OCR Text |
Show isroTioiTs, . : V- GROGERIES, STAPLE A D FAXfY" DRY GOODS, WM HARDWflStt, CROCKERY Ribbons, Hosiery, fete stoves, FANS, I'AllASOLS, mmmM'' BOOTS AND SHOES CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS, timkmff clothing, Etc., Etc., Etc. All New Goods, Just Received, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE INVITE ifiS IT rA All OA I i And Save Money by Examining Quality, and Prices before Purchasing Elsewhere. WM. JENNINGS & SONS, Eagle Emporium, Salt I.nke City, Utah. Aaents Duponl's Soortina, Rifle and Blasting Powders. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE ( liilson S'o.2 Cook KaiiRC Sprinkling Wagon ISox. ,000 lb. Iron Axle Wagon, Cheap, One Horse Dray. 1 Pony. Chareoal, 1,000 bushels. House and I.aiMl. 11th Ward, for lease or rent. New American Ncwing Jlaeliinis. ISranson Kiii(4ors. , 1,000,000 Fine and Coarse Salt. For Kent, at nominal ' lriec, Lime liiln and lnarry, next south ot ICallt House Orouuds. , Manufacturer of LiQnii BlDii M M comMiici. fomeand Investigate, JOHN W. SNELL, n2 Idaho Store. LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court within and for the County of Salt Lake, in the Territory of Utah. In the mailer of the Est&to of Edwin li. Kirtley, Deceased. Notice and Order of Publication. Jonathan C. Itoyle, Iho erecrjror of tbo estate of Edwin li. Kirlley, deceased, having rendered and presented for settlement settle-ment and tiled in said court ilia lina! account a3 Euch executor 01 bis adminis-tralion adminis-tralion of said estate, together with a report of nis administration thereof and a petition praying for a tinal settlement of hia accounts as such executor, and tee adjudicatioD, adjustment and seltletuunt of the legacies montioced in the will of said deceased, the approval and confirmation confirma-tion by the court of legacies ulUlt sid will already paid and delivered, and the further order and direction of said court as to tbo adjustment and distribution ol other legacies mentioned in said will,ntid for his liuiil discharge as such executor: And the court upon the reading and con-m con-m ' sideratinn thereof, having nxed and or dered the hearing thereof to take placu at the Court Koomof said Probate Court, in the City and County of Salt Luke, in ' the Territory of Utah, oft Aloi.diy, the M diiy ot" June, A.D. 1S78, at thfi hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of that day. , Jow, therefore, it is by Baid Courtj ordered that all persons interested in the :.ul tsiute of, mid too Buid will of, the snid Edwin K. Kirfley, deceased, bo and pp-jar before the said Probate Court at 1,Q onrl tho Hrtv unil hour lal aforesaid, then and there to contest the said settlement of said accounts or the ranting of said petition, iftheyaeefit so to do, and then a-d there show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition and relief asked for therein : should not bo granted. It ia further ordorod, that a copy ot this order be published pub-lished for four successive weeks before tho Baid third day of J uno, A.D. 1878, in the Salt Lakk Daily Herald, a newspaper news-paper printed and oublishod in said County of Sal Lake, in the Territory of U tan. E. SMITH Probate Judge. Filed April 13tb, 1878. D. BOCK HOLT, Clerk of said Court. , TlRRITORT OT UtAJI, gH Coustx ok' Salt Lake. J t I, D. Bockholt, Clerk of tho Probato Court, in and for Iho County of Salt Lake, in the Territory of Utah, dohoroby certify that tho foregoing is a full, true and corroct copy of Older of tho said Court, in tho said matter of the Estate of Edwin It. Kirlley. dtceused, as appears of record in my otlico. t, 1 In witnoFS whereof, I have . i hereunto set my hand and ) l.8. atlixed tho Bealof said Court, ( I this thirteenth day ot April, , A.D. 1675. D, BOCKHOLT, V rebate Clerk. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. NOTiCB. No. il2, BU.tlTBD Statis L.fi Ori-ic. bait Lakn City, C tmh. ii&ietL.2U, 1S7S. XT0TIC8 IS IIKKKBY GIVEN, THAI Matthias B- Callahan, vrhuao postuflice address is fait Lake, city-Utah, has made application for a intent lor CO) linear feet ot ine Bftturn Lodo and Mining claim, situated in Wast Atimctain Mioini district. Hah Territory, and fully aoflintd in tho plat and field note of official surtoy on nlo in this office, tho x'.arior boundaries doide ito niat,-nottc variation 17uoi, corn met cms; at the discovery vomt of smd bat urn Ulanu or Lode, and running thonco south tb- west lOu feot alung tho centre Mud of sid olaiin n point no ho ceotro ol ibo loutaorly oiid tl tho claim; thtneo nirth il- we.t UU fet to P4-t.Ni). I: ihcbco ouih i- oi -- loot tc KUl.N'u 2. thcaco LDrih lJ east C'OiertKJ i-u-t No-tiioaco conh o't -.Oici-tt losi No , thonco s uih t.-u dou loot to laid tot No. 1, tmbr-cint: too disojveiy claim (.1X1 linear ico:,, acd c aims tme nortnor r and one sou. hor.y lit-eur teei eon on sid L.-Uo. e-inmoaly e Uo th td-ho" stclion ui said aiurn Ludu.aud eootatning an ro of J Ti-.t.O acres triu Mid pu-t .No. 1, United sttea mionral uiolu mont No. 5 02" sail mining disinc; teri ioutfl ouj weit 2u loot diJtatl: aad Horn s-id ducovery romt a tucnol ocars south lo 1 oaat iVt dia;ant. 'Iho nearuit known locations ro the burning Moicuw, tho Jordan Jor-dan and the Jrsty minii-B claims- 1 direct ibis notice 10 bo published Tor the Tull period Ot" sixty days in tho Slt Liki Duly It khild, a newiaper nuhliahod near-ot near-ot the alaiia, BARBOUK LEWIS. ni30 Hag Later. HO, EVERYBODY I Bring yum Harper's Monthly, Weekly, au; BazarB to the Heeald Bindery. F rst-clasa work at low rat. m Utah Central liailroad, PIONEER LIKE OF UTAH ; On and after Jane 20th, 1B76. ' " Name of Station, 6 d TRAINS lkavk a. ra.jp. m. c SaltLako.- 7 00 1 3 40 Wood's Croas 7 25 4 08 80 Contrevillo 7 33! 4 If! 76 Fttrminirton 7 50 S3 1 HO Kuysville 8 12, 4 oE 1 -Vr- ARR1VK A.T Oplon 9 00' fi 40 'I 00 j i?rT-' - vc S Namo of Station. 6 6 55 h TRAINS LEA.VS a. m. p. m. I c. Uedon 9 40 6 20 Kaysvill 10 31 7 10 1 00 fFannincton 10 62 7 81 1 35 Wood's Ou'ZZ'.Z'.'. 11 13 7 RS 1 7P 1 ARB1VB AT Ball Lake ..lll 40 8 20j00 Passing Placos. MIXED TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) Levrinif Suit Luke City at 6:05 p. m.( aad Ogden at 5 a. m. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN SHARP. Jr., Gen. Fr't St T'kt Agent. JOHN SHAEP, Superintendent. Dish Ssatliern KaUroatl OS AND AFTER DECEMBER 13th, 1876. QOINO SOUTH. I Namo of Station. . jjj d "g d g U TRAINB LKAYB a. ED. &. m. p. LO. 0. Salt Lake 7 00 6 10 2 00 Little Cottonwood 7 28 45 2 2 60 Junction- 7 48 7 16 2 66 76 ARRIVE AT Sandy 7 63 7 25 3 16 1 00 lxati mid. Sandy 8 03 Draper.. 8 18 1 26 Lehi v.... 9 08 1 76 American Fork... 9 20 1 90 Pleasant Grove. 9 32 2 00 Provo 10 15 2 60 Kprinrrillo 10 36 2 76 Spanuh Fork...... 10 61 8 00 PayaoQ 11 23 8 60 Sontaquin.- 11 43 4 00 1 ARB at Terminut 12 00 j 00 OOINO HOBTH, m 5f Natao ot Station, d S o o '? tbazn's lsati p. n. a. m. p. m. $ c Tflffminiifl 12 20 SanUnjuin. 12 67 26 Pay6on 1 17 50 Spanish .Fork 1 49 1 00 SpringyiUe...'. 2 06 1 26 Provo 2 26 1 60 Ploa?ant Grove.... 8 08 2 00 American Fork.... 8 20 - 2 10 Lehi. 8 32 2 26 Draper 4 22 2 76 akb. at Sandy.. 4 87 3 00 LT Sandy (niid; 4 47 10 3 0 5 00 ...... ! Junction...- i 61 10 40l 6 10 3 26 Little Cottonwool 6 11 11 10 6 40(3 60 arr at Salt Lake. 6 40 12 OOl 6 1514 30 Noe. 1 and 2 will be run daily, Nos. S, 4, 5 and 6 will be run daily, iundayi excepted. or Pa&eago, apply to JOHN SHARP, SuporinVnioL John Sharp, Jr Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent UTAH HDBTHEHH BA1LH DAD On and atter NOVKUBER 1st, 1877, Traini on this Koad will leave Stations mentioned below aa follows; H 0 RTHW ARD ( Name of Station. No. 1 Paw'r Trains Leave Otrdi 0 30 a.m. " Briifham 11 05 " " L.(ran 2 66 p.m. Arrive liound Valloy 0 25 " boutbward: No.gPaag'1 Traina Lcv Round Valley 7 20 a.m. Logan 11 15 " liriham 2 40 p.m " AiwTfc Ogden 4 15 ' G;Unr Salisbury'i Stajre Line to and rom Montana connect with Train.' at Round Valley. d3J B. W.TH.TOUErl. SnpL BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Idanolaataroxi and Waoleaala D f 1a Boots and Shoes 14 Jt 136 Grand L, Niw Torn, ottm Crwfcr, M .att of Bro.dvay UK UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY Ororatod by TrnstceO for Etmdholden. On and ait or TUESDAY, APRIL 1G, 1878, and until fur; h or notice, TflB UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY traini will run aa follows: Leavo Halt Lake City at 7 a.m., Arrive at Lakepolct at 8 30 a.m., Broakfut. Lcava LakoDoiat at 8.50 a m., Lea to at Ualf-way Hoaao at 0.10 a. ml Loavo at Tooolo at City at 0.55 a; in, Arrivo at Torminaa at 1U.S0 a.m. Leave Torminus at 12 in. Loavo Tooele City at 12.35 p n . Leave Half-waj House at 1.20 pan.. Arrive at Lake point at 1.40 p.m. JJ inner. Loavo LaRODoint at 2 p.m., Arrivo at bait Lako Cits at 3. BO p.m. EXCURSION TICKETS Will Kn i.xn.H LAKEPOINT AND RETURN - Ever; day during the week, Suodaji ox-ooi ox-ooi tod, (good only on day of issue)) at 11.25 lor Hound Trip. Children betwoen 5 and 12 years ot aje, (i5o. W. W. RITER, Manager. . BANKING. DESEGfr NATIONAL BUSK OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Paid-tip Capital ... $200,000 anthoiUed Capital 81,000,000 ffn.fl. HOOPER, Frati4ent, . fl.a.KLDREDOE, Vioe-PrMt., Wm. JKNN1HQS. I John sharp, Vsireoten f. LITTLE, i GEO. U. CANW0N. L, 8. HILLa.CuhUr. J PEAL IX GOLD DUST, COIN CXCHANCE Land Warranti, Cellega Sorip, eta. Collections made and p-omp&y remitted, Forrictm Biohahgb Fob Balm. , Interest Paid on Savings Deposits McCORNICK&CO.. BANKERS; oiut jjajs.8 uny, utan. THAU 8 ACT EVXRT DE8CRIPTI0H 01 BANKING BUSINESS. Purchase 6 old Dnst, Coin and Bullion. PIDHPT ArnimoH SIVEH TO CSUECTIBII. : Undertake the Purchase cmd Sale oj &loska on Commission. Advance on Orea and Baee Bullion consigned con-signed to oux Order. Sell Exchange and Telegraphic Traits-fere Traits-fere on points East and West and on the Leading cities of JCurope. OORRESPQNBEKTS: Now rock Importer' and Trader'a Natl, Bank. 0 bio ago Com morel a' National Bank. St. Loula State Having' Association. OmahaOmaha National Bank. San Ji'taneuoo firit Nat. Uold Bank, my 1 4 T. R. JONES, BANKER, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Dealer In Foreip ail Domestic Eictaee, GOLD AUD SILVER. Partieatar attention paid to burins and lolling Bonds and diooks, negotiating Mort-sago Mort-sago Loam ana othor business traiuaotions. Titles to Proiiorty examinod. Careful atteotlon given to Collection. Correspondents: New York J. B. Colgate Co San Kraaeisoo. Bank of C)ifomit Aent Homo Mutual Insurance Co m7t HENRY WACtNER, SaUJMte Oily, Utah, CALIFORXIA BREWERY Lager Beer, lie and Porter Woolecale and Retail, Second Sooth street, three doors wfi of Lb Rlttnhant Store. J. Vawaoi Surra A. J. Doinrni SMITH t DOR EM US CIVTL BSGINEER3 AND V. S. 511N eral Surveyors, make a gpeoialty ef RAILROAD EHOIFEFRIHO aad of KIH1HQ 8BRVEYIR0 For Patents. Advene Claims ud of Coder- groond W on ing s. Office with II. J. Richards A Co.. Druggists No, IJ Bast Tetnplo C'troet, bal Lake City - P. 0. boa 131. ii LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court for Soli Lake County, Utah Territory. In the matter of !tho Last Will and Testa moot of WILLIAM M. JOHNS, Doooaaod TT APPBAHINQ TO THR COURT BY i me FotLtioD nresontrd and Okd by C W Honaott, Kxooutor. and Lu'a Johns V." William M.John, doeeastd, praylne lor . order to .all real ostMo iba- k I Vry oaolltbo whole or fnmo part or porion o lhe roal cstato of said rtoconsd o ,ft, ,h ' nuance to tho fau.il,. ad dh , Vut landioi anainn the dtcoa-td and ihc dbta "1:M"V "barir of the admioistratiop ' It ia theroloro ordrrad b iho Court, that allporsoos mtoro-tod in tba fll, l nutate .. ,-oar be ore tho said Prohato. Court, tU C-may, on S-Hjrd,; .tha.lSth day ol Vay, A. D 1K7S, at luoVlock in the loroDoon o -aid day, to itotr Cdu.o if aoy tbev havo why an order ahoultl not bo Brnni0a t0 the said Kxooutor atd tx,cut ix lo .oil fo n,och ' f And that a copy of this order bo published a- laaat ten sucooMivo dar in (ho San Laki E. HMITII. , , . Pr.ihite Judo lor Salt Laku County, I i h. sID.'.I!0Cwb?!1, C'"k. of tbB V Court of bait Lake bounty, do hereby certify th0 forwolDi: to be a true and coriOTt i01.y of ao order duly nade aad entered upon ill ojinutoi of said prnbte Court Witnws my hand and tba sns of the 1 'M'i. lS'" CUrt' lUU Mh & n- noCKUOLT. Cl"fK 1'robato Court. mf7 aU Lako County. IfllaSker Bros. Dress Goods Department UOURETTE CLOTHS, In all colors and quaUtics BLACK GRENADINES, In Iron, Bourette and Fancy BOURETTE GRENADINES, J ii Navy, Myrtle and all colors CASHMERES, T -11 11.. O CM.,1, SUMMER SILKS, Fancye, Stripes and Checks LACE POLONAISE GOODS, ( With Laces to match BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ' Of reliable and best wearing makes DRESS LINENS, Dress Trimmings, FRINGES AND G A LOONS, Expressly for Trimming Grenadines CASHMERE LACES, For Grenadines and light materials BUTTONS, Iu Ivory, Pearl and Silk, all shades Guipure, Yak and all kinds of Laces. Cashmere Fringes, Embroideries, Ribbons. FOB CARPETS CARPETS CALL, ON Walker Bros. Schuttler Wagons ! The lightest draft and moet durable Wagons in the market. Timber the best and is thoroughly Eoasouod. All sizes of tho new I v-impfoved Farm Sprine Schuttlor Wagons censtantly oq hand. New Bncteyellowersaiid Reapers Strong, tiraploand durable, all steal and iron excopt doubletrees and longuo. Havo Dstunt adjustable rcule. Will do more and bettor work tiian any other machine ma-chine oi tho same class. Eni SMe Sweejstaie Tlreskrs Went far ahead of all compotitors last season and with the new improvements will positively give perfect satisfaction in every respect. They tbro-h fast nnd clean thoroughly. No ollior thresher can equal ttui tr .ittjeoi nrjiTMJDci Are the leading headers and the only ones which do their work thoroughly. First & Bradley Sulky Hay Rate, The stoutest, easiest to oporate and tho most serviceable hay rako manufactured. I carry in Btock a full lino of all kind of Farming Implements and Tools, including in-cluding Stool and Chillod Plows, Corn Plantors, Garden Drills, Cultivators, etc., etc.; aleo Amos' Portable Engines and Knowlos' Steam Pump. For all desired information call or address, CEO. A. LOWE, Half Block Soulh of Tlioalre. SALT LAKE CITY. JUST OPENED! A Comploto New Stock of Fino French, English and A m DPI AO M flrrl rvi Aimr DIAGONALS, KERSEYS, CHEVIOTS, Thibotsi Worsteds, &c Only Fi8olRS9 Work turned out at my ljlabliahmont. STEOMBERG, N 08 MAIN STKBET. xTpTiaivibert, Manufacturer and Dealer in "15 I FtKSilTUKK NlABN KTC, ' l'ricts lo Suit Hit Times. FlFr,? STnEET7oCDEN a Next door west of Junction Office. JOB VMXIim uy',Z and quickly done at this office. FORWARDING, ETC. UTA.H j Forwarding Company, (Incorporated under the Laws ol tha Tarritory.) Under Coutract with Railroad Companies and Fast Freight Lines. WJB WILL FORWARD GOODS TO ALL points to Utah and Sou thorn Nevada, i The handling, sampling and shipping; of ORK and Bill, Lit UN a spooialty. Rates of FroiKht eivea and guaranteed t( all points Kftst and Wast Cash advanooa .vade on inperUhable artiolos. OFFICE OPPOSITE D. 0. R. E. D3EPOT, SALT LAiJJl CITY. GEO. T. WALLACE, Snpt R. Wabhoox. H. McCokkwdali ; R. TONOCK & C0.f FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Merchancs. i E WILL FORWARD JEKCHAN-W JEKCHAN-W disc and Machinery ol all kinds to any untnt in doutturn Ucah aud Bouihoast-orn Bouihoast-orn Noyadi. Wo will advanoo Rnilroad J tamst r.' frouhl obarices. wiH solooc. nimi'le. furnisb o on ili out w of woight aad asay, and sail uriw and bullion AH. I'KKIMUTS FWIIWaBDED WITH PKOIHTN liSS, oodoavoring lo s&nuro to the cooittn o thi doiivorv of go ids in th shortest ronouablo C lino and ia tho bost poi-slbta poi-slbta oooiiltion Urnin .f all kinds for s .Ie. . Address all CoajuiuDlci.ionj to R. WARNOCK &. CO., 29 ORK. UTAH. JOHN IV. GOODWIN, Counsellor - at - Law, Fodoral Buildings, No. 632 F Stroot, (Room 31,) WASHINGTON, D. C. J'cforoncQ W. H. lioopor. aul4 (established 1854.) A. J. TAYSUM, Plain and Ornamental PLASTERER Caldmininji, Whitewaahiag and Ciilorinf; done. CORNICES ANDCfNTER PIECES A SPECIALTY. Il4St or Hof ironpo i (Ire i, Ord rs ir ft t uiPoo-L tiKKR D00IIS WEST K Ill-Al'lll-; will ioculvo prompt ottoo- Ciif.'rv or.lnrs snMctnl all H. J. EICHAEDS. Suryeonand Physician. "IHc tho Drns Store of II J. Kii'lmrdu A On., lil Eiirtt T,to)1o atro''. !-17 I.E-i.!E'S MONTHLIES, when hound, mttko a nent litllo volunio. Tho IJkkaU) Uiudory does work iu vory Htylo and at roasouable ratoa. 11 Kearny Slreel, Sau Francisco, LADIES AND CEH1T1 cu SB,':'-S;?1, COIWE AND BEUOi cm. .U 1.1 ,1,,, Uic J ?' ; Uei :i, ; olonau cull im (ali.f1 !.,c'c -li ' 'uroi'.'.. hol,l,l,j.; J0"'. 1:;,; olloaiDi o oojo. " Utiiil; YOUNC MEN Who maj bo suQonnB lrn. !l joatht'ul follios or iai.S ,bl r -to .villi thorn.";,', S,hJ T' ".i: over laid ai iho allure! ,un..,irMlE,:t J m cat. of ? .nd fail, to our.. 11, J," J , ootioe. Hal you aro tro.dl", "IV'ci .round uon lou lontor doliv i! .iV"''"' proi.ur rimooy for your ooVfi "'' 'ho Or,! 1,, api'iooohiot iho lan. If , ,":''' utioa tho last, and aro Bull.,,. :,:! of it. ill olloct,, ilhSZfS i; urooraatiuatit lh iloj. ml tho mo.t ,k,llfi h,ciM "';. hi"""1 ," doctor lailod ol.ucoai M.ft' (" worn nimn your unuiniti0n I 0 u on oi ih. bM.jci.asva1 bofor. your o. , boyood l!i r.t :c oai .kill or bofor. nliM aiiromMuromre, u aurtiJtu MIDDLE-ACE0 MEN uon of tho bladder, often LJ It .light smartiQg or ffCS? i'.1 vatiflotcaononwu, ffl'D" 1 0 ten bo I ,d, sod i0I0im IZZmM. of albumon ni itmu or thi I , thin and i imt t&1 .dark" and ior.,ul .STrV many men who dlo of un, in j,t 01 tho cause wbioh u tht sWd tu. seminal woaknws. hr, B. will im-perlect im-perlect euro in all mch asw, and i. reitoration oi tht (oniio-urinarr ornu All louors orot-miEtmicMicni fldontial. Alodioioei, pioRcil so ai B07t tsoitocurlpsiiy.Bont bj tiprut, u Ul icnption of criao ij uvea. Uiiioe Honrs-lUto4 udB to! n-.,.,. from 10 to ll a. m. ConsalutioD Fttt.lis" ough oxaminaiioD and aducs, 15. Call or address DR. A. B-SPIXMy Wo. 11 Kearney Blreot, tiitn friDcaa. JOSLEN & PARH 95 MAIN STREET, Call spcci& attenttoQ to ttto fact tki pticoa ot ffatcks, Jfiielt ii Silra Are greatly leduJ, Wc are constantly aiding to email n every department You arr.inyitod tOttimicot'ispfJca aud quality. Finn Wntch nrrl .T.Ww.tTtirirti specialty. itJi MANHOOD RESTORED, DR. 8TEINKART S ESSENCE OF LIF IsaPowcrfal and itSciantCu:; Nervous And Physical Debility, E? torhea, Seioual Weakness, Preiuai Doclise and Exhausted ViULi, THE ESSENCE OF UH Is ploiiant to take and fa froitiU lous drops: it (tiro0 tone lo tho DuaL'U fans and iLrtogth to tho H tiros. THE ESSENCE OF LI'E Will stand th search of sci6DtiEtr" and ia rocommecded by tht itiostsil' iioi&us. THE ESSENCE OF Lift Ib a pure, norvoai nonrisAtee rmtQ :i tnTti tn (he ncrrotu SDJ ma'caii. system and puriiej ud ibm Ma bloo. THE ESSENCE Of UFE Is rooommondtd V? Norrooa WeaiDett, do mitwt trea oauso or ol how Ions suvwat ! THE ESSENCE OF U Also enrol l'Braljii..boH disoa-oi, whether of mil or to" ' dobilitalini ob wader- THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Will ronorato and iwrlfrthi pSjJ by Miasmatic or other m' Biotfiheson tho Skio. hriitioo-;'' 'y. and tho akin smooth. Prioo 13 r Bottle, or to grt quantity for JlA Sont to nr "'.j euro irom observation ui on or C. O. D-. and to be had onU !K. STKISH l111 426 Keamv sir SAN FRAHCM Whoro 11 Lottors should be "i".,. OOiro hour, Horn " til: ' 8 o'clook ovoniQKt- SudOW. ' o'clock. , , . i..... t'orultatioa and AdncobT t-- PLUN1BER8, ETC. DAVID JAMESi LICENSED. PLUMBER, Tli'iH ,Ga3 and Steam Fitter. Roliccllully annouacn t"''1!;; ourctl tho Agency ' W. II. Warner'i Lo , STEAM WARMINBAPMP Manuracluicd under S. J.,u!t Also GOLD'S EOT AIR fj Pir.-ons wishing to w1'"1 v Pulillo Iliiil.lintS !"'" or J,i: -t. ,-..., I,yci:li..r M",'"'- lin.l il lo Ui' ir i. lons.- ' with mon 11:,. til.."e'- , f.vC- A full lii.o of 1'ium.-; Horn...)-', I'M- " d lL" on iianu. OFFICE AKI TOFKSil- West Teropl ''ee" o,,r,.iio n.. t-jx A FHVSIOLOGtCAL , View aig tSSS15''-'''-' |