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Show NEW ADVKRTISEMENTS. ' -:o::o: : HitvinR determineJ to make a Specially of Wa h,wo imnnrlpi! thifl SnriiiL' an ISYiEVIENSH STOCK FOK Boys', Youths' and Men's Wear, And shall oficr them at Very Low Trices. We are the only house mnkiuq a Specialty of BOYS' CLOTHING, And the Ladieawill find ours ia the only Stork from which to aeltfct nice, sightly Suits for their Boys. at Moderate Pricea. : " HANDSOME BU3IKE3S SUITS At the Smallest Possible Cost. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE JNJD ATOIT We call particular altention to our GENUINE ROASTED OLD .GOVERNMENT COFFEE, AND CHOICE JAPAN GARDEN TEA. " BANDWAGONS!" UWING FR 1M THEIR SUPERIORITY' GAINED A DECIDED advantage over all competiUuii from St. George- to Helena, Muntaiin, the underbigiTed begs leave to nay to the Tublic generally that the BAIN WAGON fill contimis to 1)3 mfc as ia tie jj&t, OF THE BEST MATERIAL and warranted to every customer huyi: a BAIN WAGON. I handle nothing hut the Best Manufacturers' Goods, buy on c'om: cah terms and sell the exme way. I do uo CoLuuiidbion business. Cuh-Lomors Cuh-Lomors alwavs 6od their acennn's in uiy oflice. The Oliver Chilled I'luw has ovor 1,M(0 pa'ron? r.ow in I'liJi, anil tho tritde increftiing. Thov ar thu most ecimiimical und Linbt't Draft V ow in ueo. and ha l on Earned by the Fnrmprs f Utah THK MAN'S PLOW. The TIfiEK Slf-"ueratire HAY K A IvE is anctiior grand succor. WALTEIi A. VU ,U S RE.VPKlid and MOWBUri buve bcun so long (stub'i-ho'i in Utah that it is newilo t-i fay anjthine in their favor. Moline Plows, Cultivators, Gang Plowa, Harrows, Scrapers, etc., etc, HARDWOOD AND WAGON MATERIAL A SPECIALTY. HOWARD SEBREE, BAIN WAOON DEPOT, a29 8alt Lake City, Utah. SOMETHING MEW i AT TEAS PEL'S. NEW ARRIVAL OF AN ELEGANT STOCK OF MES'S ASD T0UTUS' CL0THIXG, SEW STYLE HATS, BOOTS, SHOES AXD GAITERS. ALSO DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ' ' CR0CKKRY, UARDWARE, And General STOCK DAILY ARRIVING. At Teasdei's, i AND WILL BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES. CASH CUSTOMERS SOLICITED. E. & G. BOUKOFSKY, Wliulcsalo nd F.ftail PAiiji'M LIttUOR DEiVLEaS,! Fine Liquors, Wines dt Cigars, .jjMa! J. F. CUTTER'S & MILLER'S EKrSA m4MM . Old Bourbon Wiis'itsy, . Ji SECOND SOUTH ST.. Third w Mt ol W SgSm&i Tnmple St., SALT LAKE CITY. e22 StsS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE mePBOOT I BOOTS and SIIOES f STRANGE, BUT j m I OF EVERY KIND J TRUE ! GOODS 9 A MADE TO ORDER, -V M ADE or KEl'AIU- V, n IN STYLE AND 8 8 ED ARE READY 9 X l'RICES TO SUIT WHEN PROMI8- 1 UU ALL CUSTOMERS. ED. COJIE AND II PKOVE IT. f , ! S U p WHBLESlLt JiSUFICTURtR! 0 STOREKEEPERS S UPPERS. Letiiee, 1 WILL PROMOTE XT AND FINDINGS THEIR O N IN Jtl SUPPI.IEDTOTHE , . TERESIS, AND "?C TRADE AT EEA- hr "' MEET A PUBLIC ff 1 SONABLE BATES. N- rV DEMANDiiySELL- l-J fl ING MY HOME. If.; W. H. ROWE, MADE GOODS. '' i Suit Lake City. I ' 1 P.O. Box 553. No. 87 MAINTREET- CJT in TIME The LARGEST and REST Assortment of GENTS' GOODS ever brought into Utah. Hone-made Cloth Foreign Goods Fi-om every Mill n the territory Of every pattern and quality FOR OVERCOATS, PANTS, FANCY VESTS ond SUITINGS. Beavers, Chinchilla, Mohair, Diagonals fancy and plain Broadcloth .French and English Doeskins and Caesiineres. SUITS MADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE Work and Fit Warranted. THE UNITED ORDER OF TAILORS, Constitution Buildings, opposito Z. C. M. I. a3 STOVES STOVES GEO. WTSCOTT & CO., Il&ra jast rscelrod full line of ths colobrated STEWART HEATERS, for Triors, CLINTON" CABINET RANGES in Offices, Stores and Halls. great variety and of all pizea; the The HARVARD FRANKLIN, the bc'1 CM" "'fi' "" """" Handsomest Open Parlor Stove made. CANNON, BOXand other HEATERS COOK STOVES Reporter, Golden for Stores, Offices, Bar Rooms, Crown and Stewart. Ac a complete assortment. FURNACE WORK A SPECIALTY! Having a well-appoiotrd Shop wo arc prepared to do all kinds of TIN and SHEET IRON WORK with promptness. A liberal Discount to Country Dealers. GEO. Iff. SCOTT & CO., ,.o; 93 Main Street. Salt Lake Citv. BARGAINS! 1AE0AIMS! We are now opening a Full Assortment of SPRING GOODS! OUR. PRICES ARE LOW AND WE 3 GUARANTEE QUALITY. CALL AND SEEUSjiND "BE CONVINCED. s29 If w Gunpowders ! . Just EeceM liy tie Salt Lale Apcy of E. I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO. ASK FOR AND BE SURE YOU RECEIVEI DUPONT'S CELEBRATED Mining, Rifle, Eagle Duck, Diamond Grain GUNPOWDERS. ALSO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, IU KEG LOTS, The very best and moat tclect SALTPETRES EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET FOR MEAT PACKERS' AND CURERS' USE. For Sale in any desired quantities liy all Lending Merchant in Utm Territory. Wholesale only by B. W. E. JENNENS, Agent, Salt Lae City. P. 8. If your Merchant cannot supply you with DuPont's Gunpowder addresB as above, Ja ATTOttriiiYS-AT-LAW, BENNETTS HARKNESS, Attorneys-a t-Law Office, 00 ICast Tl,u,.U ,SV. a7 1 CHAHLia K. QlLCliHIST. SiiURICE M. CllCIUt GILCHRIST & KAIGHN, Attorueys-at- Law HO. 81 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 'live sperinl nt'onlion to J.nrA and Mining Mdltors xVjI'Af.Y IX OI'l-'iCK. m3 SHEEKS & KllVIISS, .t(lai'iK's.at-I,an, OFFICE in Lronco'i Buildin,, wst ol Jo:.n. ns' corner, tialt L.,.o City. bti.li. PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS CR. A. VI. CkLDER 3D 33 2sTT 1ST, Follow of tho Amoriean Academy or Dontal Surg cry. Office, MAIN STREET, Oi'i osito Wasatch Llotel U OfthoHyoand Kar Inilrmarr.ftow York, OCULIST AND AUKIST. Artificial JTyts and Ear Dnans msertctt WASA TCII HOTEL, Second IZoor, Halt Lake City. OR. M. H. CROVES B? DENTIST, Offl-o ovor Z. C. M I. Drug Store, Salt Uaka City. gju BACKING. McCORNICKUO., ' BANKERS, Salt Lake City, Utah. TRANSACT EVERT DESCRIPTION OF BANKIIitJ BUSINESS. Purchase Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion.. PHOViPT ATTENTION QJVN TO COLIECTIOSS. Undertake the Purchase and Sale of blocks on Uomiiits&ion. Advanco on Ores and Baso Bullion consigned con-signed to our Order. Sell Exchange and Tilcgvophic TranXr fers on points East and West and on the leading cities of Europe. C 0 RRESTO XT) E NTS ." Xotr York Importar'a and Trader' Natl, Bank. CbicaBD CommuriMa National Bnk. St. Louis Statu SaviDjt'i- Association. Omibtt I'mnha National Hunk. San tranoi;cu tirst Nat. Gold Bank." mvli T. R. JONES, BANKER, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Dealer in Foreip aii Domsstis Eiciaflp, GOLD AXD STIVE It, Particular !tontio!i paid to'buyin and selling Honda and stocks, njsotiating Mort-Id;o Mort-Id;o LoMsnn i o:hor b'Jsino s transactions. Titles to froporty examined, Careful attention givon to CoIIorilons. Correspondents: Now York ...J. B. Colirnto 4 Co &n Francisco - Bank of California DESERtr NATIONAL BM or SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Paid-up Capital 8200,000 Autnoiised Capital $1,006,000 Wll. H. E0OPER, Proiidont, -U.S. KLDKEDUE, Yic-l'rGst., DKIULUM YUUXU, I . JSNNINUS. DirtOH F. LITTLE, I L.B. HILLS. Cubior. J DEAL lit COLDDUST.COIN EXCHANCE Land Warrants, Cellcgo Bcrip, tto. Cctitcticns made attd promptly remitted Foueicn Kxchanqb Tor Sals: sterest Tula on SuyIdjs Deposit B3 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. E. RiDLEY & SOfSlS, 303, 311, SllJS GRAND STKrJIT, KKW YDUK. Established ltlD. LargMt Vdl'jlishmciil 0 its kind in America. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS DroB ami Clonk Trimminjrs. FrtDgta, Laces. iioaiery, Ribbons, LADIES' SVllf, CLhaK-J, DOLMANS, UND1SKU AKM li.NTS, BOYS' CLUl'lllMi. 0l-In3'.TU'.ti-ns civon in Catalogue- for Sal'-Measurement. ILLU-VTlUTlSD CATALOGUE and PRICE Lis!' aont i" EKE on aiiliofttion. A Sarins rf FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR cn bo tundo by rurebusioK direct di-rect irom. Now York, lliocost offloading goods to any ilUtanoo llirJUtth tho Mai la is "ill ONE CENT l?r ounco. lull iu-lormation iu-lormation givon in Catalogue. E. RIDLEY & SOWS, S09, 311, 311Ja GR&KD Sr.( iO 58 CO, 0i3, G8 & 70 ALLEN ST. N. Y. The "Herald" tu Sew York. Tho Hkuald is kept on file 1:1 tho ofllco of L. i1. liooth, Uononi! .Eastern, ARont, ChiCHsro and Nnrlhwi'?t'rn Kail-way, Kail-way, -llo Broadway, Now York City. Our friends, whnn in 'Now York. ara cordially invitnd to call in tind ruad it at anytime. Thoy will ftlwuy bo welcome, |