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Show THE CHINESE MURDEKEKS SEN TtNCED. The Chico, Cal., murderers ol Chinese, Charles and Johu Slaughter, E. R. Roberts and P. Conway, who pleaded guilty to murder in the i:eond decree, were sentsucid each to twenty five years in tho penitentiary T. 'A'. Staiubrook, who steed trial, tiat twenty-seven and a half years. Taia speedy punishmeut will be re gardflj as well deserved and it is to bo hoped will prevent the further spread of tho fanatical crusade against Cninese pn-igrants, whose presence in this country in large numbers should be prevented by law, if ttvy consii-lutfl consii-lutfl a really dangc-roto or ertensive eleiuout. Tnere is no gned reason Why a destructive class of emigration gliciu'd bo permitted to come 10 the United States siuip'y because this is a free country, which welcomes to its shores and citizenship a!I peoples who can aid in its development and eivili-zv.iou. eivili-zv.iou. If Ciiir.ese civilization, r;:i gion and babita aro in antagonism to our own and its ixcplo cannot be abj,-:bed into cur population ar.d C-t;z9tisbip, t!;ee aro the best reu.i::e for excluding tuetn from our shcre. Perhaps, however, a full consideration considera-tion of the aubj-.vt will show li.at ti;o dangers feared frc:n this eonrce have litte practical Icundilion, a:.d tl.at tiie Chinese have little intention and dv'iire of overrunning t'- cvun'ry. |