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Show Worse than Akson. Brother Gardner waB Booking a job around tho CouLral market, yesterday, when he came acrnitf a young colored Iriend, who was rigged out in a new suit ol clotheB and a lot of flash jewelry. Alter a lengthy survey of the: outfit, the old man asked: 'Aly friend, what is your income at the present time?' 'Bout .six dollars a week,' waB tho answer. "An' you puttiu on all that qlory on a dollar a day? Shoo! but I didn't s'pose dere was such a foul nigger In Detroit! Dat's a wuss case dau ar-! sonyl" '"Haau't I de right to war good clothes it I eanud deni? protested the other. 'No, Bab, you hasn't. De propper way lor you to do is to frow all that brass jewelry away, put on common I'lolheu, an' go 'round looking like dat dollar a day was just about keepiu' your bead above water. Ize got a house au' lot, money in de bank, cane-seat chairs in de parlor, an' a picture of Gineral Graut ah framed up in gill; but . does I go 'round lookin' like I owued de city hall? Does I fling on style till yi-cau't yi-cau't real? Does I try to malic out dai am John Jacob Astor? Boy, you want lo quit dat business. Frow away dat gorgeous glory; put some mud on your boots, an' come alonn wid me au' hold a pail while I white wash a fence.'- - |