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Show ' WANTED. A HORSE- SHOER. Apply to A. J. Pendleton, Second South atrefit. ; . m2G Edillftr & Co. Have Chimney Comer lor June 23 .LUCERNE ALFALFA Also a variety of GRASd SEEDS, at T. C. ARMSTRONG'S, Firdt South street. m26 - - Returned. Dr. Mary H. Burker has returned from the east and resumed her professional pro-fessional business. my 20 WANTED. TWENTY GOOD SHEEP SHEARERS. Cash paid. Apply to E. M. Weiler, 8d ward. m2G The best materials and most experienced ex-perienced workmen are used in the manufacture of our clothing, and the newest and most fashionable styles in furnishing goods are always kept on band by us. We sell at close caah figures, for small profits, and guar-1 an tee all our ecoda. Cull at the Was alch buildi Dg and see for yourselves. m26 L. GnLDBEKO & Co. If Glenn's Sulphur Soap did nothing noth-ing more than serve the purposes of a pleasant soap, softening the skin and beautifying the corjjpleiion,kand giving giv-ing to the check a hue thai no other artificial meanBcan produce, it would be invaluable to every lady's toilet. - It does more, however. It chases away every blotch and blemish from the skin, and prevents the possibility of the appearance of any of those eruptions that convert beauties into su h moii'-ters. Sold by all drug gif-8. Depot, C. M. Crittenton's, K... 7 Sixth avenue, N. Y. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50cta. m20 ;THE tSEST WAR MAP published, showing the provinces and nameebf every town in Turkey, in Aiia and in Europe. Price, 60 cents. For sale at Dnyer's. my22 Th ROCKY MOUNTAIN COUGH SYRUP is more effective than anyotht:. Try it for diphtheria. diphthe-ria. Sold every where. n27 ORDERS for the SALT LAKE CITY BREWERY BEER will be promptly attended to if addressed to Salt Lake City Brewery, or left at the Brewery, or with Hill fc Graves, Wasatch Saloon; or with Youugberj; & Scliade, Scandinavian Saloon, Salt Lake City. Cash Paid at all times for Good Barley delivered at tbe Brewery. n3 ' VALLEY HOUSE The Best $2.00 a day House in this city. " m29 !" - -"" j SPECIAL NOTICE to Far-i Far-i mere. Sheep Raisers, Butchers, and others: Z.. O. M. L; of this city, is paying tho highest high-est market price iu cash for ; Wool and Hides of all kinds. Wool contracts closed and tbe 1 usuat advances mado on the j same. We have every facility Jv for handling these products iu j i any quantity, and parties will find it to their interest to con-j con-j suit ue before making other arrangements. Parties ship- j ping their Hides or Wool to us will please mark them Z. I C. M. I,, care H. B. Clawson. . j Dpot at the Wagon and Ma- j chine Yards opp. the Institu- I ! lion. H. S. . Eldkedge, '.. ! fel4 Supt. l L . . .. .1 The best variety of spring and summer clothing, at L. Goldberg & Co.'a. . . - alS Wool Growers of Utah will please remember that the Provo Ma.no factukinq Company guarantee to pay the highest market price for Wool, either in CASH or CLOTH. PartieB having Wool to dispose of will do well to consult us beforo doing business elsewhere, t pur ' stock ot Home-made Cloths and Yarns is complete. Wool handled on Commission, Com-mission, if parties desire, our facilities facili-ties for handling the . samo being unsurpassed by any other house in the Territory. .Address, Jasie6 Dunn, Supt, Provo M-iuuf'g Co. N. B. SACK-J FuilNlcHEJ. . ju27 A NEW ORGAN, with 6 slops, $110, Daynestfe Son's Music Store. m8 Fbish Mountain Trout at Cutler Bros. . a?7 Just received A fine stock of GUNS, PISTOLS and Ammunition. All kinds of Gunsmith work done. Heusser Bros., Main street. P.O. box 6iJ5. al5 ; Ice a', the old Ctawaou Depot, c. J in quantities above 50 pounds. m5 j LOOK OUT for the AUCTION SALE on Saturday, opposite the j Wuiker House. my2o j. : . - Sensible Advioe. ; You are asked every day through jliie columns of newspapers and by 1 your Druggist to use something for : Uyspepsia and Liver Complaint that lyou know nothing about, you get dis-jeouraged dis-jeouraged spending money with but 1 little succc-s. Now to give you salie-j salie-j hntory proof that Green's August I j? lower win cure you ol Uygpepsia and Liver Complaint with all its leflects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heartburn, Water Brash, coming up of food alter eating, low spirits, etc., we ask you to i go to your druggists, Z. 0. M. I. and Wasatch Drug Stores, and get a Sample Bottle of Green's August j Flower for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents. Two doses I will relieve you. m2U A New PRINTING PRE33, prints a form 10x15 in.' $15. Daynes & Son's Music Store. m8 WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL LIQUOR STORE. SOME THING NEW. Nelson Boukofaky has re-mu'ved' re-mu'ved' his Wholesale Liquor Store dowu the State road, one mile from the cily, whero he will be pleased to Wait upon bis customers, as UEUal, with a large stock of goods. NeLSE BoUKOFoKY. -. dalt Like City, May 22, 1877. my 22 To nil. wtio aro autleriug tri,m the errors er-rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaknesj, early dccy, loss of manhood, lie, I -will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE Ob1 CHARGE. This great remedy was d.scovared by a missionary in South America Send a eel (-addressed unveiope to tho ltnv. Joskpu T. Inman, Station D, Bible House, New Yrk City. n You can save 25 per cent, by purchasing pur-chasing clothing from L. Goldberg & Co. - a!8 -For Sale. A building lot, seven by ten ioda, in one of the finest locations loca-tions iu the city. Tbe site com-mandjaviewof com-mandjaviewof the city and valley. Southeast front; convenient to busi nesa. Street cars ruu within one short block. Will be sold cheap for cash. Enquire at this office. a29 $10,000 Worth uf Furniture Wanted. Crane will pay the highest price for lare and small quantities of Household House-hold Furniture to fill country orders. Whim you want to sell go to Crane's, Kirst South street. He trades in evwry thing. I n23 BurnettV Cocoa ink kills dandrufl, allays irritation and promotes the growth of hair. ja30 Burnett's Flavoring Extracts The superiority of these extracts con sists in their perfect purity and great strength. They are warranted free from tho poisonous oils and acidp which enter into the composition ot many of tbe factitious fruit flavore now in the market. They are noi only true to their Dames, but art prepared from fruits of the best quality, qual-ity, and are so highly concentrated that a comparatively small quantity only need be used. jaSO SAVE YOUR BOOKS by getting them bound. Try tho Hekall ; Bindery. mH Next Door to Wells, Fargo & Co. We have opened our new Furniture Furni-ture in the stouo store next to Wells, Fargo & Co. Our stock is large, and the public are invited to examine the pricps. . Bakratt Bros. my 24 The latest styles and patterns ol clothing received daily at L. Goldberg &. Co.'a. alt HO, EVERYBODY I Bring your Harper's Monthly, Weekly, ami ; Bazars to the Herald Bindery. First-class work at low "rates. m3 ' The Best Ice. Pure Mountain Ice fiucat quality aud full weight. For sale by John Heil, opposite Commercial, Second South street. myl2 Building and Roofing Paper at H. Dinwoodey'e Furniture Store. - m27 ! LESLIE'S MONTHLIES, wheD bound, make a neat little volume. The Herald Bindery does work in every Btyle aud at reasouable rales. . mo PIMPLES ON THE FACE FOR PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, BLACK-haacU, BLACK-haacU, and ftll Kfuntiana on tho i'aoo or dUin. tluanLntf orei, Uiour, Bui Is Scrotal, scurvy, o-o . n m-'diaiuo hs over offooi od a-nunv a-nunv ouro in tho sauio tiuio as Iratitr'n Root Bit tora or Blojd S n ohm. Ma. Kkizihr : Dour Sir: I have boon tdlictod for uvor ihruo yoari with a scrofulous atfwctiuD on my fiuc, whiah brono out in fiiiiuloa and Blotchoi. I was alao trorfk, with do auuetiie. L uevor tnund rehofuar.il last bummer Your Biuori being nighly rocom mondtd as a blood ruodioino. I procured a AUDvly and in a ten ooks thuy utlVoiaa & . auru- 1 aow uuoy bat'ar noahb turn i hare for toa yonra. My easo was 009 01 tho vorv I worst- i can honestly rooommood your lliuera to all- MISS LIZZIE CORNWALL, Kabt Clovoland, O. DKiRSta: Myobjeotin writing tho following fol-lowing is 10 Bpro.ii valmibio intimation. Having bobn troib'oi with Humors and Pimp l a on mp laoe and body, and iltor try-iDK try-iDK darsiounlla and many othor romudioD, ttdvortisod for durotiia- tho bl )ud, and re-ooiviog re-ooiviog no booolrt. 1 oiHninoncoJ using Kuot Biuore, and io!H than throo bo'tios hm o Hooted Hoot-ed a radical euro, i hnvo neve - onjoyod suoh ,(od honltH boforo, and i attribute it to l ho uao oi'youx Uittors. B. K. iialKU-T, Canton, O. Sold by all druuniBta ovoywhra. Dr. G. W. trailer, Pi-oris or, Cleveland. Ohio. U dbo I'lit dt i'i , VVnMGsilo uruKnints. Salt Lalio t,ity, Oonoral Auoaw lor Utab. RUSSIA being at WAR with TURKEY may raise the price of Leather. Better hurry and get your books bound now. The Herald Bindery ia the place to have work done Good and Cheap. m3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE Til EATUE. W.T. lUKIUS Businaas Manager. SATURDAY EVE., MAY 26, '77 CRAND COMEDY BUJLI FUN! FUN! ! FUN!!! B EKiEFIT or tufi Favorite Coruedienno, MISS SUSIE SPENCER. 4 HOST OF VOLUNTEERS! FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY 1 Ihe performtnoa will eommnnco with tho peiilo Uouiady, in 3 acts, entitled, PAUL, the Pit of the Petticoats. BALLAD, Mrs. Eramot Mousley; Acoomi-anist, Mr. J. Day net BALCONY SCENE imn ROM E0 AND JULIET HARMON! A QUAHTEri'E. Messrs. C- B. Movona, J. n Whilo.C. P. Ilueyand C. B.Dunt. GEN D'AUMES Messrs Willie Davies and H. Qa dioor. ADMISSION Uiioal Thontro Rttoi. No flztrt oiiargj for Kejorvod tioau, Doors opon at 7. SO; Porfoimanov com-monce com-monce a tf- n)2a Schuttler WAGONS. A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE O' theao vva(5in5l with the Latoat liu pruTomonii, now in Stock. THE SCHUTTLER WAGONS Vro not equaled for strcnlh and durability A so iid roooraona; are boUor known nil more oiton-ivo'y usod than any othor agoa sola i-i the i orritory. Bacteye Reajers ni Mowers, Ml Iroa and Stool Toant 'oogue, Noal Voko and Double X'roea, Tho boat Alaooine iu the Market. FURST & BRADLEY SULKY HAY RAKES, Furst &. Bradley SELF-DUMPING SULKY HAY RAKE, The most effioiout Solf-dumpinc It a so in the uiarkut. All kinds of Farming Implcmenli and Machinery, including Harvesters, I Headers, Sweepstake Threshers, Walk- nig Cultivators , etc., etc. Iron, Steel, Horse and Mux Shues aud Horse Shoe Nails ah aizea and styles constantly in atock. Also tho AME3 ENGINES. TUrlBI S W'UtiELS, tsA W M1',LS, and a 1 kiodi of MILL M AClilNEKV oi tho bust manu-ic:uro. manu-ic:uro. For ciroulars, and all dosirod information call on or addrom, GEO. A. LOWE, dALT LAKE CITY. m21 II sit Biook South of Theatre. FLOWERS! WREATHS! CROSSES! DECORATION DAY! Partioj wanting to get Boquets, Wreaths, Anchors Crosses, Or an? thins in the FLORAL LINE, nn DECORATION DAT, should Bond in their ordors early, so as to avoid any possible ditappoinliuoat. FLORAL DECORATIONS Of all kinds niidto ord?r, and Hill alio be tor sale on May iKJeh . Decorations can bo de'ivred at the Cemetery, Ceme-tery, Camp j oualar, on May iOth. EEAD1XG, m2j . , Thirteenth Ward. NOTICE TS II P.REB7 GIVE V T TUB TA--1. Dajor of too fc'on-firsc "cbool Dia rict, 'dv, Suit Latto t ou ty. tht a m"etii p will be bld at tho Muhnolhuuse in aid Dii" t Oi on iVrdnoiilay. Juno nth, at 7 30 p. m. tovntofortax fr auniiort ot School for ihe ensuing yuar-Uy yuar-Uy ordur of ihe TRUST HES. iny25 SPECIAL NOTICE. MRS., EMMA JEFFRIES, TKIXCE MEDIt'iU, .Vill bold Vublln Ton Cirolos at hor Parlor ono door east i1 tho City Hat- Mind-y. Monday. Mon-day. Wodnoiday and Kridny ovonincs at B u'o'oik Trico a jets. Consult a-ions auily. EMPIRE LIME KILNs! . it. JOXKS, Prop. Tills Limo is pronounced by all flrst-claas flrst-claas I'las'.orors and Masons to be the BEST IN THE MARKET. ra-A.11 Orders left at TnyOEBcoin Market itow will be pronap'.ly filled. I'ricea to Do(y Competition for Quality. my23 NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY 1 pi von that tho Utah Contra Railroad Rail-road Compmy nas in its possp?sion at its I freight houso at the dop. t of said Cora-'pany Cora-'pany iu Salt LaltH City, Utan, tho fol-lowmR fol-lowmR described prip0rty. which it trmsportd over its railroad from Ogdon, Utah, and rec-ived at said Salt Lake Oity on tha VJih day of May, 1875, v z : Two bar-ola of whisky, marked H. & Co., S -It Lako Ciiy ,anl branded "Peach Rum Distillery, Gth Hi.-triet Kentucky, Hnnd Made Copper Whisky." One cask of wino, nmrk'-d TJ & Co.; branded "Burg. Port, Pur Juico." On cask of wino, marked Jl. & Co ; branded "'Sherry." Th snid property ia uddrcsod to Hanak &, Co., Salt Lake, and was shaped 1'rom Milwaukoi1, Wis., by S ltindskoft" & Co. Tho Biid fJanak & Co. having failed for more than six. months, to accept, pay the charges upon, a' d take th- said propertv away, tho said Utah Central Kail road c---- pany will sell tho same at public unction, at its said frniRht h"tn, at 11 o'clock, a.m.. on-Saturda?, tho 23d day of June, 1877, and apply tho pro-coeds pro-coeds Rppinj; therefrom in the manner prescribed by law. JOHN SHAltP, .JTi Gen "Freight Agnnt U C.K.R. Co. Salt Lake City, Utah, May 23d, 1877. w y 2-1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE SALT LAKE CITY. Positively for Two Days Only, Monday and TVO'd y Ma7iSand20. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, Afternoon at 3, Eve- ing nt 8 o'clook. Doors oiOD at 1 anal 7 o'clock. SYLVEaTlill QLEKIvRH ManOfior. Tho (!ro4t Urginal a d Konownod CEH.TOM THUMB AHD WiFE. Together wiih tuo Inlini'O'imal MISS MINNIE WARREN, And tho tika.orial Phonomonnn and Comic (Jopiua MAJOR NEWELL, Will apnonr in a varioty or Now and Faaoin-tin- Pe formanooa, oonss'i g uf OIl'. Duets Dai 1 en?. Dialou oa. Oomiu - 1 ts and liaughablo Skotonos, riiDio.o with Seutluieut, Fuu aud fr'r.ilic, Co exhibit their coat versatility ' f ta'ent thoy will Bpuour in a no and original pieoe, omitted Tbe MISCHIEVOUS MONKEv! Evoryivhero roce'vd with U'-roanons and i-onvulsiva 'iu htor! - t oach enicnainmen -h Ladios will oar several duw t nd ol g4nt Etutuc'. mngu iGceat diaiLonds, 0 0 AUMISsl 'N only 50 Cents. Childron, U' dar IU yoars, 2ictif,; Heservod .k 0t s 7:ct 'bildtoo, undor IU yoa-s, lo rocrvod oaiB, loots Ludio.i and obi dron arunonaidratu 5 adviped t i a'.to-d tho day osbibnlon, and hua avoid t do crowd and com us ion of ih evening purfurmunue. GEO. PECK, A eon. Sale of reorvod loais 10 uouiuiuqco S-lur Jay, May lub, m'U AUCTION AND COMMISSION. WE Have determinkd to add AuctMou aud Coiiiuii!i-ion Coiiiuii!i-ion to our regular Furniture &. House Goods Trade. Our Siuth Koom has been set apart for ".oat purpose. Wo will Sell 011 Commissi on, Adyancu on all Goods, O R li U YI Wq will havo 1UCTI0N SALES ever? SATDRDAT Until fur hur notice, in our South Koom. Barratfc Bros. 'alt Lake City. Nov. 7. 1876. ri8 Aii 80- horse power BOILER FOB SALE Made oftho bojt material used WlhL BE DISPOSED Of AT A BARQAIS XIAO An 8-horse power UPRIGHT BOILER, At tho M Lake Cily Boiler f oris JOHN SLOAN tL CO., 4 . Roi fif FOR SALE OR TO LET, TiiounnonRunn dbvonshiwe t BTlbU. For pam u'an acnlf to WM. II i.AM, at trie -t.bloiot H. ? .ELD K EDO hi, . tth wardoalt Laku oicy . aii DAVID JAMES, . I ( LICENSED PLUMBER, TINNER, : Gas aai Steam Fitter, RosDOotfully an noun 00s that HAVING BEEN AWARDRD TIIK CON- : tkaot fob latis ran om W ATE It P1PKB, "ni having a I rpo stock of Plo robing Ma'orial on hmd, ho ii now oropirod to LAY W ATBh PIKS IN Jf0UHO AUD fHlVATE BUILUiNQd. Dealer in Marble Slabs and Wash Basins, Water Gosnts, Copper and Zfinc Bath Tubs, Black, Galvanized and Hose Pipe and Fittings for tame. " Ajent for KUMStiY1 Force, Lift and "Jrive Wbll PJMfd and Uxtras. Pumpi repaired. Ml ora marnntood. UFFiOK AND WOKKsIlOPS, West Temple Street Opposite City Meat Market. myl6 STALLION 3UC K PRINCE! BLACK STALLION, SIXTEEN HAN DM high, foalol in iSHS at PTn Hill Karm Hot by " liotaor." '"Dictator" by KysJyk's "Hambl-'toaian " dam, too dam of 'uoxto'." by "Anivo'O tu," ( andJm bo dam of "Shark," d im "Mad im Lo hit" loho-tnut', o by Virnor," by -'Young vloasoncer," by "Wiotb'op Mosang'T." in or m lino and imro 'ine ol' irnttir a thr is now in the Unto staloi. Kind and en lo- Will 'nnd t-alijii-ol number of mares. Price 'woiU-flfo l2j) dolla-s. Enquire of CUAUiittd CHABTREH. my i FISH, GROCERIES, ETC. Head-Quarters! FOU FINNAN HADDIES, YARMOUTH BLOATERS, I SCOTCH OATMEAL And a full line of FANCY, and STAPLE GROCERIES. " JUST ARRIVED Fresh Eastern Cofl and Herring. Ijiddell & Brown, North of IIsRii.p Officfl' ii EAGLE EWlPORIUffl COLUMN. cTiy AND ; , Country WILL DO WELL TO CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you wish ftny Fancy CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium For Staple aud Fancy CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you wisli Good aud Cheap ; ' CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium I( you wish a Good Covering for your Floor aud Buy your CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you wish to fit your head as well aa your feet aud see our CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you wish to purchase Stylish CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you wish to buy Fashionable CALL AT THE.'i Eagle Emporium It you wish strength to do your day'a labor, and buy your CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you like good Bn af, and try our CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium If you are. weary and would be refreshed, and teat our Choice ' CALL AT THE Eagle Emporium II you wish light, and burn their CALL AT THE , Eagle Emporium For Good and Cheap HARDWARE, Etc., Etc., Etc., In fact wo will be pleased to supply you with Anything you want at Bed-Eock Prices. Wm.Jenmngs&Sons Importers, Johhers and Retail Dealers in miLHUHSE |