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Show SALT LAKS MY IT-SALE; TUCH-SDAT MORKIJJO. Frb. 11, 1S75. ( THK DAILY HERALD is ftubli-hod 1 tr.'ury mrcing, Mondays pxe.-pted, a', i k'ir-1 S mill itn.-t.-t, ru-nr Y.st T--njiI-, . Bait City, by th Herald 1'kjnt-i 1'kjnt-i and l'L'uur-iii.s-.i Cui-Asr. M'b- 1 tri.tiun prv-f $lu p.-r ar.i.um; -art. of rear at thi sumo rate. '!' W'-'W.y iiiUmbvri, cul lotion landu ly carrier, tw;itty-r. cents a wi;n. THE SLMI-WKF.KLY 1IKKA1.D u puMi.hrd every W-tduduy and .-wtur-day morning, nl $1 a y"r, pail ot a ycAr a: tho aunte rat. Jolt PRLNTlNd. Iii ioini.-.:;uii w.tlj the Hliiai.u -taMi-hineht i a Lu t- inr Job I'riolinK ollKf, wliwein 'l:n afi.i fiiiiry (.ruiting ol' ov.-ry .W-.tii-Uoii i .Imio in t j j t Ik-i. sty 1 of tin- uri, rip:-d.'.ioualy rip:-d.'.ioualy a::'l at rtn-omi Liu elmry!. Til F. HERALD pr.-i.:uti daily ruil and n-linlile report ft all matl-'n of iiit.-r.-l in tliu territory, devoting a lurge p-nliou ufiU jpa. e to L'Uli HlSUiri, L'uL imiiii-trwa imiiii-trwa and L'uth eiiturpns-.-a. COKHKSPONDEXCE from tne baling mining ':OiiiH ftJr in a vahmblt; I.aliire o( iU iiirrinatioii, Dm rup rts of in cor-revpomUiU cor-revpomUiU Leii.g cl,uni:teri.. d by faLri.e.-i and ruiiiitiilily. Th.j mu-t lin-p-Tinia nrtw 1'ioin all parti of lliu ountry is sought by teU-grupii and mail, mid promptly given to lim public; and inforinntion of an interesting cliar-ai'ter cliar-ai'ter Usoln-iud from all rpisrter. |