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Show , FOREIGN ItUIEFS. , A Turkish fleet has arrived at Crsto. The Turkish ministerial crisis continues. con-tinues. 1 - Thera is no Tartar insurrection in the Crimea. Mme. Titiena is now out of danger and improving in London. It is expected that the Russians will cross the Danube June 10th. The French communists have been pardoned by an official decroc. The northern provinces of China are suflering greatly from famine. Th Russians Have defeated the TurkB at Osmpa in the Caucassus. The recent demonstration at Constantinople Con-stantinople was greatly exaggerated. Tha Btoamahip Indiana, with Gen. Grant arrived at Queenstowr. Sunday. The Turkish ministors of war and finance have tendered their resignations. resigna-tions. The Roumania legislature has refused re-fused to authorize an issue of paper money. There are indications of a speedy dissolution of the French chamber of deputies. Rumors from Vienna are that the sultan, Abdul Hamed, will Bhortly abdicate. ( The steamer Essex, laden with Krupp guns for Cronstadt, foundered oil Sweden. Four thousand horae stalls, for transport vessels, are being delivered at Woolfficb. ,. The new Chinese porta of. Wen Chou and Pah Koi were opened to tarde April 1st. The Feraiau prince Mohammed Ali Meriza haB entered the Russian army of the Caucasus. Ireland baa made up a purse of $215,000 for the pope; England subscribed sub-scribed $73,S50. .The Bedouin Arabs are becoming troublesome in Palestine, and there is a panic at Jerusalem. Roumania will employ her annual Turkish Iributs of 900,000 frauca to the uso ol her ownarmr. The Greek ministry were defeated in the chamber of deputies on Monday, Mon-day, and announced their reBigua-liou. reBigua-liou. Ten ironclads are at Portsmouth. The turret Bhip Thunderer has returned re-turned to Portsmouth with disabled machinery. In a recent cavalry fight ten miles from Kars the Russians lost 150 kille.l, and the Turkiih losses were not reported. The German iron-clada will rendezvous ren-dezvous in the Mediterranean at the disposition of the German ambassador I at Constantinople. 1 The departure of the Egyptian con tingent from Alexandria is delayed by a strike of twenty-seven English engineers for back pay. Next week under the pretence of a grand review the entire English ironclad iron-clad squadron now in the east will assemble at Portsmouth. It is rumored that the steamship Citij of Sin Francisco was lost on the IGtu inat. on the west coast ot Mexico; pasaengers acd crew saved. M. da Fourton, French minister o'. tha interior, pronounces the programme pro-gramme ol the government to be "The Marshal ia order and peace." The czar is in such a state ol ex citementand uneasiness that fear are expressed as to his health. Hie physicians have advi-cd his return to the army. Tne inhabitants of RuUchub, Varna, Var-na, fnuiula atd Silistria have been notitiid that all peror.it not i-avinr r.x months provisions mnstq.jit with- 1 in twelve days. The Turks are stationing- pickets of lau-ty men, at intervals o( 2j Uiil?s along the w'iOiti Turkish bank of the Danube communicating with each other by s:gnals. Advico received at Ljndou, of a st-mi-otlicial character, stato that liuiBia, Germany aud Austria have arrived at the undcretandiug that the war will be localiz-.-d. The popo, receiving the Austrian pilgrims deplored the change in 1 Austria's bidiavnr towards the holy see, whoif1 ligltN she formerly de- fended even by loice nf arms. A council of w.ir asked Mukhtar Pat ha, the- Asian commander, what his plans wore. He replied that there was a scheme in process of executkn certain to ensure success, and begged to be It-ft alone. French .capitalists have oilered the porlo u loan of 50,000,000 francs in consul eralien of the right to issue and circulate small coin in the Turkish empire. Aleo 2,000,000 for the new government isme of 0,000,000. On the 25th ult. four gunboats left lbrail under Lieutenant Deubasofl, and encountered three Turkish ironclads, iron-clads, and succeeded in destroying one of them In menus of tornednes. notwithstanding a constant fire from the Turkish fleet. Bismarck has expressed lo the French repereentalivo at Berlin his diHsatislaction at the late change of tbo Freucb cabinet, but said that no interference nted be expected bo loug as the French government refrained re-frained from promoting ultramontane interests, otherwise most serious complications might be feared. A Girl's Cuuel Joke. The Waukenha correspondence of the Milwaukee Sentinel has this story of uncommon cruelty to an inoflensive youth: "A young lady of this village perpetrate! a cruel joke last Sunday evening. It seams that a young man hud been paying some attention to the young lady iti question, and had buckled up courage on that evening to ask the consent of the old gentleman gentle-man to something of a more serious nature. He arrayed himself in his good clothes, hired a carriage, and started for the scene of his conquest. Ne.iriug the house, lie met the girl, who, divining the object of his visit, resolved to play a practical joke ou him. It was easy enough to por-suade por-suade him to let her and her sister take the horse and buggy for a few minutes to visit a neighbor, and hurry right back. But thty didn't hurry right back: in (act, they kept the rig all the afternoon, and took it to the 6table, where he afterward found it. He says it wouldn't have been ao bad if they hadn't taken another fellow ! in with them," |