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Show PACIFIC COAST NEWS. CALIFORNIA. Dr. Clarenco Muthcwa, a fipirilu.u clairvoyant, has been on trial in S.u. Francisco for failing lo take out a city liconae. His defense was that spiritualism is a religion, of which litis lit-is a minister. He said he uev?r niado use of any appliances to conduct con-duct hi materializations; that ho was in a tranco and did not know what transpired. Evidence wag proluced. howover, at a receipt seance that Dr. Malhews entered the cabinet, and in a few minutes tho door opened, and he was discovered securely tied to a chair. The door was again closed, and a voice resembling that of Dr Mathews was heard, and faces and hands ' appeared at the aper lures in the cabinet doors. One ol the faces which appeared claimed lo be that of Rincs' siaUr; but liines detected de-tected thai it was that of Dr. M:ithewn and noticed his moustache, which he had failed to eftijCtiially conceal. The witness teatiGcd that the only nibl.tr ho ever had wub alive and well last week. Another face appeared, and claimed to be that of Dr. Sumner's brother George. As soon as Dr. tiumners heard this, he sprang towards tho cabinet and pulled the door off, saying at the time: "If you are my brother George, I want you out oi here." When the door was opened, he and the others saw Dr. Mathews standing in one corner of the cabinet with a cloth wound round hie head, another round his neck and shoulders; he was endavoring to secrete a third one on his person. Dr. Bummers testified that his brother Georgo is still alive. The counsel for the people offered to prove by the testimony of J. B. Morrow that he built tho cabinet used by Mathews, and was instructed to build it with secret hiding-placed, in winch to conceal false beards, wigs, clothes and ropes. The San Jose Anti-Chinese laundry, an outgrowth of Lhu Auti Chinese tnd workingmen's association, is now fairly under way, and so far, heller work, and more honest, ia done than can be obtained from any heathen infested wash-shed in town. The French citizens ol Sau Francisco Fran-cisco have assembled and passed resolutions reso-lutions denouncing President Mac-Mahon's Mac-Mahon's action in reorganizing the French ministry on au anti-republican baaia, contrary to the wishes of the majority of the people, Ou Thursday night Henry Lederer, better knowu as "German Hurry," n gambler, dropped from a third story window of a house in Bush street to the sidewalk, and was instantly Hilled; but whether he fell, wae pushed, or threw himself from the window, could not be aacettaincd. A lot ol 10,000 sheep were offered a few days since in one of the southern 1 counties of this state, for five cents a head. There was neither grass nor water, and the sheep were not strong enough to drive any distance. This instance is only one of many of the amo kind occurring in southern counties. Within a few days one land-owner in Kern county was offered $S,000 for sufficient pasturage to carry 2,000 head of catile about three months. A1UZ0-SA. The ia a much larger amount of silver coin in circulation here than we have ever noticed before. Silver eema to be more plentiful than shin-plasters. shin-plasters. It is much handier for mall change than greenbacks, and we are glad to see it coming into use. PreBcott Euterpriso. Prescott wants a custom mill for reducing ores. The Enterprise says: The facilities for running a mill in Prescott are unexcelled. Water and wood are plentiful. The town is eeu-iral eeu-iral to a large number of small but rich mines. The dumps at the mill could be kept full of high grade ore, and a price could be charged which would yield a handsome profit. Who will undertake it? Telegraphic advices from tho Silver King mine are very flattering, the character of the ore now being richer than ever. The mining machinery and concentrator will be in running order in eight days, when Arizona's bullion export will .be considerably increased. NEVADA. ! The Manhattan company's mill at Austin is to be Bhut down next month for extensive repairs, which will re quite a. heavy expenditure. This will make dull times in Austin for a few months to come, and it is probable proba-ble that the Manhattan stock will bc assessed, a thing which has never yet been done. Iu the Sierra Nevada mine quite a thick layer of ice is found daily around the exhaust of the Warring compressor used on the 1,500 foot level in connection with a Foole blower. They could manufacture ice iu the mine for ono and a half cents per pound. The Salt Lake Tribune calls Sam Gilaon, "the Mormrn-eatiLg Kansas-border Kansas-border rufliau of Nephi. The Elko Independent says it never suspected him of cannibalism while he lived in this stats. The gentleman in question ques-tion used to live in Austin, and if he ever ate anybody here, the man he made a meal of was never missed. OREGON. The Eant Oregonian says: Tho wool product of Umatilla county will exceed ex-ceed the amount already estimated, 1,250,000 pounds, and will not fall short of 1,500,000, so we are informed by those best calculated to judge. The average yield per head will be at least 50 per cent, greater than last year. John Morrissey, a sheep-herder in Umatilla county, has eleven hundred Iambs this spring from six hundred ewes. This is believed to be unexampled. unex-ampled. Joseph Gale, who first came to Oregon in 1S2S, is still living. His preeent residence is in Eagle Dalley, Union county. He is 76 year, of age. Archbishop Blanchet ib now in his eighty-second year. He iB the eldest of all the American prelates, and has oiled west of the Rocky Mountains for nearly forty years. |