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Show The Silver Glut oa the Fucific tJuustt. New York, 25. The Sun's Wash ington Bpecial says: A n examination ol letters received at the postoffice department indicates that the difficulty found by postmasters in paying balances owing to the ac cumulating of silver coin legal tender has shown :itHelf only on the Pacific coast. At Portland, Oregon, hankers threaten to seiid- the drafts of the department to protest unless the post-tnaauir tenders greenbacks. The same difficulty is met at oLher offices and constantly increases. The postmaster at Knoxvilie, Cal.; writes. JJhe receipts ot this office are entirely in silver and silver is depreciated in value below greenbacks. Contractors insist in being paid in greenbacks,. Will the. department consider a tender in Bilver coin equivalent to the indebtedness of the office, or will I, have to purchase greenbacks' to pay the contractors? . If sp will the department allow me the difference between silver 'and greenbacks? - The department answered that , there is ao remedy. Officers are bound by law to pay out greenbacks in payments pay-ments over five dollars. Considerable embarrassment is likely to follow. When postage put down to three cents a three cent silver wafer was coined. Nearly all ot them, have gone, into the postoffice. The offices sent tho department de-partment recently nearly -20,000 three cent pieces. Tiie department turned them over to the treasury which gave lull credit tor them, a rather losing j operation. , ... ' - " ' I |