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Show Bin..ii :-a printing. "IeralF JJj 00 BBUBB J 0 0 OB J 0 0 B B JO 0 BUBB i O O B B J J 0 0 B B JJ 00 BBBBB Printing office. are prepared with Imtrovea Machinery First-class Stock aJID UTKX8IYK KXPK1UKNCE TO I0 lill kinds of Joh Work aUA.RA.NtEB SAM FACTION. MINING WORK, Voucher! Ore Hooeipti, CERTIFICATES OF STOCK The very beat donoin Utah' Tim Books, Pay Roll LEGAL BLANKS WARRANT! DEEDS, QUIT-CLAIM DEEDS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, COURT PAFER, PROTESTS, BRIEFS. Jfosters I PLAY-BILLS, AUCTION BILLS, DODO E US, Joe r All Sizes, Styles and Color BUbLNiSS CARDS, WEDDIXQ CARES, VISITING CARDS RECEIPTS IN BOOKS, LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, COMMERCIAL FRIMIM, Beat omenta Billhead, Hove lopes, FoattJ Cardi, Da Bills. Lab el a. We Invite Inspection Mi Prints mi FMi OOMFANYI SLATE PAINT Protect Your Buildings Whiolt tuny bo .luno with one-fourth th . luuiil eiiocae, by ujij- our PATENT SLATE PAINT MIXED UtfADV FOR USB. Firo-proof, Water-proof, Durable, i Economical, and Ornamental. A roofmay bo covored with a Tory cheap sbl nlo, unJ ny awillcauoD uf ih s sla-o bo mada t la.i 'nm 'JJ to ii years. Uld ro.ils can be patched and coated, iuokirw much better bet-ter and luatiLB lunger than now sninglos WUH-oul WUH-oul the alatu, fur One-Third the Cost ol KeshloffUng. Tho erpensooFslatlnK now shinnies U only i,bo a t tnu coal of simply layiDg ihota- Iho paint is HHK-i-nouv aiii storks or flying embers, aa may no caaiiy tcaud by any one IT STOPS EVERY LEAK, and for tin or Iron has do oual, as it expands bi hoal. couin w by o.ild, ana .isV-.ii i:it.i:td uur suii.os. tio. is cuvoroJ uh tar .-hoatuing b'eiicu,.. bo modo wuiur-usli. at a email o i' uenne. and ,,re.-.ervud tor v-toy yoarB. iliu siuto I'aint is EXTREMELY CHEAP. Ttvo Billions will cover a hundrod square foot ot ahiulo roof, wbilo oa liu, iron, fell, mulched buurda, or any smouth surface, from two nurLB to ore gallon ate required Lo one bubdrod mitiaro lout of xurtauo, ai.d although tho I'aint baa a boavy body, U is Oishy ap-pliod ap-pliod with a brush. So Tar Is Used In this Com position, t hero fore It noilher crooks in Winter noi runs in buinuior. , , , . On decayed shingles it nils up Iho holes and poroa, ani gives a no, substantial rool that will Ust for years. Uuuled or wabi'UI) shinnies it biing.i to their pl-ioos, and keeps i ham tboro. It fills uf all holoa in Fait roots, ' stops tho loakshnd alllijugh a alow dryer, nun dooa not olfool it a fovj hours after at-1 at-1 I lying. As noarly all puiuU that aio blaoii contain tab, bu Buro you obtain our ojsUI.nk artioio, which, tor shlgio roofs, is CHOCOLATE COLOR, it hot) first applied, changing In about a uiontb to a uniiorm shttu ootor, ftad is to all intents and purpose! ulatk. Ua TIN ROOFS our red color Is usually preferred, si one coat equal to livo 01 any ordiuary paint. Fcr BRICK WALLS our BRiotn1 rkd Is the on'y reliable lato I'aint introduood that wlli olTootuaity provont dampness Iroin penetrating and discoloriDg tho plaster. Those i nints are ilso larg dv ssod oa out hous u ind ('e icaJ, or as a priming coat on line buildings. Our only colors oro Ohocolite, Rkd, QKiatir Kkd, and U ba.no s. NEW YORK CASH PRICE LIST: 5 Gallon 3, can and box .B 5 6 10 " keg 0 50 CO " hnlf barrol - 16 00 ,0 " one barrol - 30 Wa havo in s'ook, of our own manufacture rooting uiAtoriais, oto.i at tho following low pjicos: 1001 rolls oxtra Rubbor Roofing at 3 oont-por oont-por Mquaro iLot (Or wo will tarnish Rubber KooQnit, Nails, Caps, aid slato faint for an antire now rooi a Hx, conts uor square foot.) sooo roils a-plr i-jrod Roofing Felt, at 1 conts por situaro foot. KDOu ro'ls a-ply t'arred KooQng Felt, at 2i oonts per squaro fool. - . 21)0 roils Tarred Sheathing, at 14 cent per square foot. Wni kaIIcs fini Enamol Paint, mixed ready for u jo, ou iasida or outsido work, at 1 per gallon , Sond for aamde enrd oi colors All or dors must bo aco'tnpanioi with tho money or jaritaotory 'ity ro oronoe". No goods dbippod (L 0. unless osproia ohnrgcr ore gu?i.D-tood. Sample orders solicited, X Y. SLATE PAINT COMPANY, 24 102 St 104 MAIDEN LAKE, N. Y STEWART'S Celebrated .. BRUSHES, van ' PAINTERS, . t lvALSOMINKUS. WUH'EWASBKUS. ILURili'.MEN j And Oit-jkRiL Family Usk. Vnr oalo, Who'esalo and Retail, by 7,. 0 M I- Grocery and Urtg UopartiaenU. M Brtrs. Goobo, l itta A Uo., S P. Tca-dl, Mofsru. Ktmball A Lawronco, Messrs. I'ay Jl Co. ' Messrs. Vim. Jeunings, Sons & Sad or. 1 ' STKWAttX BROS. A CO.. alS PitUburch, Pa. Annn Can't be msda by ovory ngent every V II J II month i;i Iho bu'inosi wo furniih, i III it il bui 101)30 willing to work can otalj VUU orn a doron dollars a day right in tboir own locahti'H llvo no room to ox-plain ox-plain horo. Liuinoss pleasant und honorable Wouicn, ami b ya aud sirls do as well a-men. a-men. 'c will furnish you a comi loto Outfit frie. Ihi bu-me s pay- bottr than any-thing any-thing el.o. VVowillbar eip.'nso ol atariinit you. I'aT'to ilars iron. rite and tea srmrn a- d tuech in.es, thoir sons and dauuht r. and all clu.;?o in nood if tiny inc work a homt, chould rito to os anJ loam all ahO"t tho work at onco. Noir ii the timo Uoi't deny. Address, XHUJS Jt CO., Au-(i Au-(i sta. Mainn. BOOK BINDING. Bookbinding THE HERALD BINDERY Is prepared, with A First-class stock of thb requisite Material A COMPETENT BOOKBINDER'. To bind in & durable manner MAGAZINES, MUSIC BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, 111 other kinds of Books Oa Short Notice and AT LOWEST L:Y!V8 FIGURES LECAL BLANKS. I Xj bgal BLANKS. TflR FOLLOWING LINE OF ULANKS has been compiled with th ifreaie-t caro and with theadvicaol the leading; members of ttie lnjfal fraternity frater-nity of rialt Lake City. Tnoy are niada to crilftrra tlrictly to the iw in every particular, and parties using theae Blanks will find thorn to be the best ever jsed in this Torntory: APPLICATIONS FOB PATENTS OF MINES 1 Notice of Location, 2 Application tor latent, 3 Proof of Pohling Notice, and DwRrarn of Claim, 4 Proof that Plat and Notice Re mained Posted, 5 Regiater'a Certilicate of Posting Notice, 6 Proof ol Publication, 7 Affidavit of 300 Improvement, S AUidavit of Citizenship, 1 9 Certificate that no Suit in Pending, 10 Power of Attorney, 11 Notice of Application, 12 Certilicate ol Identity of Claim. 13 Statement and Charge of Fees, i rot Aity pubuc: Protests, : Noticed of Protest, Acknowledgments, Witness, " Party known, " Subscribing Wit- neaa. deeds : Warranty, Quit Claim, Mining Claim, Towtisite, Lease, Bargain and dale. MORTQ Mortupe, general form, Chattel Mortgage. justices' : Subpoena, civil, " .. . criminal, Warrant of Arrest, Writ of Attachment, Undertaking on Attachment, Affidavit for " Commitments, Summonses, Executions, Mittimus, Atlidavita, Complaints, Complaint, in Roplevin. DISTRICT C0CT1T : Notiot of Motion, Undertaking on Attachment, Writof .-..- Affidavit for " Undertaking on Claim, and Delivery Ol Persunul property, Affidavit on Claim and Delivery ol Personal Property, Subpconaa. MISCELLANEOUS : Bond (General Form). Official Bonds, Constable's Sale, Bills of Sale, Power of Attorney fgeneraj),- " " (Bpecial), 1 Promissory Notes. THE ABOVE BLAJJKS Will be kept constantly on hand anc sold in lots to suit purchaser, At low rated, at the office of The Salt Like Herald ! A few doors north of Desoret Bank. SALT LAKE CITY. ' " 1 Lfai PisGomi io' k Trafle j. .. 18771 TIE QUARTERLY REVIEWS I AND 'BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. The Leonarl Scott MisMm Co.' 41 Barclay st,, New York, . Continue their autMorizcd R prints ot tfcFOUR LEADING QUAKTKKLY HEVIE VVS, Edinburgh Review (Whig), London Quarterly Review ( ' 'onservative), Weatnunster Review Liberal), British ftuarterly iteview (Evangelical), .;.-.-. ajj ' - ; ! Blaclfoai's IMwfli Magazine. ' The British Quarterlies givo to the reader well-digested information upon the great events in contemporaneous history, his-tory, and contain msslerly criticisms on all that is fresh nod valuablo in literature, litera-ture, as well as a summary ,of the tri- umphs o( science and art The wars i likely to convulse all Europe will form i topics for discussion, that will bo treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere oho to bo found. Blackwood's Magazine is fnraou3 for stones, esstvys, and tketehe.-of tketehe.-of tho highest litorary merit. TEltJIS Clncludinj: Postage): ! . .Payable Strictly in- Advance.- j- - - Per annum For any oco Review ....S. $ 4 OU F.-r any two Keviews .' 7 00. For any three Keviews- 10 Ol) For all four Reviews... 12 00 For blnckwood's Alngazine 4 Ou For Black-wood and one Review... 7 00 F r Blackwuod and two Ktvicwe- 10 00 For Blaukwoud and three Keviews 1-i Oo For Blackwood and the four Hc-1 Hc-1 views 15 00 CLIBS. A discountof twenty percent will bp allowed to clubs of lour or more persons. per-sons. Thus: Fc.urcnpi.-8 of Blackwood or of one Rnview will bo sent to orf address for 80, four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48 and so on, 1'RE.niU.TIS. ' Now subscribers applying cai-ly) for tho year 1877 may bavo, without chargj, the numbers for the last quarter ofl76 of such periodicals as they may tub-scribe tub-scribe for. Nt-ither premiums to subscribers nor discount Li clubs can be allowed unless t-he money is remitted direct to tho publishers. pub-lishers. No premiums given to clubs. Circular? with further particulars may bo had on application. Ttts Leonard Scotl PnbMns Co. 41 Barclay st, New York. jan9 W. BREDEMEYER, Notary Public MINING, (Mtini aai Civil Mm AMD U.S. MfNERlL SURVEYOR For Utah and Idaho. Workinr clans sxd mi mates for minei ""d impro 'empnts fumisad; will sarcrin- bJ iho aMLablidhuet &ad work in o.' miSM Tha ooneent ration ot oroa a specialtj, Aient for tho Dnrflbsldt Company (mana- ctarcrs of mLDing and concentrating scacJi- LneiT-) For slant and inforiit!"n aprlj at mi of5ro. Ns. I6aad 17 hlimfcail Block, aud P O. Box 113 7. l am prorarudtotakscontraoU on taanol Od the tint lex itf lhaAs. 4 ALLCOCKS POROUS PLASTERS. - Ask for ALLCOOK'S, and obtain them, and so avoid misarabla 1.U1XA no.xs. B. BRANDRETH, Pres't, nil Office. 294 Canal t., New York- DR. SPINNEY & CO. , Ko. 11 Kearne) Street, f PKEAT3 ALL CURO-NIC AND SPECIAL J Lisoisos.. YOUNG MEN, Who may he ufTerlns; from the offset of Truthful foil io;. or inil ibo etion will do well to avs.ll themselves of this. th3 srtatest boon over lia l iha altr of sutler. eg humanity. UK. sPJNNJS wl!) guarantee to forleit -M for every coso of weakae-s or disease ot any kin 1 or ohnmotor whiuh be undertake) and fails to uurr. lie wuald tnorrfore 'J o tb uafortkiDdto sufT-ren who may read this notice, mat yu are ireadiae uion dangerous ground when you loDgor dolay in ssekiut the. proper rnuoJy for your cooipla nt You mar Do in tho Or.t stage; remombor you aro approaching tb last- If Tuu aro border ine uvOd the last, and are oufleriDi aieorail! of Us ill ollectr, remembar that if you persist io procrastination tba ilmo must omi whon the UK-si tkillful physician cad render you no nsnsUnco; truen the door ot hoi o will be eloaed again! you; wboit do of mercy can brii g you relief. In no ea-e h-ts the doctor tailed of sucouss. 'lbeo let not Uosoair worn uii'iQ your imagination, but avail sour-solf sour-solf ol tho banuficiul reiuits of his croattaont ! of ore your cnio i- boyond the reach of mod-ioal mod-ioal skill or before an in doath hurrios you to a brsmaturo aravo. MIDDLE-ACEO MEN. Thero aro mnny of the ago of thirty to sixty . who are truubiod with ton iroiiuont oTaoua-lion oTaoua-lion ol ths brldor. of.on aooom. uoied by a slight imar iag or h-ining sonsation. and a weoterjiDi ot too siem in a manner the patient cannot account lr Ua ox mining i the nrio.iry dspusiu a ropy sediment will 01 ten bo fouod, and souietim-.s Ptuali particles 01 albumen will appear, or iho color be ol a thin snu oihkish hue, again cauauiog to a dark and loruid &ppea.nnac. there are many men who dio of this uifflculty ignorant 01 the cause, wDiuh is toe seoond a(ue of s minal ireaknoas. Dr. 8- will guarantee a per foot euro in all such cas, and a hoallhy rottoratiun ol thu guuno-urinary organs- i 11 letters oro inuiuni canons strioily eon-Ddonnai. eon-Ddonnai. Medicinal, paoaed no as no. to oioiU ourioniiy, sent by lxpross, U full description de-scription uf case is i.iven. Uuioo Uouni-lOto-1 and 0 to 8. Sundays from 111 to l a m. t onso Itstion Free. '.Thorough '.Thor-ough oxamioatioa and advice, Sb. Call or addross UK. A- li dt-INNKY, Wo-U Kearny stteet, mt2 Han Kranoi'CO. FORWARDING, ETC. Ueo1 Y- Wallace, President. Geo, A. Black, Vice-President J. H. Meroditb, Treasurer. 0. Lloyd, bee rotary Forwarding Company, (Incorporated ander the Laws ot taa Territory.) Under Contract with Railroad Companies and Fast Freight Lines. WS WILL FORWARD GOODS TO ALL points In Utah and Southern Nevada, ihe handling, sampling and shipping 0 OKU and BULLION a apaoiIty. atosof Freight giveo and guaranteed tc all points Bast and Woiu Cash advances made os imperishable articles. OFFICE OPPOSITE U. 0. R. B. DXPOT, HALT LAKE CITY. GEO. 1 WALLACE, Bupt l an24 BREWERS. HENRY WACENER, Salt Lakt Gityt Utah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, Lager Beer, Ale and Porter, Wholesale aod Retail, 8ocond South street, three doors ait j tha Klnphant Store. MINING ENCINEERS, ETC. J. FivsoK Suite A. P. Doasu'm SMITH & DO REM US CIVTL ENGINEBRS AND TJ. S. MIN eral Survoy.if. make a Specialty of BAILBOAD KNOINEERINQ aad of MINING SURVEYING For Patent, Adverse Claims and of Under-eround Under-eround orkn8 Olfioe bo -weon Desoret National Bank and Now Co-op store. P. 0. box 431. ,H JOSLO & PAIIK, K.em the Best Stock in the "West of SILVERWARR, DIAMONDS and FIRdT-CLATSS JBWELRY Of all kinds, wh1"h thor. ar tel inr at the must Hi-aaonablo Prices. 011 aod examine their goods, you are sure to be suited' Ea&t Temple St., Salt Lake City au.13 r thji UNITED STATES One Dnndred Years of AraeHean Independence. WRITTFN in K PLEASING AND comprehnn.iv. nylo. Ibo bost book now off rod to 'ho ouolio. canvasmnu aokts wanted in .very County of tho Territory, Anuly immediii.oly to A. B. WIUGttT. Oonrnl Atont Ulb W.rd.S.U L.k.&'",T""'n7 A FULL STOCK OF PAPERS, Cardboards, ENVELOPES LECAL BLANKS, .ID PRINTERS' SUPPLIES Constantly on hand at the II ERA I r OFFICE: j A fc. door, 11 rth, of Duorot Nattin.l Bonk Nob. 1 and 2 will be run daiiy. Nob. 8, 4, 5 and 6 will be run daily'' Sundays- excepted. For all information concerning; Freighl or Passage, apply to JOHN SHARP, Superin tendent. JOELN SUARP, JB., Gen. Freight and Ticket Aijf nt. Passing Places. MIXED TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) Leaving Salt Lace City at 8:40 a. m. and 5:0fj p. m.; and Ogden at 6 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. For all information concerning Freignt or Passage, apply to JOHN SUARP. Jr., Gen. Vr't i, I'kt Agent JOHN SHARP. M.uierintendent. ' OTAH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. QN AND AFTER SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1876, THE UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY COM-K. COM-K. jY Wl11 run d'IJ trains as follow. Lravo ball Lara City at 7:00 a-m., Mopping 25 mmuies at Lako Point for1 Breakfust, Arrive at Half-way House at 9:21 a.m. 1 Leavo Half-way House at 11:40 a.m. t ..pping Hi minu-tos at Lake i-oint for . Dinner. Arnrlnfl; at Salt Lake City at 2:05 p m. i ON SUNO WS I The Trains will leave Salt Lake City ai ' a. m., stopping ii minutoi ai Lake l'oin and arrive at Ulf.wa? House at U.2i. Lovo Ualf-w,iy Homo at ll'4(i, s'opplng at Luke loint 25 mlnjtas, arriviae at Call Lftho city at IA p. -i. All Kriuht Tor the wost mnst bent the Uopot not later than 1 p. m. oo weok dyfl only, and for any fu-ther Inforaiatio i applj to J. N. PlkS, Uonoral freight Agent. 11 U. P. KlALuALL. Bupt. Castle Bro's. M-tiown Braci a JAPAN TEAS FOB IAXI AX Z. C. M. I. Grocery Dept H. S. ELDREDOE, 8upt. NEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Deal en la Boots and Shoes 134 & 136 Grand st., Niw York, Coreor Crobp, one Uock aact of Bfoaaj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Praiso God from whom all bloeBina flow ' GALVANISM, ELECTI1ICITV AS CURATIVEPOWERS. Hall's Unn Electric Plasters, TheonW really scientific method of appli-eatlo" appli-eatlo" of thai-epuhtle myte;iooi , alotuents. Letters ol l'atont grintod. lo B. 1. ijall. oi Nishua. Now Uiiinpuhire, d-i'od ArnlHth, ig7d for latest and mn't vahi&hle improve-meats improve-meats in tho handling o( tboso siEODCias by, in cans of plasters. Hall's Galfato Electric Piasters ; ArespoolDo for tho following oomplainU: "sToH 9u 0lvano Klectrio l laster wil) llall S oure Ithoninaticni of any paturi or iov or ity, no utattux of how n.lHo Ha'anli1 EWtrlo Plaster will illl S cnro Nouralni--. Urtl 1 J0 tlalvano Klortrio Plaster wUl Hill 1 Cure Sick Hund.u-he HlPt, (ialvano EL-cmo Plaster will JLalll S cur" Weah nn.i lrflam.il lye. Ilnll'c halvauo Elont io rinstor will 11 illl S on re ail affculioiB at the Brain. iinnr, Galvuno tletrie Plmtor will HUH O ruro Spinal Complaint. U.-,ll o Gal-ano Kloctrio P aMer will illA a cum Kidney and Lwor Com-, philnt. ITrtll 'o Ualvano Klootric Plaster will XI illl euro Sciatica, Paralysis and Lumbago. ,,, lroll'a D'lvano Floetne Plaster will I II till a cure (ontraotod Sinews, n Jr-.ints und bimhs. ' TFrtll ?t. Ualvano Elootrio Plaster wlll-JLU11 wlll-JLU11 ourn Asthma nnd Lur.g aiseaoj ' lloll'e Oalvano Kloctrio i'la tor will Jltlll a .Ure Diseases oi I he IK art. II n 1 1 'ci Gafvano El.ctrio Plaster will t, Uclll a 0ure all Norvons Prostrations from wbattoeviT cause. nolTc Oalvano hloctno flaster Will . till a 0ure Iinpotouoy and oaknebS I of Gennive Orauns. ' i irnll'o Oalvan- Kuotr.o Plaster will 6 XI till a cure Komate CumplainU, i'alllni n ot tho Wotnb, etc- Tfoll 'c Gaivano Elaoino Plaster will im- 0 lltlll a ,,Mrt New Life and Vigor to the 0 whole Human Frame. Thoy oause the Lnrui 0 to leap with joy and tho Halt to take up thoir u beds and walk Office of Geo. W. Matthews St Co., Merchant Tailors, ChioKgo, 111., J une 20, 167Q. Mossrs. Bell Mann d Co., iu;t Wabash vo., Chloaito, Gentlemen ll uny one doubt" theefiiatoitej of your Hail's Galvauo Elooirio Klastar for I curing hhuuniatinai andSiuk lloadnoho of (he I worst nataro, send thorn to me an 1 wall convince them that one hundred dollars ' apiccu for thoin would n'it bo an exborbitant 1 price Yours, truly, Geo. W. MiTTUawa. 1 Office oi America!) Express Co., ) Chicago. June 23, 1878. Messrs, Bell Maim & 1 o., Chicago. . Qontlemen Vour Hall's Gaivano Elsotrio Plasters cured me ot tho KheutuatiPnj. 1 have xinco reeoiniuonded thtm to others aad have ns yet to loirn of a simile instance where j i hoy failud to olToot a porfuot euro in two er throe daja. Cna Fahoo, , i Manner Amencao Ex. Co. They aro WARRANTED. Sent by m-H securely put up aod posUgo prepniti. to Bay part of too United ctatoa, on rocoint of price,. ' vii: 5y cents cuch. BELL. MAN N & CO., Manufacturers and , Proprietors, 10 J Wabash Avonuo, Chicago, 1 Ills. . . - Zioa's o operative Mercantile Mer-cantile Institution AGENTS FOR UTAH TERRITORY; - dai .... FURNITURE, ETC ; OIt :Purniture,i ' Building- and Roofing- Paper,,' ' Refrigerators, CUPBOARDS, PESKS,: INVALIC CHAIRS. ' ." ... BARBER CHAIRS, . PARLOR BRACKETS, PARLOR SUITS, Window Blinds; WINDOW CORNICES, ! BABY CARRIAGES, Fe at hers,; Hair ani Wire Mattresses, ' . ITMOLTEKY W0KK,' . Go to H.DINWOODY f-M8 To (lie lVorltlns- Onsa We are now Tepnrcd to furniih hi c as with corstant -mpoymoctat h-iro. tho whole . f tho time, or tor thoir i are ruomtn'B Bosinws new, light and proii able, rerao-s ol either ex aily oarn Irin 50 cent- to th per tTt-ning, 1 t i properiii.nal gum by devoting their -nolo time to thu buoiDoss. Buyadirli oan earn rjparly as much a-men. Ubaiall. wto noe this on'lco mny aord rholradurcFS ir.tl tout the busin-as wo make this unparsl-lolod unparsl-lolod oOcr: To, sucj as are not well Mtis.led wo will sond .oe dollar tc pay lor ihe trouble ol writing tall pariniarn. Rnmplos worth oseral dollar to c. mm once work on, and a ooi-y f Homo anil Fi e-i io, one of ihe largest and os! Illustrated Publications, all sett roe b ttiBll Hoader.il you want prrman-ePripr,i?"-bl8 w,irk- eudresK. UtUHGK IlNcOi Ji CO , Portland, Maine. f 6 Salt take City . IRON WORKS. One Block South of U. C. R K. Depot, T. PIEBPONT, Supt, Are now prepared to Mnnuctu: and liepftir at kind, of BTEAM ZXGINES, Boiuta, MiNma, milling, HOISTING MACniNER YJ FOK N4I.E One 60-horso Engin, and Ui.r, and To Upriirht Bcilnn. IRON aod OOA.S CfSTINQS of an? J.-oript.oo J.-oript.oo toud, ui ordor. iru3"" "Hr""d OT Mali to P. O. Be uw win ro.-clr, prJ'npl attwtlon. mi |