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Show DOMESTIC BRIEFS. A loO.OOO fire at Portland, N. B. W. H, C. Hosmer, poet, is dead at Rochester, N. Y. Hon. George Boker lias resigned as minister to Russia. It ia reported that President Mac-Mahon Mac-Mahon has requested Don Carlos to leave France. By the fall of a large building at Cedar Rapid 8, Iowa, one person wan killed and seventeen injured. The steamship CUy of Brussels was spoken on the loth inst. in lat. 49.34, Ion:. 28.45, under sail; all well. The Turkish chamber of deputies has voted a resolution demanding the impeachment of Mahmoud Neddin Pasha. Captain Richard Barton, an American, Ameri-can, it is said has discovered a very rich gold and silver mining district in Eypt. New York specie shipments to E iropeon Wednesday were $700,000 gold coin; for Thursday $400,000 is so far engaged. General Dunn of the South Carolina returning board was offered a collec-torstiip collec-torstiip in that state by the president, but he declined it. Forty thousand children participated partici-pated in the services of the 4Slh anniversary an-niversary of the Sunday School Union at Brooklyn, N. Y. The directors of the New York Bank of Commerce have voted to reduce the capital stock from ten million to five million dollars. The president has appointed Edward Ed-ward I3. Johnson United States attorney at-torney for ibe territory of Wyoming, vice Richard A. Watts, resigned. It is thought that it will not be necessary for the state department to issue a proclamation of neutrality in relation to the Turkish-Russian war. There are symptoms of an invasion of all kinds of vegetation-destroying insects iu northern New Jersey, from the seventeen year locusts and potato bug to the creature that devours currant cur-rant bushes. To all who npply for assistance to procure positions ia the Russian military (service Secretary Evarts replies re-plies that our position of neutrality forbids the department to render any such assistance. It is reported that Senator Jones ia using his influence to have Secretary Sherman displaced from the cabinet. Jones is said to have given up his silver sil-ver hobby and taken up the irredeemable irredeem-able greenback plan. The Mabommedan insurrection in Caucasus has proved a serious check to the advance of the Russian army. A large force ot Circassians attacked the Russians near the frontier and compelled them to retreat. A letter to the president purporlinc to be from Chief Justice Lewis of Washington territory, tendering hia resignation wag discovered to bo a forgery aftei the president had appointed ap-pointed Associate Justice Green to the supposed vacant position. Lewis will be continued in the office. |