINTERS'SUPPLIES Consuntly ou hand nt the HERA! I OFFICE: lfe.doa.-i n ",jiJjjrt Xatim.l Bank Pasting Places. IXED TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) Leaving Salt Late City at 8:40 a. m. and 5:05 p. m.; and Ogden at 5 a. ra. and 3:30 p. in. ps- For all information concerning Freignt or Passage, apply to JOHN SUAKP. Jr., Gen. Fr't & T'kt AgenL JOHN SHARP, Huporintnndent. QTAH f ESTERS BAIL? AI COMPANY. QN AND AFTER SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1876, THE UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY COM-PAIVY COM-PAIVY will run daily traina a lollows ibundnya eicoctodj: Lavo bait Lako City at 7:00 a-m., -tlorr-inx 25 minutea at Labo Point for EreitKfuat, Arrive at Ilair-way Uouse at 9:2S a.m. Leave lialf-way House at 11:40 a.m. tt"iipin(t 25 mLnutai at Like i'oint for Dinner. Armlna; at Salt Lake City at 2:05 n m. ON SUNDAYS Tho Trains will loavo Salt Lake City at ifa. m., stopinnn 25 riliautos ac Luke Point and arrive at LUIf-way liouso at 11. Ji. Loavo Half-way llojio at ir (it, siopp ng at Lake I'oint 2j minatii, arriving at call Lake Cliy at p. ni. All roiitht for tho wost must be at tho Depot not lator t'jan 1 p. m. on woofc diys onlp, and f.ir any further informal ioa aj.ply to J.N. l'IKS.Uonoral Croinac Aont. U '2. P. K1MOALL. 6npt. Castle Bro's. Brand or J APAN TEAS TOR BALI AT Z. C, M. I. Grocery Dept H. S. ELDREDGE, Supt. HEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & Co., Manufacturer! and Wholesale Dealers ia Boots and Shoes 134 i 138 Grand si., New Vohk, Corner Croby, oa. Woak j( of BtoaAraF NEW AOVERTISEMEt.TS. "Pi a'flo God from whom all blessings flow'' CUVAMS.U, ELECTiliClTV A3 CURATIVE POWERS. . Hall's Galyaiio Electric Plasters, . Theonly really aoionlifio method orwH-oallon orwH-oallon of theso subtle myttorii.ua elements. Letters oi Patent grunlod to It. P. Hall, pf Nashua. Now Uumpshiro, dulod AjtiI Mth, lS7ti, for lalest and most valuable unrrOYo-menta unrrOYo-menta In the handling of those igonoios Uy moans of plasters. Hall's GalTano Electric Piasters . ArospooiOo for tho following complaints: 1Ta-.ll.j Oalvano KlectHo Piaster will 11(1X1 IS cure Khetimulisiu of any nature or aevority. no uiattur of how long standing. , ir..ll'c Oalvano Jiikolrio Plaster Will lldl L S cure Nourali-IT. Nourali-IT. ll'o lilvano Kloctrlo Plaitor Will lldll O cure Sick HeadMche ir.ll'o Oalvano Ek-ctrio Plaster will 11 (111 S cure Woak and Inflamed Kyos. I Trt 1 1 'o Oalvano Klontf io Pastor will llclJl a cure ail alTootions of the iHrain. If nllci Oalvano Jiloi-trie 1'lwtor will lldll euro Spinal Complaints. I I o 1 1 'o Oalvano Kloctrio l'.iutor will lldll o curo Kidney and Livor Coni- plnint. TToll'o Oalrano Elootrio Plastor will lldll S cure rJoiatica, l'aralydia ana Lumbago. Hall 'ts Oalvano Klectrio Piaster will 11(111 O euro L'ontraotod Binewa, Weak Joints and Limbs. TToll 'o Oalvano Kloctrio Plaster will lldll S cum Asthma nd Lurid Jiseasoi. llnll'c! Oalvano Kloctrio Planter will lldll a Curo Lisoasosoi tho Heart, si i pc Oalvano Kk-otrte Plastor will KJ (111 a cure all Nervous Prostrations from wbnttoovor caoao. Tf-ill 'c Oiilvano Kloctrio Plaster will lldll a cure ImpotiQcy asd VVoaknon of Ooniiivo Orgitns. irnll's: Oalvano Kkctr.o Plaster will JUL i 111 a euro l'omale Oumplainta, Falling ol tho Womb, etc TTnll 't3 Oalvano tlccinc Plastor will im-11(111 im-11(111 a prt Now Lifo and Vinortothe wholo Human Frame. Ttioy oauso the Lniut to loap with joy and the Uult tu tako up their uoda and walk. OffiooofOeo. W. Matthews Jt Co-, W ore h ant Tailore, Chiongo, 111., J une 20, 1870. ; Messrs. Bell Mnnn A Co., 1011 Wabaih Ave., Chlonfro, Gontlemon ll bny ono doubt.' tuueihsioney of your Hall's Oulvano Klootrio Planter for curine llheumalism and Sick Uundaoho of tho worst nature. Bond thorn to mo ana I will convince them that ono hundred dollars apiece for thorn would not bo an oxborbitant l.noo. Yours, truly, Ono, W. Mittukwh. Office of Amorican Express Co;, Chicago. Juno A 1873. Messrs. Boll Mann A Co., Chicago. Gentlemen 1'our Hall's Oalvano Electric Plasters cured mo ol tbo lihoumatiBtu. 1 bavo rtince rooomtnonded them tu utbors and have as yet io letirn ol a ainsle Instanco where iboy failed to otfoot a nor loot euro in two or throe daya. Cns- Fa ego, Man st or Amoncan Ex, Co. They aro WAKRANTED. Sent by miil securely put op and postage prepaid, to any part of the United fa late 3, on recoipt of prioo, viz: 60 oonta each. BELL MANN & CO., Manufaotarors and Propriotora, UU Wabash Avonuo, Coioago, Ills. 4 Ziou's Co-operative Mcr-eaiiiile Mcr-eaiiiile institution AGENTS FOR UTAH TERRITORY d31 FURNITURE, ETC FOR Furniture, - rfv ' hi i-w -Mr ;f t Building and Roofing- Paper, Hefrigerators , CUPBOARDS, DESKS, INVALID CHAIRS, , BARBER CHAIRS, PARLOR BRACKETS, . PARLOR SUITS, Window Blinds; WINDOW CORNICES, BABY CARRIAGES, Fe at hers, Hair aiid Wire Mattresses, IPiSOLSTEUV WOKK, 1 Goto H. DINWOODY To the Worlilnc TlnaaWe are now prepared to lurnnh all elaa.o with cor-Stant -mp:oymont at htmo, tho wholo nf tho time, or for thoir si aro momtnts Dusinocs low, light and proGiable. Persons of either sex easily nam irom 50 cent to th per evening, and a proportional sum by dovoting their wholo time to tho business. Boys and girll oan earn nearly as much a.' men. Thai all wbo soo this nollco uinyiocd thoir adurcsa nd tost tbo business we make this unparal-loled unparal-loled oUor:To sucj as are not well ratisSed wo will sond .no dollar to pay fortho trouble ofwritine. Pull pari iulare. asmplca worth lovoral dollars to emmonco work on, and a cor-y ni Homoand Pit oiie, one ot the largest ar.d best Illustrated Publications, all sett iroo by mail header, if you want punian-B,t,.T,"'tf""h,0 punian-B,t,.T,"'tf""h,0 w,,rk- addresi.. UtUKUK al'INsUJN A CO., Portland, ilaino. f6 Salt I.uKc City IRON WORKS. One Block South of U. C. R.R. Depot, T. PLERP0HT, Supt. Are now prepared to Manufacture and Kcpair all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, MINING, MILLING, HOISTING MACHINERY FOR NAI F One 60-horsa Ene;in and BuiUr, and Two Upright Builura. RON and RRAS3 CfSTfNG3of any de-oription de-oription made tu order. Warden al lrcnd by Mall te P. O. Bp 113U will rojoiro orompt atteotioa. mj |