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Show Blood Disomies. Tho blood being the source from which our systems are built up and from which we derive our mental, as well as physical capabilitos, how important im-portant that it should bo kept pure. If it contains vile festering poisona all organic functions are weakened thereby. Settling upon important organs, as the lungs, liver or kiyneyB, the effect is most disastrous. Hence it behooves every one to keep their blood in a perfectly healthy condition and more especially does this apply at thia particular season of the year than at any other. No matter what the exciting cause may be, the real cause of a large proportion of all diseases is bad blood. Now Dr. Pierce does not wish to place his Golden Medical Discovery in the catalogue cat-alogue of quack patent nostrums by recommending it to cure every disease, nor does he so recommend it, on the contrary there are hundreds of diseases that ho acknowledges it will not cure; but what he does claim is this, that there is but one form of blood disease that it will not cure,and that disease is cancer. He does not recommend his Discovery for that disease, yet he knows it to be the most searching blood cleanser yet diBCOvered, and that it will free the blood and aystem ot all other known blood poisona, be they animal, vegetable veget-able or mineral. The Golden Discovery Dis-covery ia warranted by him to cure the worst forma of skin diseases, as all forms of blotches, pimples and eruptions, also all glandular swellings, swell-ings, and the worst form of scrofulous and ulcerated sores of neck, legs or other parts, and all scrofulous diseases dis-eases of the bones, as white swellings, fever sores, hip joint and spinal diseases, alt of which bolong to Bcrof-ulous Bcrof-ulous diseases. CONFIRMED Hn JOINT DISEASE CURED. W. Grove Station, la., July 14th, 1872. Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir My wife first beoame lame nine years ago. Swellings would appear and disappear on her hip, and she was gradually becoming reduced, and her whole Bystem rotten with disease. In 1S71 a swelling broke on her hip discharging large quantities, and since that time there are several openings. Have had five doctors at an expense of $125, who Bay nothing will do any good but a surgical operation. July 16th, 1873, he writes thus: My wife has certainly received a great benefit from the use of your Discovery, Dis-covery, for Bhe was not able to get off the bod and was not expected to live a week when she commenced using it, a year ago. She has been doing most of her work for over six months. Has used twenty bottles and Btill using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, and we attribute it all lo the use of your valuable medicine. med-icine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a blood purifier and Btrength restorer. J. M. Robinson. Discovery is told by druggists, |