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Show FOREIGN BRIEFS. London silver quotation 54d. The Riinnian fleet recently at New York eaded under orders to return to Crunstudt direct. The government of Quebec is about to demolish the Jepuit barrack, an old historical landmark. The bey of Tunis is informed by the czar that if he aids the Turks bin capital will be bombarded. Montenegro has postponed the re commencement of hostilities until alter the Russians cross the Danube. On Tuesday morning the Turks fired from Rapara at an Austrian steamer, which alter several (shots caught fire. The refusal of the French senate to authorize a dissolution of the deputies would inevitably cause McMahon s resignation. France will undoubtedly pronounce ovt-rwhelmiugly agaiust MeMuhon at iho elections iu cuhe of a dissolution, which is doubtful. The Austrian government is watching watch-ing the increasing agitation in Hungary. Hun-gary. There is an eager clamor for war among all classes. The Greek brigands who were released re-leased by the Turkish authorities at J Dior a, and entered Greece, have buen forced to return to the Turkish territory. The declaration of a holy war by Turkey and the departure of the sultan sul-tan lor the Danube, indicates that tbe present Btrugyle is regarded as one lor the existence of tbe Ottoman government. govern-ment. Russia has a public debt of $1,-750,000,000, $1,-750,000,000, much less than that of England, France, or this country, dull, in borrowing funds for the prea ent war, she has lo pay interest at the rale ol 11 3 7 per ceut. a year. |