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Show ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. mw Modes in STUAW GOODS for 77. are displaying an unrivaled Stecl-s of Straw Hats at prices unparalleled before CLOSE BUYERS ARE SPECIALLY INYITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS OR CORRESPOND. New Arrivals in Spring and Summer Clothing together with a full line of the celebrated Burlock . Diamond Shirts and Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description. II. S. ELDREDGE, Supt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Schuttler WAGONS. A FTJLI' AND COMPLKTS LINE OF -TV those WuRMns, witii Us Laioat Jui-prorooiojifl, Jui-prorooiojifl, now in Stock. THE SCHUTTLER WAGONS Are not cqaalod for strength, durability aid good i.roi.ortinm; aro bolter known Buckeye Reapers ani Mowers, All Iron nnd Stool OTCort Tonguo, Nook Fimsr & Bradley SELF-DUMPIN'G SULKY HAY RAKE, ' Tbomoit eScieot Sol.'-dumaini Kaae manu-ladmrad. manu-ladmrad. All of Farming IntpUiitents and Markinertj, indutiiitj HARVESTERS, Headers, Sweepstake Threshers, Walking Culticatorst elc, i HAKDn'OOD sad all k'inilL , - . WAUUN T1MBEK, T Ikos, Steel, House akd Mule 3 hoes aud House Shoe Nails ai lizea and etylea conutanllj in alocfc MILL llACUIXEKl- o. th. but mal-' For oirculari. und all dosirod informi tion on or Jdrois, GEO. A. LOWE, SALT LAKE CITY. ' g-' Ii'" B:ock Sooth of Tk..tr.. SPECIAL NOTICE' 3RS. EMMA JEFFRIES, TH.VXE MEDIUM, .Vill kold Pablfo Toil Cirolu.i hor P.rlor ..duoreuiol tb, c.tr 11.1. .-nnj.y. " p" "nd 1'ri,i' '""ion. .1 s mA 'J- C"" '" daily. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. TOWNSEND HOUSE SALT L4KE CITY. JAMES TOWNSEND, PEOPEirrOB. TUE VALLEY HOUSE OPPOSITS TUB TttMPLB, Salt Lake City. 81.50 to 92.00 pur day. CJPKCUL RATK3 BY TDK WEEK. IT S is a quiet, oloan, airy, oomtortablr )tito, whoro tha weary traveler aid lourit can find roiL Ono blook Irom Main Mtroot: throo blocks from tho railway staiiua. Kithor root ear or omnibus will lake you to iho Hoqjo, ; m7 JOHN P. SORENSON, Prop TOEK SALOON ni RESTAURANT, AT TH Southern Terminus of U. S.R.R. THE BEST WINES, LIQUORS AND OIQAKS. GOOD STABLING. A large Etook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Cooataotly on band ROBERT STOOD MIT, je26 Propkiktok. NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEKEBY giveo that the Utah Central Kul-road Kul-road Comjuny has in its possession at its froiKht house at the depot of said Company Com-pany la Suit Lake City, Utaii, the following fol-lowing describi'd property, which it transported over its railroad from Ogdon, Utah, and received at said Salt Lake Oily on the lUih day of May, 1S75, viz.: Two barrels of whisky, marked H. & Co., SU Lake City,and branded "Peach lturn Distillory, bth District Kentucky, Hand Made Copper Whisky." One cask of wine, marked II & Co.; branded "Burg. Port, Pure Juice." One cask of win?, marked H, & Co ; branded "Sherry." Thfl said property is addressed to from Milwaukno, Wis., by S. KindskorT & Co. Tho said Banak it Co. having fiiiled for moro than six mouths,to accept, I pay tbo charges upon, arid take the said proporty away, the said Utah Central liailroud company will soli tbo same at public auction, at its said freight house, at 11 o'clock, a.m.. on Saturday, the 23d day of June, 1877, and uply tho proceeds pro-ceeds arising therefrom ia the maimer prescribed by law. JOHN SHARP, JR Gen. Freight Agnnt U C.K.li. Co. Salt Lake CityUtah, May 23J, 1877. my 24 hathak ilvib. auos mowk. jobr r ktllsx DAVIS, HOWE & Co., Fottiiirj and MacMue Shops, FIRST WEST STREET. Near North Temple atroat. SALT LAK.H CITY. Manufacture all kinds of MINING and MILLING MAOUlNEitY. WKuUUET IRON AND BRASS WORK. H EPA IRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 10. ol EMPIRE LIME KILNS. CJ. It. JOA'ES, Prop. This Limo is pronounced by all first-class first-class Plasterers and Masons to he tho BEST IN THE MARKET. 9A!1 Orders loft at my Office in Market Row will be promptly filled. Prices to Defy Competition for Quality. my 23 LtCBXSED Plumbers GAS & STEAM FITTERS, Rosiioolfully announce that nA?!LAIIA''l'THE CITY WATER riftb, and having- a larite stok ol SERVICE PIPES FOR WATER dnr,M-'' 10 UJ "'""r "d " '''Pint In U Building, md Ulii.Uaua. bob i'Sfalio Uur.Mr. U.o.,rh boinK . experienced and titltr. woare able to guarantee ..od work ana ratirldc.ioD. Pi?."'j.r;. iD Af;L KINDS O? PUMPS. V ro. f.tt.n.-,. Iloio, Sink,. Bejin,. Batb WrrPfLj'?,'"'"'-, P1 Moderate. crk i rompily , Horded to. Old Constitution Building, Opposite Z. "2 U. M. 1. M Canyon ani M Springs COAL. THE ONLY RELUBLE MARKET FOR LU3IP, ASSORTED IHO EGG COAL Lsreo stock lwT on hand, ami full weight (juaranUMHi. Prices low, and st.ocial attention iriven to the wants of the public. OrncE, Descret Bank Block. nl A- GOULD, Atjeut. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carter Hhrans $k Co. SUCCESSORS TO THOS. CARTER, 0-5: TkAUTlST STREET, , Have on hand a lino asiorttnoot of tho latost and most ap.-rottd makoi of Rifles and Shot Guns, PAHRKR BRO' DRiCKCit LOADERS, " w. 4 c. suorr sons' muzzle loaders. .... 5nlJ.y.l,nDl.L,JJC,!N UZZL.tt-LnAOINU fl U N 8 , PROM HO UP, : t""CKKEUilUURS. BALLAKD SPOHTINU; MlArlP'j HUNTING WINcUt.Slflt KIPt.KS and CAKAHlNtS; aire a -nil' lino of II E VDLVEHS-Colf, fcmilh 4 H osson's, borchand A WadawonbM ai.d i rilisu Bull Dog.; Powder, Shot, Cartridges ani Sportsmen's Articles in general-1 FISIIIXG TACKXE at Wholesale aiid I.e.ail ; Tho largest and mist complete Stook of r TOBACCOES AND CIGARS In tho Sl.rkot. waicb we oiler lo lb. Trad, at tbo Low.;, Po9Jiblo frlcoj. Call and oi.mi.e We make a specially of FINE CIGARS and TOBACCO at Retail. 55 EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITY. Arriving- Daily, To bo sold at Prices to meet the SHARPEST COMPETITION !!! 3,000 Pieces Cnra'cest Prinln, Percales and Cretonnes-1.000 Cretonnes-1.000 Bleached and unbleached Sheeting.- ' i ''TOO " Choice aud Desirable Dress Goods, Iron, 10,. 'EyarJ upwilrfj; Cheviots, Denims, Stripe, Checks and Ticks-oOO Ticks-oOO Swiss, Crossharred Stripes. Jaconets, Nainsooks, Pique., S 000 ' Ri1-nh,Te'f P6d aDCl Drefs LiDens. Gra Cloths, etc. o.uuu Ribbons. Irom narrow to Sash- 1 fSS ?f n,T"WGls. from $1 i doz. upwaids; ' Vat, Lndles Parasols, from Cotton to choicest Silk; IS. ' ,crl, from cheapest to 500 Bones; 301) Pieces Mosquito Bars, all colors- l'laa DZeD L"eS' "" cbid,r,eu'a SlocltinRK. irom $1 doz. upwards; t j- .T- . ' Shoes, in Serge-and Leather: oOO Ladies' Lmen Suits, Irom $2.25 upwards. - MiuiM ia Mrm at ws!om;sai.r oyu. , . V The L,lrKesl Slock West ot Chicaco. Hats m every slyle; Silks and Tnrqnoise in all new Shades; French Flower, nnd choicebt Ostrich Tips BLACK & G0LOHED SILKS, Ladies' Dolmans ami Dohuau Cloths, SILK AND WORSTED FRINGES, LACES, TRIMMINGS, ELEGANT EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' TIES AND FICHUS, HARRIS AND ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES, RUCHINGS ETC. 1.000 Gent Stylish Suits, from 7 upward; '2 '"'a S,ylish Pan"'. from S1-5" upwards; '-t 500 Vcs, Irom $1 upwards; S,a ' yl"ha' n"d Children's Suit., tasty and slvlish-500 slvlish-500 Dof Gents' White Shirt, Cheviot' and ciissimere ' , ,, Underwear, in various materials: 1 OOO .. .. C0',r;e l0,ficat Sock. very cheap; UU0 m,i B'8 fin I'd', Wool and Straw Hals, new slyla, very cheap; 500 Cwd8 Men's and BoV fine and coarse Boot, Browns, Buckli FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, TABLE OILCLOTHS, PIPES JEWELRY, CUTLERY, ETC, ETC. ' ' TO THE TRADE ; ' Our Slock in every line i, now complete, and we rccosoiw the Ml that t-mes have changed, values have decreased, and the successfu. merchant must buy close and sell on small margins Orders promptly filled and honorable treatment guaranfed. ESTABLISHED 1864: 4 NOTICE. 'THE ANNUAL MKBTINO OF 711 E A buck bolder; of tho I tah Contra! Rail ro-i 1-,Jlniian' tr the elociion of otBr-er-, will bo held at lie Comrany'tj Office Jun lit, 16i7, 11 a. in. OEOKOESWAN, FccretarT. 8. It LakoCity, U.T., May H.h 1S.7. m'lj FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. MUro. relnble man of ind i.L ,d lar,e i-or.onal .cno.lnt.nee. ai Aeont fr .-alt Uhiri, '-omJ;"" "J other term. ory jin-rel. Keferooco, ronuirrd Addles,. r . re Insurance," Uoa luiai, S,D Franei.eu, vm- al7 J. E. JOHNSON, SLlycr Reef, Wasbiitoii Co., UtaJi commission & supply house WILL BUY OR RECEIVE ON C0MMI3 . ei 0, Liiinhor, Sfiinelcs. KIoi)'' :ri" l'irr. Hum: nnd Orchard Produce, andr? -a, oalilo Rrtldo 0f Jioiu Production. M" flleri-hitndi-c. Will h ooi, a cnmi-TctO Ctork of Ororii l rovuiunn and Minor-' ")ood-, f-"tiionrr. I'riiHB ond Mrdiinon. Hard and Tin war 1-rcih, Ond and I'annnd rtt. lc, (U-- t-on-'unmontri Solicit) in uny line abort tinted, and rfsult t aid order ol oomiiDCtr ' won m frvtoj, lew 10 dot coot. |